Bill palmer Instructions for use LAUNCHING THE GAME Double click on the Bill icon to view the title page and hear the great introductory music, or on the Palmer icon to play. PROTECTION Well, there is none in the Apple IIgs version. THE GAME There is only one floppy disk, so the game can begin. You control all of Bill Palmer's actions with the mouse. MOVES When possible, the four arrows allow Bill to move forward, backward, left and right respectively. SPECIAL ACTIONS The three icons hand, eye and mouth represent elementary actions. For example to look at a character, click on the eye so that it is reversed then on the part of the image where this character is located. The program may give you a lesson or an indication. To open a door, click on the hand then on this door, etc. ITEMS Under the image will be placed objects that Bill can take with him. An object represented on a white background is present near Bill, an object represented on a black background is in Bill's bag. To pick up and drop an item, simply click on it making sure that no eye, hand, or mouth icon is lit. If it did, click on it again to turn it off. To look at an object in detail, click on the eye and then on this object. The program will give you a hint about it. To use an object, click on the hand and then on this object. You may only view or use items that Bill is actually wearing. SAVING AND READING GAME STATUS The floppy disk symbols save and re-read the state of the game on the floppy disk and allow you to resume a game where you left off. VARIOUS Not all actions can be predicted. This is why it will happen that the program does not give any details following, for example, a request to use an object. It just means that there is nothing special about the use of this item. KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS We have integrated keyboard shortcuts in the Apple IIgs version: - open-apple-? to display the copyright, - open-apple-D to restart a game, - open-apple-L to load a game, - open-apple-S to save a game, - apple-open-Z to start or stop the music (because in the Apple IIgs version, we hear the nice music Adventure Time - I'm just your problem retrieved from, - H, E and M to activate the Hand, the Eye or the Mouth, - direction arrows to facilitate movement, and that's probably all ... HAVE FUN ! ! THANKS We thank Fran¨ois Coulon who accepted that we carry Bill Palmer on Apple IIgs. We also thank Hugo Labrande who put us in touch with Fran¨ois Coulon. DISCLAIMER A game by Fran¨ois Coulon, drawings by Dominique Petter. Apple IIgs version by Brutal Deluxe Software: Antoine Vignau & Olivier Zardini For more information :