mirror of
synced 2025-01-02 06:30:17 +00:00
434 lines
13 KiB
434 lines
13 KiB
; FILE : SHOWOFF.S corps principal
; ---------
list off
absaddr on
instime on
GEN off
KEEP showoff
mcopy showoff.mac
showoff START
bra DoIt
; global equates : Variables generales
True gequ $8000
False gequ $0000
disque gequ 1 |0 Version debug 1 Version finale
langue gequ 0 |0 francais 1 anglais
ScreenMode gequ $00 |resolution = 320 * 200
MaxX gequ 320
; Pointeurs en Page ZERO
Ptr_Pzero gequ $10 |Ca peut Servir
Ptr_Pun gequ Ptr_PZero+4 |Ca aussi
Ptr_Upro3 gequ Ptr_Pun+4 |ptr sur code protection
Ptr_Line gequ Ptr_Upro3+4 |Ptr sur Buffer des Lignes Texte
Ptr_Shape gequ Ptr_Line+4 |Ptr sur Buffer des Shapes Geometriques
Ptr_Icon gequ Ptr_Shape+4 |Ptr sur Buffer ICON
Ptr_ScIcon gequ Ptr_Icon+4 |Ptr sur Buffer Ecran
Ptr_DsIcon gequ Ptr_ScIcon+4 |Ptr sur Buffer LOUPE
Ptr_PBuffer gequ Ptr_DsIcon+4 |Ptr sur zone de decompactage
Ptr_Buffer1 gequ Ptr_PBuffer+4 |Ptr sur Buffer SCRAP
Ptr_FIcon gequ Ptr_Buffer1+4 |Ptr sur Buffer File Icon
Ptr_BitMap gequ Ptr_FIcon+4 |Ptr sur Buffer Fond BitMap
Ptr_BIcon gequ Ptr_BitMap+4 |Ptr sur Buffer des Icons
Ptr_Fond gequ Ptr_BIcon+4 |Ptr sur Buffer Fond Bitmap ou Couleur
Ptr_Border gequ Ptr_Fond+4 |Ptr sur Buffer Bordure
Ptr_Graph gequ Ptr_Border+4 |Ptr sur Buffer Graph
Ptr_Template gequ Ptr_Graph+4 |Ptr sur Buffer Template Bitmap
Ptr_Undo gequ Ptr_Template+4 |Ptr sur Buffer de Undo
Ptr_CCP gequ Ptr_Undo+4 |Ptr sur Buffer de Cut/Copy/Paste
Ptr_Sticker gequ Ptr_CCP+4 |Ptr sur Buffer des Stickers
Ptr_IoStk gequ Ptr_Sticker+4 |Ptr sur Buffer Load Stickers
Ptr_PK0 gequ Ptr_IoStk+4
Ptr_PK1 gequ Ptr_Pk0+4
Ptr_PK2 gequ Ptr_Pk1+4
Ptr_BufStick gequ Ptr_Pk2+4
Ptr_Orders gequ Ptr_BufStick+4
using GlobalData
using windowdata
phk |position des BANKS
tdc |la page zero
sta MyZP
jsr InitStuff |init de demarrage
bcs Adieu | des problemes
stz QuitFlag |flag de sortie
jsr PlayWithIt |application demarree
Adieu anop
jsr CopyBeenToWMod |jcl destroy Work File
jsr KillWorkAndCCP
jsr reset_bordure |remettre le bord ecran d'origine
jsr retour_pfx |prefix d'origine
PushLong #PortFond |on ferme le port de travail
_DeskShutdown |Fermeture OUTILS
PushLong Rgn_DeskFull |dispose des regions
PushLong Rgn_DeskHalf
PushLong ZPHandle |Dispose Des Handles
PushLong Hdl_PPI_Option
PushLong Hdl_Line
PushLong Hdl_Shape
PushLong Hdl_BIcon
PushLong Hdl_Sticker
PushLong Hdl_Undo
PushLong Hdl_CCP
jsr U_Hdl_BufStick
PushLong Hdl_BufStick
jsr U_Hdl_Fond
PushLong Hdl_Fond
jsr U_Hdl_Upro3
PushLong Hdl_Upro3
PushLong Hdl_Orders
jsl Eff_BitMap
jsr Eff_Border
jsr Eff_Template
PushWord MyID
_Quit QuitParams | Do a ProDOS Quit call
* PlayWithIt
PlayWithIt START
using GlobalData
using windowdata
Again anop
jsr DoShowActif |init du show si demande
jsr DoAutomatique |mode show automatique
jsr trt_Cursor |Fleche ou Caret Ou ETC...
