antoine-source/scsi2/SCSI.Drivers/SCSI Filter control
Antoine Vignau d29484938c Our SCSI-2 Audio Driver
What we wrote to make audio hearable on a SCSI-2 CD-ROM drive ;-)
2023-03-08 10:15:14 +01:00

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46 KiB

; SCSI Driver 'Control' filter.
; Written by Matt Gulick. Started August 13,1988
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1988,89
; This file contains the 'Control' filter as defined
; in the ERS.
; Revision History:
; Aug 13, 1988 File started.
IMPORT rpm_blk_num
IMPORT wpm_blk_num
IMPORT stat_cont
IMPORT rebuild
IMPORT read_pm_blk
IMPORT write_pm_blk
IMPORT call_type
IMPORT internal
IMPORT main_drvr
IMPORT f_partition
IMPORT direct_page
IMPORT gsos_dpage
IMPORT internal_buff
IMPORT set_our_dp
IMPORT chk_lnk_offline
IMPORT set_disk_sw
IMPORT leave_switched ; *** MSG 12/12/91 ***
IMPORT disk_switch
IMPORT rebld_dibs
IMPORT unit_state
IMPORT test_unit_rdy
IMPORT trash_volume
IMPORT trash_it
IMPORT ko_cache
IMPORT trans_flag
IMPORT uses_dc
IMPORT dib_data_struct
IMPORT display_cnt
IMPORT current_fmt
IMPORT opt1_blk_cnt
IMPORT opt1_blk_siz
IMPORT opt1_interleave
IMPORT opt1_med_siz
IMPORT opt2_blk_cnt
IMPORT opt2_blk_siz
IMPORT opt2_interleave
IMPORT opt2_med_siz
IMPORT opt3_blk_cnt
IMPORT opt3_blk_siz
IMPORT opt3_interleave
IMPORT opt3_med_siz
IMPORT format_data
IMPORT check_532_rw
IMPORT sense_data
IMPORT t_dvc_blocks
IMPORT un_formatted
ENTRY reset_dvc
ENTRY eject
ENTRY s_config_parms
ENTRY s_wait_mode
ENTRY format_opt
ENTRY assign_part
ENTRY arm_signal
ENTRY disarm_sig
ENTRY set_p_map
ENTRY format_dvc
INCLUDE 'scsihd.equates'
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
; Main Entry point to the 'Control' filter. This
; "Filter" is called when a Control Command comes in.
; See the headers of the seperate sections for the
; details of the commands.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT control
control PROC
; Check to see if this is a set Config call.
; If so, then don't worry yet about ONLINE
lda <cont_code
cmp #$0003
beq @control
; Is the device Removable?
ldy #dib.dvcchar
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #removable
beq @online ;No.
; This device is removable. Now we
; need to check to see if the unit
; has gone offline, (then we need to
; report that to the OS) or if the
; unit has come back online (Rebuild
; the DIBs).
jsr unit_state
beq @online ;**** test Code ****
bit |un_formatted ;**** test Code ****
bpl @sec_out ;**** test Code ****
; bmi @rts_out
; Check to see if this is a Device Specific
; Status call. If so, then don't worry
; about it being Offline
@online lda <cont_code
bmi @control
; Is the device online?
ldy #dib.dvcflag
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #dvc_online
bne @control ;Yes.
; Device is currently offline.
lda #drvr_off_line
@sec_out sec
@rts_out rts
; Zero out the Data Chaining Flag
@control stz |uses_dc
; Clear transfer count.
lda #null
ldy #dib.trx_len
sta [dib_ptr],y
ldy #dib.trx_len+2
sta [dib_ptr],y
; Entry to the Control Call Filter.
; This filter acts as a mini driver.
; It examines the Control Code sent
; and calls the appropriate routines.
; If the Command is $8000 or greater,
; then it will be routed to the device
; specific section.
lda <cont_code
bmi @do_dvc_spec ;Device Specific Code.
; Check the range of the command.
cmp #max_c_cmd+1
bge @error
; Convert to an index
asl a
jsr (@ncmd_tbl,x)
; Normal Command Table.
