* * Le manoir du Dr Genius * mx %11 org $1800 lst off *----------------------------------- GOSUBTKN = $b0 ; the GOSUB token WNDLFT = $20 ; left edge of text window WNDWDTH = $21 ; width of text window WNDTOP = $22 ; top of text window WNDBTM = $23 ; bottom+1 of text window CH = $24 ; cursor horizontal position CV = $25 ; cursor vertical position LINNUM = $50 ; result from GETADR CURLIN = $75 ; current line number DATPTR = $7d ; DATA statement pointer FORPNT = $85 ; temp pointer LOWTR = $9b ; FNDLIN puts link ptr here CHRGET = $b1 ; get next program token TXTPTR = $b8 ; current token address X0L = $e0 ; X-coord X0H = $e1 Y0 = $e2 ; Y-coord HPAG = $e6 AMPERV = $3f5 MIXCLR = $c052 ; clears 4 lines of text GETSTK = $d3d6 ; check stack space FNDLIN = $d61a ; find line in memory NEWSTT = $d7d2 ; execute statements GOTO = $d93e ; go to new line number FRMNUM = $dd67 ; Evaluate a numeric expression CHKCOM = $debe ; syntax error if no comma SYNERR = $dec9 ; syntax error GETADR = $e752 ; convert num to 2-byte int HGR = $f3e2 ; HGR HPLOT = $f457 ; HPLOT HCOLOR = $f6e9 ; HCOLOR= (call+3) HILIN = $f53a ; HPLOT TO HOME = $fc58 ; HOME routine WAIT = $fca8 ; WAIT routine *----------------------------------- * Useful info @ https://llx.com/Neil/a2/as.addons.html * Les routines & qu'on fait : * CURMOV M * CURSET S * INK I * PAPER P * HIRES H * WAIT W * DRAW D * RESTORE R to a line number * GOSUB G to an expression * GOTO T to an expression * * On ne fait pas : * CIRCLE C * EXPLODE E * * On des/installe par CALL 6144 *----------------------------------- myENTRY lda #0 bne doUNINSTALL inc myENTRY+1 ; on dit qu'on installe lda AMPERV ; on sauve sta myPTR lda AMPERV+1 sta myPTR+1 lda AMPERV+2 sta myPTR+2 lda #$4c ; on installe le vecteur sta AMPERV lda #myVECTOR sta AMPERV+2 rts doUNINSTALL dec myENTRY+1 lda myPTR sta AMPERV lda myPTR+1 sta AMPERV+1 lda myPTR+2 sta AMPERV+2 rts myPTR ds 3 ; 4C xx yy *----------------------------------- myVECTOR ldx #myADRS-myCMDS-1 ]lp cmp myCMDS,x beq doVECTOR dex bpl ]lp jmp SYNERR doVECTOR txa asl tax lda myADRS+1,x pha lda myADRS,x pha rts myCMDS asc 'SMDCIPHWERGT' myADRS da doS-1 da doM-1 da doD-1 da doC-1 da doI-1 da doP-1 da doH-1 da doW-1 da doE-1 da doR-1 da doG-1 da doT-1 *----------------------------------- Data theX dw 140 ; milieu de l'ˇcran par dˇfaut theY ds 96 theX2 ds 2 theY2 ds 2 theRADIUS ds 1 theFB ds 1 theINK ds 1 thePAPER ds 1 * APPLE ORIC * 0 black1 black * 1 green red * 2 blue green * 3 white1 yellow * 4 black2 blue * 5 - magenta * 6 - cyan * 7 white2 white oric2hgr hex 0705010602030400 *----------------------------------- CURSET x,y,fb doS jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta theX lda LINNUM+1 sta theX+1 ; new X-coord jsr CHKCOM ; check for comma jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta theY lda LINNUM+1 sta theY+1 ; new Y-coord jsr CHKCOM ; check for comma jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta theFB rts *----------------------------------- CURMOV x,y,fb doM jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM clc adc theX sta theX lda LINNUM+1 adc theX+1 sta theX+1 ; new X-coord jsr CHKCOM ; check for comma jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM clc adc theY sta theY lda LINNUM+1 adc theY+1 sta theY+1 ; new Y-coord jsr CHKCOM ; check for comma jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta theFB rts *----------------------------------- DRAW x,y,fb doD jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM clc adc theX sta theX2 lda LINNUM+1 adc theX+1 sta theX2+1 ; new X-coord jsr CHKCOM ; check for comma jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM clc adc theY sta theY2 lda LINNUM+1 adc theY sta theY2+1 ; new Y-coord jsr CHKCOM ; check for comma jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta theFB *---------- It is now time to draw as we have all variables ldy theINK ; the ink color ldx oric2hgr,y ; from the Oric to the Apple II jsr HCOLOR+3 ; to skip CHRGET ldx theX ; HPLOT x,y ldy theX+1 lda theY jsr HPLOT lda theX2 ; TO x2,Y2 ldx theX2+1 ldy theY2 jsr HILIN ; draw the line lda X0L ; save the updated coords sta theX lda X0H sta theX+1 lda Y0 sta theY rts *----------------------------------- CIRCLE n,fb doC jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta theRADIUS ; the radius jsr CHKCOM ; check for comma jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta theFB ; the foreground color rts *----------------------------------- INK fb doI jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta theINK rts *----------------------------------- PAPER fb doP jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int lda LINNUM sta thePAPER rts *----------------------------------- HIRES doH jsr CHRGET ; get next token lda #0 sta WNDLFT lda #40 sta WNDWDTH lda #20 sta WNDTOP lda #24 sta WNDBTM jsr HOME jsr HGR sta MIXCLR rts *----------------------------------- WAIT x doW jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int ldx LINNUM+1 doW1 ldy LINNUM ]lp lda #60 ; 1/100¸me de seconde jsr WAIT dey bne ]lp dex bpl doW1 rts *----------------------------------- EXPLODE doE jsr CHRGET rts *----------------------------------- RESTORE address doR jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; eval expression jsr GETADR ; convert to int jsr FNDLIN ; find chosen line no. ldy LOWTR+1 ; point DATPTR at byte before it ldx LOWTR bne dx dey dx dex sty DATPTR+1 stx DATPTR rts *----------------------------------- GOSUB expression doG lda #3 ; make sure there's enough stack jsr GETSTK lda TXTPTR+1 ; push marker for RETURN pha lda TXTPTR pha lda CURLIN+1 pha lda CURLIN pha lda #GOSUBTKN pha jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; parse numeric expr jsr GETADR ; convert it to int jsr GOTO+3 ; point at chosen statement jmp NEWSTT ; start running it *----------------------------------- GOTO expression doT jsr CHRGET ; get next token jsr FRMNUM ; parse numeric expr jsr GETADR ; convert it to int jmp GOTO+3 ; point at chosen statement *--- End of code asc "(c) 2023, Antoine Vignau & Olivier Zardini"