jsr trt_flash |Flashing >|<
lda QuitFlag
bne AllDone
analyse PushWord #0
PushWord #$FFFF
PushLong #EventRecord
beq Again
;----- gerons les evenements ------------
qqchose asl a
jsr (TaskTable,x)
bra Again
AllDone ANOP
suredone rts
TaskTable anop
; Event manager events
dc i'ignore' | 0 null
dc i'ignore' | 1 mouse down
dc i'ignore' | 2 mouse up
dc i'dokey' | 3 key down
dc i'ignore' | 4 undefined
dc i'dokey' | 5 auto-key down
dc i'ignore' | 6 update event
dc i'ignore' | 7 undefined
dc i'DoActivate' | 8 activate
dc i'ignore' | 9 switch
dc i'ignore' | 10 desk acc
dc i'ignore' | 11 device driver
dc i'ignore' | 12 ap
dc i'ignore' | 13 ap
dc i'ignore' | 14 ap
dc i'ignore' | 15 ap
dc i'Ignore' | 0 in desk
; Task master events
dc i'DoMenu' | 1 17
dc i'ignore' | 2 in system window 18
dc i'doclick' | 3 in content of window 19
dc i'ignore' | 4 in drag 20
dc i'ignore' | 5 in grow 21
dc i'DoGoAway' | 6 in goaway 22
dc i'ignore' | 7 in zoom 23
dc i'ignore' | 8 in info bar 24
dc i'ignore' | 9 in ver scroll 25
dc i'ignore' | 10 in hor scroll 26
dc i'ignore' | 11 in frame 27
dc i'ignore' | in drop 28
; ignore :
Ignore START
doactivate ENTRY
dogoaway ENTRY
; DoMenu :
using GlobalDATA
lda TaskDATA
cmp #256
bcc non |menu standard
MenuUp256 jsr Check_Text
lda TaskData |My Menus
and #$00FF
asl a
jsr (MenuTable,x)
GiveUp anop
PushWord #False | draw normal
PushWord TaskDATA+2 | which menu
non rts
MenuTable anop
dc i'doaboutAPP'
dc i'DoNewG' 'donew'
dc i'DoOpenG' 'doopen'
dc i'DoLoad_Picture' 'doloadpic'
dc i'DoSaveG' 'dosave'
dc i'DoSaveasG' 'dosaveas'
dc i'DoSaveBitmap' 'dosavebitmap'
dc i'DoPrint' 'doprint'
dc i'doquit'
dc i'DoUndo' 'doundo'
dc i'DoClearFrame' 'doclearframe'
dc i'DoCut' 'docut'
dc i'DoCopy' 'docopy'
dc i'DoPaste' 'dopaste'
dc i'DoEditIcon' 'doiconedit'
dc i'DoLabel' 'dolabeledit'
dc i'DoTemplate' 'doTemplate'
dc i'DoSeqEdit' 'dosequence'
dc i'DoNextFrame' 'donextframe'
dc i'DoFlipVert' 'doflipvert'
dc i'DoFlipHori' 'dofliphori'
dc i'DoBar' 'dobargraph'
dc i'DoSale' 'dosalegraph'
dc i'DoPie' 'dopiechart'
dc i'DoShadow' 'doshadow'
dc i'DoAutoNumber' 'doautonumber'
dc i'DoCallBG' 'dobackground'
dc i'DoSticker' 'dosticker'
dc i'DoIconAppel' 'doicon'
dc i'DoBorderAppel' 'doborder'
dc i'DoNoBorder' 'donoborder'
dc i'DoShowHideTp' 'doshowtemplate'
dc i'DoChar' 'font'
dc i'DoCallSU' 'doSetUp'
dc i'DoOrders' 'doOrders'
dc i'DoCallCP' 'DoCallCP' choose printer
dc i'DoCallPS' 'DoCallPS' Page setup
dc i'DoCallTS' 'DoCallTS' transition
dc i'DoFormat' |format a disk 3.5
copy showinit.s |init des tools ETC ..
copy showdata.s |les donnees
copy showdata1.s |les Donnees suite
copy showuti.s |SBR utilitaires
copy showecran.s |SBR ecran (full page , border)
copy showfonct.s |SBR mineures
copy showfenetre.s |les fenetres (dialog etc)
copy showtask.s |aiguillage des events
copy Showtext.s |saisie des TEXTES
copy ShowFont.s |Ensemble Fonts
copy ShowShape.s |les Figures Geometrique
copy ShowSelect.s |Selection d'un OBJET
copy ShowISelect.s |Icon Selection Window
copy ShowIo.s |Acces Disk
copy ShowGraph.s |Routine Graphiques
copy ShowBIcon.s |Routines des ICONS
copy ShowGChart.s |la gestion des Camenberts
copy ShowSequence.s |Sequence
copy ShowSeqEdit.s |Sequence Editor
copy SeqEditData.s |sequence
copy ShowTemplate.s |Template
copy Seqeditsub.s |Seq Editor
copy ShowUndo.s |undo
copy ShowCCP.s |Cut/Copy/Paste
copy ShowShow.s |le Show
copy ShowSticker.s |les Stickers