@ncmd_tbl dc.w reset_dvc ;Coded
dc.w format_dvc ;Coded
dc.w eject ;Coded
dc.w s_config_parms ;Coded Temp
dc.w s_wait_mode ;Coded
dc.w format_opt ;Coded
dc.w assign_part
dc.w arm_signal ;Coded & Tested
dc.w disarm_sig ;Coded & Tested
dc.w set_p_map ;Coded & Tested
; Bad Command Error.
@error lda #drvr_bad_req
; Device Specific Code handling
; starts here.
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
cmp #$F000
blt @do_scsi_cmd
and #$00ff
cmp #max_config_cmd+1
bge @error
; Convert to an index
asl a
jsr (@c_cmd_tbl,x)
; Config Command Table.
@c_cmd_tbl dc.w sdp ;Coded (Set Disk Parms)
dc.w svp ;Coded (Set Volume Parms)
; Check version of data structure
stz @chk_zero ;Precondition the flag to no check
lda [buff_ptr]
beq @version_0
cmp #$0001
bne @error
; Version 1. Preserve the data pointer
; currently used in the DIB and replace
; it with a pointer to the USER supplied
; Data Chaining instructions.
ldy #dib.trx_ptr
lda [dib_ptr],y
sta |dib_data_struct
lda <buff_ptr
adc #ds.DCcode ;Offset to first D.C. Data
sta [dib_ptr],y
ldy #dib.trx_ptr+2
lda [dib_ptr],y
sta |dib_data_struct+2
lda <buff_ptr+2
adc #^ds.DCcode
sta [dib_ptr],y
; Set flag to indicate that D.C. Commands
; were used and that we need to restore
; the pointer in the DIB to the normal
; data descriptor. Also set the flag to
; indicate that we need to check the first
; buffer pointer for Zero.
dec |uses_dc
dec @chk_zero
; Do the rest normally and check the above
; flag later.
@version_0 clc
lda <buff_ptr
adc #$0002
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda <buff_ptr+2
adc #null
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
ldy #$000C
lda [scsi_mdrvr],y
sta <buff_ptr
ldy #$000C+2
lda [scsi_mdrvr],y
sta <buff_ptr+2
; Check First Buffer for $00000000
ora <buff_ptr
bne @DH_Branch
lda @chk_zero
bne @error
; Call Main Driver
@DH_Branch lda #scsit_cont
sta |call_type
jsr |main_drvr
bcs @exit
; Save transfer count.
ldy #dib.trx_len
lda [dib_ptr],y
sta @call_trns_cnt
ldy #dib.trx_len+2
lda [dib_ptr],y
sta @call_trns_cnt+2
; Check to see if we need to handle
; a Disk Switched Event. If not,
; then exit.
lda disk_switch ;= $ffff
bpl @exit
; Don't Trash the Volumes.
jsr set_disk_sw ;DISK_SW for each Linked DIB.
jsr rebld_dibs ;Rebuild DIBs.
lda #null
; Restore Direct Page Values.
@exit pha
; Check the D.C. Flag
lda |uses_dc
beq @set_our_zp
ldy #dib.trx_ptr
lda |dib_data_struct
sta [dib_ptr],y
ldy #dib.trx_ptr+2
lda |dib_data_struct+2
sta [dib_ptr],y
stz |uses_dc ;Reset Flag
@set_our_zp jsr set_our_dp
; Set transfer count.
lda @call_trns_cnt
sta <trans_cnt
lda @call_trns_cnt+2
sta <trans_cnt+2
IF cache_blks = true THEN
; If it is a Data Call and has a timer
; that is adjusted by the block count,
; then this call could cause the cache
; to be in-validated.
lda |trans_flag
and #scsit_data++\ ;Is it a data call
scsic_tout++\ ;with a block count
scsit_cont ;Writing data?
cmp #scsit_data++\
bne @no_write ;No.
jsr ko_cache ;Yes. Kill the blocks.
; Exit.
@no_write plp
; Data Area.
@call_trns_cnt dc.l null ;Transfer count befor we steped on it.
@chk_zero dc.w null ;Check first DCMove Flag.
