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2023-03-04 02:45:20 +00:00
#include <types.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <quickdraw.h> #include <qdaux.h> #include <window.h> #include <memory.h> #define dtItemListLength 12 #include <event.h> #include <dialog.h> #include <control.h> #include <lineedit.h> #include <string.h> #include <prodos.h> #include "sp.h" #include "bl.h" #include "spdef.h" #include "driver.h" #define max(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y)) #define IgnoreI 3 #define SuggestI 2 #define ReplaceI 1 #define DoneI 4 #define AddI 11 #define disableButt 255 #define enableButt 0 extern unsigned _SPID; static pascal unsigned myfilter(); static pascal void drawWord(); static pascal void selProc(); static char ignoreStr[] = "\pIgnore"; static ItemTemplate ignoreButt = { IgnoreI, {68, 24, 80, 134}, buttonItem, ignoreStr, 0, 0, 0L }; static char suggestStr[] = "\pSuggest"; static ItemTemplate suggestButt = { SuggestI, {68, 154, 80, 264}, buttonItem, suggestStr, 0, 0, 0L }; static char replaceStr[] = "\pReplace"; static ItemTemplate replaceButt = { ReplaceI, {68, 284, 80, 394}, buttonItem, replaceStr, 0, 0, 0L }; static char cancelStr[] = "\pDone"; static ItemTemplate cancelButt = { DoneI, {68, 414, 80, 524}, buttonItem, cancelStr, 0, 0, 0L }; static char addStr[] = "\pAdd to Dictionary"; static ItemTemplate addButt = { AddI, {50, 284, 62, 524}, buttonItem, addStr, 0, 0, 0L }; static char wordStr[40]; static ItemTemplate wordLine = { 5, {8, 289, 18, 523}, statText + itemDisable, wordStr, 0, 0, 0L }; char *sperrs[] = { "", "Spelling", "Punctuation", "", "Capitalization", "", "", "", "Hyphenation"}; static char errStr[40]; static ItemTemplate errLine = { 6, {22, 289, 32, 523}, statText + itemDisable, errStr, 0, 0, 0L }; static char replStr[] = "\pReplace with:"; static ItemTemplate replLine = { 7, {36, 289, 46, 389}, statText + itemDisable, replStr, 0, 0, 0L }; static ItemTemplate replText = { 8, {34, 395, 47, 524}, editLine + itemDisable, NULL, 32, 0, 0L }; static ListRec theList = { 0L, {7, 22, 59, 238}, /* Box Rect */ {7, 236, 59, 262}, /* ScrollBar Rect */ 0, 10, /* Height of 10 (for Shaston) */ 1, /* Dbl-Click -> Replace button */ drawWord, /* Draw Proc */ selProc, /* Select Proc */ 0L /* No changed proc */ /* reserved array is zeroed too. */ }; static DialogTemplate myDlg = { {50, 44, 125, 594}, 1, 0L, {&ignoreButt, &suggestButt, &replaceButt, &cancelButt, &wordLine, &errLine, &replLine, &replText, &addButt, NULL} }; char *SPDidnt = "\pCouldn't add word.\rUser dictionary may be corrupt."; static GrafPortPtr dlgPort; static char **wlist; static char **ignorelist; static int isopen = 0; extern char *WcurDoc; static unsigned buttonState=0; pascal int SPDlg(top, word, err, cor, upd, refnum) unsigned top; /* Top of dlg in global coords */ char *word; /* Misspelled word */ int err; /* Error spcheck returned */ char *cor; /* Where to put replacement */ void (*upd)(); /* Routine to update what is exposed when dialog moves; NULL if none. */ int refnum; /* User dict to add to */ { unsigned x, retval, done = 0; Point tmpPt; GrafPortPtr tmpPort; setbank; strcpy(wordStr, "Word: "); p2cstr(word); strcat(wordStr, word); c2pstr(word); c2pstr(wordStr); strcpy(errStr, "Error: "); strcat(errStr, sperrs[err]); c2pstr(errStr); if (err > 1) wlist = SPSuggest(NULL, 1); if (!isopen) { myDlg.dtBoundsRect.v2 = (myDlg.dtBoundsRect.v1 = top) + 85; dlgPort = GetNewModalDialog(&myDlg); theList.Dialog = dlgPort; theList.ListSize = (err > 1 ? 1 : 0); D_BLMAKELIST(&theList); isopen = 1; } else { Rect tmpRect; if (ignorelist) { char *list; HLock(ignorelist); for (list = *ignorelist;*list;) { unsigned size; size = *list; /* same length? equivalent for that length? */ if (size == *word && !strncmp(list+1,word+1,size)) { /* then we ignore it, because it's the same word */ HUnlock(ignorelist); ret