* * AppleSqueezer - Equates * * (c) 2023, Niek Van Suchtelen * (c) 2023, Brutal Deluxe Software * *----------------------------------- * APPLESQUEEZER EQUATES *----------------------------------- * data * bit 0: 1 if Acceralation is enabled * bit 1: 1 if Built-RAM is enabled * bit 2: 1 if Extra RAM is enabled * bit 3-7: values unknown FL_WRITE = $e20000 FL_READ_REQUEST = $e20002 FL_READ = $e20004 FL_CS = $e20006 FL_READY = $e20008 FL_IDLE = $e2000a FL_VERSION = $e2000c CMD_WRITE_ENABLE = $06 CMD_WRITE_DISABLE = $04 CMD_PAGE_PROGRAM = $02 CMD_SECTOR_ERASE = $d8 CMD_BULK_ERASE = $c7 CMD_READ_DATA_BYTES = $03 CMD_READ_STATUS_REGISTER = $05 exdram_address_set_main_bank = $e30000 ; 00..0E exdram_address_set_addr_low = $e30002 ; 00/00xx exdram_address_set_addr_high = $e30004 ; 00/xx00 exdram_address_set_addr_bank = $e30006 ; xx/0000 exdram_address_access = $e30008 ; R/W auto-increment to end of main bank SD_ADDRESS_SET_MSB = $e40000 SD_ADDRESS_SET_MSB_1 = $e40002 SD_ADDRESS_SET_MSB_2 = $e40004 SD_ADDRESS_SET_MSB_3 = $e40006 SD_START_READ = $e40008 ; starts reading the sector (if it was idle) SD_ACCESS = $e4000a SD_START_WRITE = $e4000c ; starts writing the sector (if it was idle) SD_CARD_INSERTED = $e40012 ; 0: no card inserted, 1: card inserted STA_NOINIT = 1 ; Drive not initialized STA_NODISK = 2 ; No medium in the drive TRUE = 1 FALSE = 0 minVERSION = 7 ; minimum core version to handle the driver *--- Speed settings * From 233 (3 MHz) to 255 (full speed) * Setting is not preserved AS_SPEED = $e50000 ; just write a speed byte *----------------------------------- * GS/OS EQUATES *----------------------------------- GSOS2 = $E100B0 MOVE_INFO = $01FC70 SET_DISKSW = $01FC90 uncertainBlockCountBit = $8000 diskSwitchedBit = $0001 diskInDriveBit = $0010 diskModifyBit = $0100 devRAMDISK = $000e ; device ID for RAM/ROM disks devHDD = $0013 ; device ID for HDD (generic) dchar = $08 dblockcount = $0a ddeviceid = $34 ddevnumber = $3e *----------------------------------- * GS/OS DIRECT PAGE *----------------------------------- deviceNum = $00 callNum = $02 bufferPtr = $04 statusListPtr = $04 controlListPtr = $04 requestCount = $08 transferCount = $0C blockNum = $10 blockSize = $14 FSTNum = $16 ; * statusCode = $16 ; * controlCode = $16 ; * volumeID = $18 cachePriority = $1A cachePointer = $1C dibPointer = $20