
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq1\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\froman\fprq2\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f3\froman\fprq2\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs20 \f2 \fs24 The Return Of Cogito\u8482?                                    Brutal Deluxe Software (\u169?) June 1998\par
\f2 \par
          Welcome to this new exciting and challenging game!\par
    Brutal Deluxe Software is proud to offer you this new version of\par
their mind-boggling game especially designed for the Second Sight\par
video board.\par
    \f2 The Return Of Cogito\u8482?\f2  contains colorful pictures from the original\par
Macintosh version. Enjoy hours of new gaming.\par
    Please refer to the documentation for game rules.\par
\f2 \i Active keys___________________________________________________________\f2 \i0 \par
    OpenApple -\u8220?1\u8221? : Happyland \par
    OpenApple -\u8220?2\u8221? : Ludyland background\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?3\u8221? : Planetlast background\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?4\u8221? : Xenolast background\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?O\u8221? : Load previous game\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?S\u8221? : Save current game\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?-\u8221? : Jump to previous 12 levels\par
                         \u8220?-\u8221? : Jump to previous level\par
                         \u8220?+\u8221? : Jump to next level\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?+\u8221? : Jump to next 12 levels\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?R\u8221? : Restart to first level\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?Z\u8221? : Restart current level\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?M\u8221? : Turn sounds on or off\par
    OpenApple -\u8220?Q\u8221? : Quit game\par
\f2 \i Hints_________________________________________________________________\f2 \i0 \par
    Here are some hints which may be useful for understanding how\par
the game works.\par
    The game is divided into 10 different patterns with 12 different\par
ways of rebuilding the pattern :\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  1 : move 1 block in the direction of the arrow\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  2 : move 2 blocks in the direction of the arrow\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  3 : invert up/right, down/right arrows\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  4 : same as 1 with less arrows\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  5 : invert up/down, left/right arrows\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  6 : up arrow moves the opposite down arrow,\par
                   left arrow moves the opposite right arrow\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  7 : moves in the direction of the arrow and\par
                   moves the opposite arrow\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  8 : moves in the direction of the arrow and\par
                   moves the arrow in the next direction\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  9 : moves in the direction of the arrow and\par
                   moves the opposite arrow of the same direction\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level 10 : same as 8 with less arrows\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level 11 : moves in the direction of the arrow and\par
                   moves the next one too\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level 12 : moves in the direction of the arrow and\par
                   moves the next-to-previous one\par
    The computer moves the lines and columns a certain number of\par
times before you can play. Here are these numbers :\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  1 : 35\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  2 : 35\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  3 : 80\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  4 : 60\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  5 : 80\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  6 : 60\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  7 : 60\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  8 : 60\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level  9 : 35\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level 10 : 500\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level 11 : 35\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  level 12 : 30\par
\f2 \i Technical information_________________________________________________\f2 \i0 \par
    \f2 The Return Of Cogito\u8482?\f2  is made of the following :\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  12,500 lines of 65c816 assembly code\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  Sounds from the Macintosh\u8482? version\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  640*480 256 colors pictures from the Macintosh\u8482? version modified as\par
           640*400 pictures for use on the Apple RGB monitor\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  VGA routines rewritten for Merlin 16+ Assembler\par
        \f2 \u8226?\f2  Fast IIgs to VGA memory drawing routines\par
\f2 \i Contacts______________________________________________________________\f2 \i0 \par
    \f2 Mail :\f2 \par
        Brutal Deluxe Software\par
        11, rue Emile Fourcand\par
        33000 Bordeaux\par
    \f2 Internet :\f2 \par\par\par
\f2 \i Notes_________________________________________________________________\f2 \i0 \par
    This program MUST NOT BE given, copied in any way to the following people :\par
        \f2 \u8226? \f2 Charles T. Turley (Dr Tom)\par