; This Control Call is used to reset a particular
; device to it's default settings. A Device Driver
; should configure itself based on the contents of the
; drivers configuration parameter list. This call
; should reset any media variables that were modified
; through a Set_Format_Options call.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT reset_dvc
reset_dvc PROC
; Issue a REeZero Unit Call to the device.
; Set Main Driver Pointer to
; our data for the command.
lda #cmd_$8001
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^cmd_$8001
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Call Main Driver
lda #scsit_cont
sta |call_type
jsr |main_drvr
; Update Transfer Count.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
; Exit No Error.
lda #$0000
; Command Data for this call.
cmd_$8001 dc.b $01
dcb.b 11,$00
; The Format call will ensure that the media is
; formatted and ready to receive data. If the DIB
; points to a partition then the Format call will
; return no error while taking no action (If it is
; partitioned, then it must have been formatted or the
; partition map could not have been written. Right?).
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT format_dvc
format_dvc PROC
IF character_dvc = true THEN
; It's a character device and
; the Acc is zero by virtue of
; the missed branch.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
lda #null
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
; If the device is a CD_ROM, then
; it is write protected.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
lda #drvr_wrt_prot
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
; Is the device Write Enabled?
ldy #dib.dvcchar
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #write_allow
beq @write_protect
; Set Format Parm Pointer.
lda #@format_p
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^@format_p
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set our own buffer pointer
; for this call.
lda #format_data
sta <buff_ptr
lda #^format_data
sta <buff_ptr+2
; Set our own request count
; for this call.
stz <rqst_cnt
stz <rqst_cnt+2
; It's a Control Call.
lda #scsit_cont
sta |call_type
; Set Internal Command Flag
dec |internal
; Issue the Call
jsr |main_drvr
@test_loop jsr |test_unit_rdy
bcc @fmt_done
cmp #$FE08
beq @test_loop
cmp #$FE02
bne @test_loop
bra @tape_io_error
@fmt_done plp
; Return an I/O Error
@tape_io_error plp
lda #drvr_io
; Return a Write Protected Error
@write_protect lda #drvr_wrt_prot
; FORMAT Command Packet
@format_p dc.b $04 ;Command Number
dc.b $00 ;Vendor Unique
dc.b $00 ;Reserved
dc.b $00 ;SCSI Interleave (MSB)
@interleave dc.b interleave ;SCSI Interleave (LSB)
dcb.b 6,$00 ;Reserved
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
; It's a block device. But is
; it partitioned? If it has a
; zero start block then there is
; no partition.
stz @error ;Set to No Error.
ldy #dib.start_blk
lda [dib_ptr],y
ldy #dib.start_blk+2
ora [dib_ptr],y
beq @over
; Well, it is a partition. But is it
; the only partition. By this, I mean,
; is it a disk with a partition map
; containing only two entries, one for
; the partition map and the other for
; a single volume?
; First check if this is the first or
; second entry in the Partition Map.
ldy #dib.part_blk
lda [dib_ptr],y
cmp #$0003
bge @do_part_fmt ;Past the second entry. Do as if multi
; Is it linked? Let's see.
ldy #dib.dvcchar
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #linked_dvc
beq @over ;Not linked. Must be only one.
@do_part_fmt jsr trash_volume ;Trash this volume only.
jmp @clean_exit ;Sorry. Not the only volume
; Well there is no getting around
; it. We need to issue a format
; call to this device.
; Setup from last format options call
@over lda |current_fmt
dec a
asl a
asl a
asl a
asl a
ldy #dib.blksize
lda |opt1_blk_siz,x
sta [dib_ptr],y
sta @blk_size+2
lda |opt1_blk_cnt,x
sta |t_dvc_blocks
lda |opt1_blk_cnt+2,x
sta |t_dvc_blocks+2
stz @blk_size
lda opt1_interleave,x
sta @interleave
; Preserve the Current Direct
; Page values stored in the
; buff_ptr and rqst_cnt fields.
pei <buff_ptr
pei <buff_ptr+2
pei <rqst_cnt
pei <rqst_cnt+2
; Set Format Parm Pointer.
lda #@format_p
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^@format_p
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set our own buffer pointer
; for this call.
lda #format_data
sta <buff_ptr
lda #^format_data
sta <buff_ptr+2
; Set our own request count
; for this call.
stz <rqst_cnt
stz <rqst_cnt+2
; It's a Control Call.
lda #scsit_cont
sta |call_type
; Set Internal Command Flag
dec |internal
; Issue the Call
jsr |main_drvr
bcc @rebuild_dib
; Save error code
sta @error
; Rebuild the DIB.
