* * Le retour du Dr Genius * * (c) 1983, Loriciels * (c) 2023, Brutal Deluxe Software (Apple II) * mx %00 lst off *----------------------------------- * LES PRIMITIVES 8-BITS EN 16-BITS *----------------------------------- HGR rep #$30 PushWord #0 _ClearScreen sep #$30 rts *----------------------------------- RDKEY rep #$30 ]lp pha PushWord #%00000000_00001010 PushLong #taskREC _GetNextEvent pla beq ]lp sep #$30 rts *----------------------------------- * RECOPIE ACTION A$ *----------------------------------- mx %11 checkACTION lda #newA$ sta dpFROM+1 L953B LDY #0 LDA (dpFROM),Y CMP MO$1 ; premier mot BEQ L9546 JMP L95EF L9546 INY LDA (dpFROM),Y BEQ L9552 CMP MO$2 ; second mot BEQ L9552 JMP L95EF L9552 INY ; on a trouvˇ, on g¸re LDA (dpFROM),Y INY TAX LDA (dpFROM),Y CPX #$41 ; A BEQ L958B CPX #$42 ; B BEQ L9593 CPX #$43 ; C BEQ L95A3 CPX #$44 ; D BEQ L95B3 CPX #$45 ; E BEQ L95BE CPX #$46 ; F BEQ L95C7 CPX #$47 ; G BEQ L95D0 CPX #$48 ; H BEQ L95DB CPX #$49 ; I BEQ L95E7 LDX #0 ; sinon, on recopie until FF L957F LDA (dpFROM),Y STA E$+1,X INY INX CMP #-1 BNE L957F dex ; save len stx E$ rts *-- A - L958B CMP SALLE BNE L95EF JMP L9552 ; on boucle *-- B - L9593 TAX LDA O,X ; les objets CMP #-1 BEQ L9552 CMP SALLE BEQ L9552 JMP L95EF *-- C - L95A3 TAX LDA O,X CMP #-1 BEQ L95EF CMP SALLE BEQ L95EF JMP L9552 *-- D - L95B3 TAX LDA O,X CMP #-1 BEQ L9552 JMP L95EF *-- E - L95BE TAX LDA P,X BNE L9552 JMP L95EF *-- F - L95C7 TAX LDA P,X BEQ L9552 JMP L95EF *-- G - L95D0 TAX LDA C,X CMP #1 BNE L95EF JMP L9552 *-- H - RANDOM L95DB jmp L95EF ; LOGO - Use the QDII RND * STA $7C * LDA $0306 * CMP $7C * BCS L95EF * JMP L9552 *-- I - L95E7 CMP SALLE BEQ L95EF JMP L9552 *--- next L95EF inc dpFROM bne L95F0 inc dpFROM+1 L95F0 lda (dpFROM) ; until the end cmp #-1 bne L95EF inc dpFROM bne L95F1 inc dpFROM+1 L95F1 lda (dpFROM) ; on a parcouru beq L9619 ; le tableau, on sort jmp L953B L9619 sta E$ ; on n'a rien trouvˇ rts *----------------------------------- * AFFICHE UNE IMAGE *----------------------------------- mx %00 showPIC rep #$30 and #$00ff asl tax lda tblIMAGES,x bne L92A5 showPIC99 sep #$30 rts mx %00 L92A5 sta dpFROM L92A6 ldy #0 lda (dpFROM),y and #$ff beq showPIC99 L92A7 CMP #'A' ; A $41 CURSET BNE L92B1 JMP L9319 L92B1 CMP #'B' ; B $42 DRAW X,Y BNE L92B8 JMP L933E L92B8 CMP #'C' ; C $43 DRAW ^X,Y BNE L92BF JMP L9368 L92BF CMP #'D' ; D $44 DRAW X,^Y BNE L92C6 JMP L9398 L92C6 CMP #'E' ; E $45 DRAW ^X,^Y BNE L92CD JMP L93C8 L92CD CMP #'F' ; F $46 MOVE X,Y BNE L92D4 JMP L93FD L92D4 CMP #'G' ; G $47 MOVE ^X,Y BNE L92DB JMP L9402 L92DB CMP #'H' ; H $48 MOVE X,^Y BNE L92E2 JMP L9407 L92E2 CMP #'I' ; I $49 MOVE ^X,^Y BNE L92E9 JMP L940C L92E9 CMP #'J' ; J $4A INK BNE L92F0 JMP L9411 L92F0 CMP #'K' ; K $4B PAPER BNE L92F7 JMP L9426 L92F7 CMP #'L' ; L $4C FILL BNE L92FE JMP L943B L92FE CMP #'M' ; M $4D MESSAGE BNE L9305 JMP L9462 L9305 CMP #'N' ; N $4E CIRCLE BNE L930C JMP L94BC L930C CMP #'O' ; O $4F OUTPUT BNE L9313 JMP L94D8 L9313 brk $bd *--- A $41 CURSET L9319 iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff pha sta curX iny lda (dpFROM),y ; Y and #$ff pha sta curY _MoveTo jmp skip2 *--- B $42 DRAW X,Y L933E lda #$01 L9340 sta theFB iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff sta theX iny lda (dpFROM),y ; Y and #$ff sta theY jsr DRAW jmp skip2 *--- C $43 DRAW ^X,Y L9368 lda #$01 L936A sta theFB iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff eor #-1 inc sta theX iny lda (dpFROM),y ; Y and #$ff sta theY jsr DRAW jmp skip2 *--- D $44 DRAW X,^Y L9398 lda #$01 L939A sta theFB iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff sta theX iny lda (dpFROM),y ; Y and #$ff eor #-1 inc sta theY jsr DRAW jmp skip2 *--- E $45 DRAW ^X,^Y L93C8 lda #$01 L93CA sta theFB iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff eor #-1 inc sta theX iny lda (dpFROM),y ; Y and #$ff eor #-1 inc sta theY jsr DRAW jmp skip2 *--- F $46 DRAW