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synced 2025-01-28 22:33:14 +00:00
177 lines
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177 lines
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* Pac-Man
* (c) 1983, Atari
* (s) 2024, Antoine Vignau
sprEMPTY = 0 ; three tile possibilities
sprDOT = 1
sprENERGY = 2
gINKY = 1
gPINKY = 2
gCLYDE = 4
dirDOWN = 0
dirUP = 1
dirRIGHT = 2
dirLEFT = 3
score1600 = 0
score200 = 2
score400 = 4
score800 = 8
NBDOTS = 248 ; 244 normal dots & 4 energizer dots
L0300 = $0300 ; buffer area to save scores
GHOST1MOVE = $0800 ; buffer area for ghosts moves
L0800 = $0800 ; $0800..$0BFF
L0C00 = $0C00 ; board buffers per player ($380 bytes)
L1000 = $1000 ; P2
L1380 = $1380 ; P3
L1700 = $1700 ; P4
L1A80 = $1A80 ; P5
TEXT = $0400
TEXT2 = $0800
HGR = $2000
HGR2 = $4000
HGR3 = $6000 ; does not exist but marks the area past HGR2
CH = $24 ; firmware X-pos
CV = $25 ; firmware Y-pos
highSCORE = $00 ; (3 bytes) high score
zpXBIT = $03 ; X from X-coord to X-bit offset
zpXCOL = $04 ; Y from X-coord to X-col in screen
deciSCORE = $05 ; (3 bytes) the decimal score
zpTEMP1 = $08
zpTEMP2 = $09
zpTEMP3 = $0a
zpTEMP4 = $0b
zpX1 = $0c ; (word) start X
zpX2 = $0e ; (word) end X
zpY1 = $10 ; (byte) start Y
zpY2 = $11 ; (byte) end Y
zpHGR = $12 ; (word) pointer to HGR world
zpPTR1 = $14 ; (word) 1st pointer
zpPTR2 = $16 ; (word) 2nd pointer
ptrMOVE = zpPTR2 ; (word) pointer to the list of authorized moves
sprHEIGHT = $18 ; (byte) sprite height in lines
sprWIDTH = $1a ; (byte) sprite width in bytes
zpPTR3 = $1b ; (word) pointer to board moves
fgCOLOR = $1d ; 0: b&w, 1: color
hgrBIT7 = $1e ; (byte) defines which palette to use ($00 or $80)
zp1F = $1f ; (byte) $1f is no more used, see $8B7E
* $20 to $4F are not used
curPLAYER = $50 ; (byte) current player index
nbPLAYERS = $51 ; (byte) number of players (1..5)
curSCORE = $52 ; 0 (3 bytes) score
theRANK = $55 ; 3 (byte) rank number (ie. the level)
nbDOTS = $56 ; 4 (byte) number of dots on the board (248 by default)
fruitFREQ = $57 ; 5 (byte) appearance frequency of a fruits
nbLIVES = $58 ; 6 (byte) number of lives (bit 7 is set)
frameCNT = $59 ; 7 (byte) frame counter
fruitCNT = $5a ; (word) fruit display counter
ptrFRUIT = $5c ; (word) pointer to the fruit sprite
dotTEMPO = $5e ; (byte) tempo for energizer dot blinking
fgDOTS = $5f ; (byte) 0: show dots, 1: hide dots
* Within board, X/Y coords of Pacman are:
* UL 41/0B
* UR D7/0B
* LL 41/B3
* LR D7/B3
pacmanDATA = $60 ; (struct) structure of 8 bytes
pacmanX = $60 ; (byte) Pacman X
pacmanY = $61 ; (byte) Pacman Y
pacmanDIR = $62 ; (byte) Pacman direction (see above)
theDIR = $63 ; (byte) next Pacman direction (given by input device)
pacmanBOARD = $64 ; (byte) current index in boardMOVES where Pacman is
pacmanNEXTBOARD = $65 ; (byte) next index in the same table, $FF if move is invalid
pacmanSTEP = $66 ; (byte) Pacman sprite index (that makes the animation step)
zp67 = $67 ; (byte) $67 is no more used, see $8B7E
bonusINDEX = $68 ; (byte) 2/4/8/16 for bonus 200/400/800/1600
pacmanINTUNNEL = $69 ; (byte) 0: Pacman not in tunnel, 1: Pacman in tunnel
boardY = $6a ; (byte) y-coord in board
boardX = $6b ; (byte) x-coord in board
ghostDATA = $70 ; (struct) structure of 8/20 bytes for the current ghost
ghostX = $70 ; 0 (byte) ghost X
ghostY = $71 ; 1 (byte) ghost Y
ghostDIR = $72 ; 2 (byte) ghost direction (see above)
ghostBOARD = $73 ; 3 (byte) current index in boardMOVES where the ghost is
ghostNEXTBOARD = $74 ; 4 (byte) next index in the same table, $FF if move is invalid
ghostMOVE = $75 ; 5 (word) pointer to the ghost move board of 256 bytes
ghostMOVEINDEX = $77 ; 7 (byte) index within that board
ghostFRIGHTENED = $78 ; 8 (byte) 0: ghost is not frightened, 1: ghost is frightened
ghostISDEAD = $79 ; 9 (byte) 0: ghost is alive, dead otherwise
* = 7a ; 10 (byte)
* = 7b ; 11 (byte)
* = 7c ; 12 (byte)
* = 7d ; 13 (byte)
* = 7e ; 14 (byte)
* = 7f ; 15 (byte)
ghostTEMPO = 80 ; 16 (byte) tempo to refresh a ghost (aka ghost speed)
* 81 ; 17 (byte) ghost is dead flag
* = 82 ; 18 (byte)
* = 83 ; 19 (byte)
idxGHOST_X = 0
idxGHOST_Y = 1
idxGHOST_DIR = 2
* Each ghost data is: 84 / 98 / AC / C0
ghost1DATA = $84
ghost1X = ghost1DATA
ghost1Y = ghost1DATA+1
ghost1DIR = ghost1DATA+2
ghost1CASE = ghost1DATA+3
ghost1NEXTCASE = ghost1DATA+4
ghost1FRIGHTENED = ghost1DATA+8
ghost1DEAD = ghost1DATA+9
ghost2DATA = $98
ghost2X = ghost2DATA
ghost2Y = ghost2DATA+1
ghost2FRIGHTENED = ghost2DATA+8
ghost2DEAD = ghost2DATA+9
ghost3DATA = $ac
ghost3X = ghost3DATA
ghost3Y = ghost3DATA+1
ghost3FRIGHTENED = ghost3DATA+8
ghost3DEAD = ghost3DATA+9
ghost4DATA = $c0
ghost4X = ghost4DATA
ghost4Y = ghost4DATA+1
ghost4FRIGHTENED = ghost4DATA+8
ghost4DEAD = ghost4DATA+9
ghostINDEX = $e0 ; (byte) 1: Inky, 2: Pinky, 3: Blinky, 4: Clyde
fgFRUIT = $e7 ; (byte) 0: fruit counter not activated, 1: fruit counter activated
fgDEMO = $e8 ; (byte) 0: game, 1: demo
saveVAR = $f1 ; (byte) save variable
* $F2 is not used
zpSPEED = f3 ; (byte) ghosts speed?
fgMUSIC = $f4 ; (byte) 0: music never played, 1: intro music played
theDEVICE = $f5 ; (byte) 0: joypad, 1: joystick