@rebuild_dib jsr rebld_dibs
; Restore the Direct Page Values.
@return_dp pla
sta <rqst_cnt+2
sta <rqst_cnt
sta <buff_ptr+2
sta <buff_ptr
; Restore the Acc result.
@clean_exit jsr set_disk_sw
lda @error
and #$7FFF
cmp #$7E00
bge @io_error
cmp #$0001
; Some kind of I/O Error.
@io_error lda #drvr_io
; Data for this call
@error dc.w null
; MODE SELECT Command Packet
@mode_select dc.b $15 ;Command Number
dc.b $00 ;Vendor Unique
dc.b $00 ;Reserved
dc.b $00 ;Reserved
dc.b $00 ;Resolved by Main Driver
dcb.b 6,$00 ;Reserved
@mode_data dc.b $00 ;Command Number
dc.b $00 ;Reserved
dc.b $00 ;Reserved
dc.b $08 ;Length of extension
dc.b $00 ;Block Count (MSB)
dc.b $00 ;Block Count
dc.b $00 ;Block Count
dc.b $00 ;Block Count (LSB)
@blk_size dc.b $00 ;Block Size (MSB)
dc.b $00 ;Block Size
dc.b $02 ;Block Size
dc.b $00 ;Block Size (LSB)
; FORMAT Command Packet
@format_p dc.b $04 ;Command Number
dc.b $00 ;Vendor Unique
dc.b $00 ;Reserved
dc.b $00 ;SCSI Interleave (MSB)
@interleave dc.b interleave ;SCSI Interleave (LSB)
dcb.b 6,$00 ;Reserved
; Bad Parm Error
@bad_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
; The EJECT command is used to cause the target to
; eject the currently mounted device. This could be a
; CD Device, Tape Drive or Removable hard disk. The
; first thing that we will check is to see if the
; removable bit is set. It not then a DRVR_BAD_CODE
; error will be returned. Otherwise the call will be
; sent to the device. Any error, if any at all, will
; be returned to the caller of this routine.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT eject
eject PROC
IF block_dvc = true\
AND character_dvc = false THEN
; Verify request count. Should be
; zero
lda <rqst_cnt
bne @bad_parm
; Check to see if it's removable. If it
; is then we will only mark it as offline,
; no EJECT will be attempted.
ldy #dib.dvcchar
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #removable
beq @mark_offline ;Carry Clear says do Switch
; Is this device linked to other
; active devices?
jsr chk_lnk_offline
bcs @mark_offline ;Yes. Skip Eject and DISK SWITCH Calls
; Issue the eject call to the device.
; Set internal command flag
dec |internal
; Tell the Main Driver where
; our command structure resides.
;* BD 201811
;* Eject with the standard #$1B
;* If it fails, eject with the non-standard $C0
lda #@eject
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^@eject
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set the Call Type and Issue the
; EJECT Command.
lda #scsit_cont
sta |call_type
jsr |main_drvr
; bcs @rts
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
bcc @ejectOK
lda #@ejectC0 ; If we're here, the eject $1B
sta <scsi_mdrvr ; returned in error
lda #^@ejectC0 ; so, we try the non-standa
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2 ; $C0 command
lda #scsit_cont
sta |call_type
jsr |main_drvr ; and we call the driver again
; Issue DISK_SW Call. This is only done
; when the media is actually EJECTed
; in response to this call.
@ejectOK jsr set_disk_sw
; Mark this DIB as Switched and Hard
; Offline.
lda #dvc_hardofl++\
clc ;Do the Switch Call
bra @mark_offline2
; Mark this DIB as Switched only.