X,Y,3 = CURMOV L93FD lda #$03 jmp L9340 *--- G $47 DRAW ^X,Y,3 = CURMOV L9402 lda #$03 jmp L936A *--- H $48 DRAW X,^Y,3 = CURMOV L9407 lda #$03 jmp L939A *--- I $49 DRAW ^X,^Y,3 = CURMOV L940C lda #$03 jmp L93CA *--- J $4A INK L9411 iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff sta theINK jsr INK jmp skip1 *--- K $4B PAPER L9426 iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff sta thePAPER jsr PAPER jmp skip1 *--- L $4C FILL L943B iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff clc lda curX sta fillX iny lda (dpFROM),y ; Y and #$ff clc lda curY sta fillY iny lda (dpFROM),y ; fill color and #$ff sta fillCOLOR jsr FILL jmp skip3 *--- M $4D CHAR_ALT L9462 iny lda (dpFROM),y ; X and #$ff pha iny lda (dpFROM),y ; Y and #$ff clc adc #8 ; QDII: Y est le bas du texte, pas le haut pha _MoveTo PushWord #0 _GetTextMode PushWord #modeForeCopy _SetTextMode ldy #3 ]lp lda (dpFROM),y and #$ff beq L94B9 phy pha _DrawChar ply iny bne ]lp L94B9 tya clc adc dpFROM sta dpFROM _SetTextMode jmp skip0 *--- N $4E CIRCLE L94BC iny lda (dpFROM),y ; radius and #$ff sta theRADIUS jsr CIRCLE jmp skip1 *--- O $4F OUT L94D8 iny lda (dpFROM),y and #$ff sep #$30 rts mx %00 *--- Next one, please... skip3 inc dpFROM skip2 inc dpFROM skip1 inc dpFROM skip0 inc dpFROM jmp L92A6 *----------------------------------- * IIGS PRIMITIVES *----------------------------------- * FG info * 0: points are plotted in the background color * 1: points are plotted in the foreground color * 2: points are inverted (NOT) * 3: points are not drawn but cursor is updated * Color info * 0: black * 1: red * 2: green * 3: yellow * 4: blue * 5: magenta * 6: cyan * 7: white *----------------------------------- DRAW lda theFB cmp #3 ; only move beq DRAW9 tax lda o2gsFB,x and #$ff pha _SetPenMode PushWord theX ; On trace une ligne PushWord theY _Line PushLong #curY _GetPen rts DRAW9 PushWord theX ; On dˇplace le curseur seulement PushWord theY _Move PushLong #curY _GetPen rts *----------------------------------- INK ldx theINK lda o2gsCOLOR,x and #$ff sta iigsINK PushWord #0 PushWord #15 asl tax lda palette320,x pha _SetColorEntry * PushWord #^blackPATTERN * asl * asl * asl * asl * asl * clc * adc #blackPATTERN * pha * _SetPenPat rts *----------------------------------- PAPER ldx thePAPER lda o2gsCOLOR,x and #$ff sta iigsPAPER PushWord #0 PushWord #0 asl tax lda palette320,x pha _SetColorEntry ldal $c034 inc stal $c034 rts *----------------------------------- resMode = %0001_0000000000_10 FILL ldx fillCOLOR ; sets the pattern to use lda o2gsCOLOR,x and #$ff asl asl asl asl asl clc adc #blackPATTERN sta patternPtr PushLong #srcLocInfoPtr PushLong #srcRect PushLong #srcLocInfoPtr PushLong #srcRect PushWord fillX PushWord fillY PushWord #resMode PushLong patternPtr PushLong #leakTblPtr _SeedFill rts *----------------------------------- CIRCLE lda curX sec sbc theRADIUS bpl CIRCLE1 lda #0 CIRCLE1 sta circleRECT+2 lda curX clc adc theRADIUS cmp #maxX bcc CIRCLE2 lda #maxX-1 CIRCLE2 sta circleRECT+6 lda curY sec sbc theRADIUS bpl CIRCLE3 lda #0 CIRCLE3 sta circleRECT lda curY clc adc theRADIUS cmp #maxY bcc CIRCLE4 lda #maxY-1 CIRCLE4 sta circleRECT+4 PushLong #circleRECT _FrameOval rts *----------------------------------- * DONNEES *----------------------------------- o2gsCOLOR dfb 0,7,10,9,4,12,11,15 o2gsFB dfb 0,0,2,0 curY ds 2 ; cursor position curX ds 2 *----------- IIgs values iigsINK ds 2 ; translated IIgs data iigsPAPER ds 2 iigsFB ds 2 *----------- ORIC values theINK ds 2 ; original Oric data thePAPER ds 2 theFB ds 2 theX ds 2 theY ds 2 *----------- FILL fillX ds 2 fillY ds 2 fillCOLOR ds 2 srcLocInfoPtr dw mode320 ; mode 320 adrl ptr012000 dw 160 dw 0,0,199,239 srcRect dw 0,0,179,239 patternPtr adrl blackPATTERN ; pointer to pattern leakTblPtr dw 1 dw $0000 ; color 0 is concerned *----------- CIRCLE theRADIUS ds 2 circleRECT ds 2 ; Y0 ds 2 ; X0 ds 2 ; Y1 ds 2 ; X1