@mark_offline lda #dvc_switch
dec leave_switched
@mark_offline2 ldy #dib.dvcflag
ora [dib_ptr],y
and #dvc_online--\
sta [dib_ptr],y
; Issue DISK_SW Call. This is only done when
; carry is clear which can only happen when
; ejecting non-removable media or when the
; media is actually EJECTed in response to
; this call.
bcs @no_switch
jsr set_disk_sw
; Clean Exit.
@no_switch lda #no_error
; Bad request length.
@bad_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
; Exit.
@rts rts
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
; Command Packet
@eject dc.b $1B
dc.b $01 ;IMMED Bit Set
dcb.b 2,$00 ;Reserved
dc.b $02 ;Normal Unload. See document.
dcb.b 7,$00
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = direct_acc
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
; Command Packet
@eject dc.b $1B
dc.b $00 ;IMMED Bit Set
dcb.b 2,$00 ;Reserved
dc.b $02 ;Normal Unload. See document.
dcb.b 7,$00
@ejectC0 dc.b $C0 ; BD 201811 - renamed
dcb.b 11,$00
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = apple_cd or changer
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
; Command Packet
@eject dc.b $1B
dc.b $01 ;IMMED Bit Set
dcb.b 2,$00 ;Reserved
dc.b $00 ;Normal Unload. See document.
dcb.b 7,$00
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = mcd_40
ENDIF ;block_dvc = true
IF block_dvc = false\
AND character_dvc = true THEN
; If the device is a Character Device,
; then there is nothing to eject.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
lda #null
ENDIF ;character_dvc = true
; This call set the configuration parms for the
; specified device. The parameters are device
; specific. The list is preceded by a word length
; which must be equal to the transmit count. If not
; then a DRVR_BAD_PARM error is returned.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT s_config_parms
s_config_parms PROC
IF block_dvc = true\
AND character_dvc = false THEN
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
; Exit Write Protect Error.
lda #drvr_wrt_prot
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = apple_cd or changer
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
; Exit Bad Call Error.
lda #drvr_bad_code
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = mcd_40
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
; INCLUDE 'SCSI Set Config'
lda #null
sta <trans_cnt
sta <trans_cnt+2
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = direct_acc
ELSE ;block_dvc = False
; Lie for now. Say that we did even
; though we didn't.
lda <rqst_cnt ;*************************
beq @rts ;*************************
; Bad request length.
lda #drvr_bad_parm
; Exit.
@rts rts
ENDIF ;block_dvc = true
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = direct_acc
; This call is used to set the Wait or No Wait state
; for a character device. If in wait mode the device
; will wait until request count bytes have been read
; before returning to the caller. Block devices will
; return no error for this call.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; [buff_ptr] = Wait flag
; $0000 = Wait Mode
; $8000 = No Wait Mode
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT s_wait_mode
s_wait_mode PROC
; Check the parameters list.
; Should contain a WORD
lda <rqst_cnt
cmp #$0002
bne @bad_parm
; Is it a block device?
ldy #dib.dvcchar
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #blk_device
bne @clean_exit
; It's a character device. Do we
; set or clear the wait bit?
@char_dvc lda [buff_ptr]
beq @set_wait ;Set the Wait Mode
cmp #$8000
bne @bad_parm
; Clear the Wait mode to No Wait.
ldy #dib.dvcflag
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #wait_mode--\ ;Generate a mask for this bit
; Save it and exit.
bra @set_state
; Set Wait Mode
@set_wait ldy #dib.dvcflag
lda [dib_ptr],y
ora #wait_mode
; Save New Mode
@set_state sta [dib_ptr],y
lda #$0002
sta <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
; Clean Exit
@clean_exit lda #null ;Clear the Acc.
; Bad Parm Error
@bad_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
; The set format options call is not supported by this
; driver. No error is returned unless they send a
; transfer length > 0000.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT format_opt
format_opt PROC
IF block_dvc = true\
AND character_dvc = false THEN
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
; If the device is a CD_ROM, then there
; are no format options.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
lda #bad_dev_number
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = apple_cd or changer
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
; If the device is a Tape, then there
; are no format options.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
lda #bad_dev_number
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = mcd_40
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
; If we are partitioned, then no data.
ldy #dib.dvcchar
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #linked_dvc
beq @no_link ;No.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
lda #null
; Check the count
@no_link lda <rqst_cnt
beq @bad_parm
cmp #$0002
bne @bad_parm
sta <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
; Set default Option.
lda [buff_ptr]
sta current_fmt
; Exit.
lda #null
; Bad request length.
@bad_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = direct_acc
ENDIF ;block_dvc = true
IF block_dvc = false\
AND character_dvc = true THEN
; If the device is a Character Device,
; then there are no format options.
lda #drvr_bad_code
ENDIF ;character_dvc = true
; Main Entry point to the 'Control' filter. This
; "Filter" is called when a Control Command comes in.
; See the headers of the seperate sections for the
; details of the commands.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT assign_part
assign_part PROC
IF block_dvc = true\
AND character_dvc = false THEN
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
; Exit Write Protect Error.
lda #drvr_wrt_prot
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = apple_cd or changer
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
; Exit Bad Call Error.
lda #drvr_bad_code
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = mcd_40
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
; Validate that this DIB is from
; a Partition Map Entry.
ldy #dib.start_blk
lda [dib_ptr],y
ldy #dib.start_blk+2
ora [dib_ptr],y
bne @over
; Not from a partition.
lda #bad_dev_number
; Get block that contains this
; DIB's Partition Map Entry.
@over ldy #dib.part_blk
lda [dib_ptr],y
sta |rpm_blk_num
sta |wpm_blk_num
; Tell the code that we have already
; set the Block Number and that this
; is not a startup call.
dec |stat_cont ;This is from a Status or Control Call
dec |rebuild ;And not from a startup Call
; Issue the Read PM Block Call.
jsr |read_pm_blk
; Restore Direct Page Values.
jsr set_our_dp
bcs @bad_exit ;There was an error.
; Is what we read a Partition Map?
lda |pm.Sig\
cmp #Part_sig
bne @bad_exit ;Bad Data Read.
; Set a pointer to actual text.
lda <buff_ptr
adc #$0002
sta <scsi_zp4
lda <buff_ptr+2
adc #null
sta <scsi_zp4+2
; Get length of data
lda [buff_ptr]
cmp #$0020+1
bge @bad_exit
dey ;16 bit mode
; Are they the same? If so we can
; save a block write.
@cmp_loop lda |pm.PartType\
cmp [scsi_zp4],y
bne @move_new
bpl @cmp_loop
bra @all_done
; Not the same. Replace old with
; the new.
@move_new txa
@move_loop lda [scsi_zp4],y
sta |pm.PartType\
bpl @move_loop
; Issue the Write PM Block Call.
jsr |write_pm_blk
; Restore Direct Page Values.
jsr set_our_dp
bcc @all_done ;There was no error.
; Error exit point.
@bad_exit lda #drvr_io
; Clean Exit
@all_done lda #no_error
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = direct_acc
ENDIF ;block_dvc = true
IF block_dvc = false\
AND character_dvc = true THEN
; If the device is a Character Device,
; then there are no Partitions to
; assign.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
lda #null
ENDIF ;character_dvc = true
; Entry point for the Arm Signal Drivcer Call. This
; call is not supported by this driver. An error is
; returned in all cases.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT arm_signal
arm_signal PROC
lda #drvr_bad_code
; Entry point for the Disarm Signal Drivcer Call.
; This call is not supported by this driver. An error
; is returned in all cases.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT disarm_sig
disarm_sig PROC
lda #drvr_bad_code
; Most be the first device in a link!!!!
; Entry point to the 'Set PMap' call. This call
; takes the information given by the caller on direct
; page and builds the equivilent to a Write Status
; Call to write request count bytes starting at
; physical block number 1. This is done by setting
; the high bit of the partition call flag
; 'f_partition'.
; Block Size = dib.blksize
; We now Build the SCSI Main Driver Command and send
; it.
; The following will be validated by the Main Driver
; when it builds the command.
; Request Count = Block Size * i
; Block Number = Blk Num (No Offset)
; This is for partitions.
; After calling the Main driver and if no errors were
; encountered, then the Transfer count will be
; updated.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB l (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
EXPORT set_p_map
set_p_map PROC
IF block_dvc = true\
AND character_dvc = false THEN
IF scsi_dtype = apple_cd\
OR scsi_dtype = changer THEN
; Exit Write Protect Error.
lda #drvr_wrt_prot
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = apple_cd or changer
IF scsi_dtype = mcd_40 THEN
; Exit No Error.
lda #drvr_bad_code
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = mcd_40
IF scsi_dtype = direct_acc THEN
stz @do_532
; Set the Block size on Direct Page.
; It is not placed there for this call,
; and we should not rely on it being
; left behind by the last call.
lda #block_size
sta <blk_size
; Check if first DIB in link if any.
; If it is zero, then we are already
; there. If not then error out.
ldy #dib.headptr+2
lda [dib_ptr],y
ldy #dib.headptr
ora [dib_ptr],y
bne @bad_dev_num
; Let's check the request count. If
; this is $00000000, then exit clean
; with no data transfered.
lda <rqst_cnt
ora <rqst_cnt+2
bne @cnt_non_zero
jmp @out_of_here
; Verify Block Size.
@cnt_non_zero ldy #dib.blksize
lda [dib_ptr],y ;Block Size
cmp <blk_size
bne @chk_532
ldy #dib.blksize+2
lda [dib_ptr],y
beq @blk_size_ok
@bad_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
@bad_dev_num lda #bad_dev_number
; Check for 532 byte block size
@chk_532 tax
lda <blk_size
cmp #block_size
bne @bad_parm
cpx #$0214
bne @bad_parm
dec @do_532
; Build the (Write Data)
; Control Command $800A
lda #$0001 ; Sent to me Low >> High.
xba ; Send it out High >> Low.
sta |c_block_num
; Set Main Driver Pointer to
; our data for the command.
lda #cmd_$800A
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^cmd_$800A
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set the Partition call flag
dec |f_partition
; Call Main Driver
lda #scsit_cont
sta |call_type
; Issue the call.
jsr check_532_rw
bcs @rts
; Build the (Write Data) command
; to write the Driver Descriptor
; Map.
@do_ddm lda #$5245 ;Defined by MAC as $4552
sta |sense_data
lda #block_size
sta <rqst_cnt
stz <rqst_cnt+2
sta |sense_data+2 ;Defined by MAC as $0200
ldx #$0040
@loop stz |sense_data+4,x
bpl @loop
stz |c_block_num
; Set our buffer pointer
lda #sense_data
sta <buff_ptr
lda #^sense_data
sta <buff_ptr+2
; Set Main Driver Pointer to
; our data for the command.
lda #cmd_$800A
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^cmd_$800A
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set the Partition call flag
dec |f_partition
; Call Main Driver
lda #scsit_cont
sta |call_type
; Issue the call.
jsr check_532_rw
bcs @rts
; Rebuild the DIBs.
; Trashing the Volumes.
dec |trash_it
jsr rebld_dibs ;Issues a DISK_SW for each rebuilt DIB.
; Reset The 'TRASH IT' Flag..
stz |trash_it
; Restore the origonal Direct Page values.
jsr set_our_dp
; Update Transfer Count.
@out_of_here lda <rqst_cnt
sta <trans_cnt
lda <rqst_cnt+2
sta <trans_cnt+2
; Exit No Error.
lda #$0000
@rts rts
; Variables and storage for short call.
@do_532 dc.w null ;532 byte block flag
; Command Data for this call.
cmd_$800A dc.b $0A
dc.b $00
c_block_num dc.w $0000
c_block_cnt dc.b $00
dcb.b 7,$00
ENDIF ;scsi_dtype = direct_acc
ENDIF ;block_dvc = true
IF block_dvc = false\
AND character_dvc = true THEN
; If the device is a Character Device,
; then there are no Partitions to
; write.
stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
lda #null
ENDIF ;character_dvc = true