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synced 2025-03-05 18:31:24 +00:00
L'ト屍ie_____________________________________________________________ Written by Fran腔is Coulon and Laurent Cotton in the dark in 1990 for the Atari ST, adapted in 1993 for Mac, played online since 2018, L'ト屍ie is one of the very first experiments in electronic literature, breaking with the universe adventure games. Who are you Amandine Palmer? ___________________________________________ Parisian in 1990, you could have known her ... And some suspect us of having been in love with her ... Try to direct and follow the destinies of a young red-haired and intrepid Parisian, accompanied by her eternal cat, Humphrey. Amandine Palmer will end up mother, muse, reporter, lover, in the sun or in blood sausage. If it used the same computer support and certain codes of the illustrated adventure game, the L'ト屍ie prefigures much more a form of graphic novel, analog or digital: a narrative evolution both in time and in space, an action described in the past tense, the emphasis on the story and the characters. Not to mention a contemporary universe and, all militancy aside, a female main character -parties practically inconceivable at the time. Sometimes misunderstood in its first incarnation on Atari ST by who expected a score to beat, puzzles to solve or an explicit goal to achieve, L'ト屍ie has been, since its first conversion on Mac three years later and its introduction in the burgeoning world of digital art, the object of an undeniable underground attention. Thirty years after its birth, it was time to program L'ト屍ie for the Apple IIgs, scrupulously respecting the integrity of the original elements - a vintage rendering that will surprise the youngest and delight the most nostalgic. Redhead assumed, Amandine will always claim her large pixels. How to play ?______________________________________________________ To play, nothing could be simpler: you interact with the game by moving your mouse on the screen and clicking where you want. Sometimes this causes the game to react: ・ a dialogue between characters, ・ a move to another place. Here are the keys of the game: ・ Command-O: load a previously-played game ・ Command-Q: quit the game ・ Command-R: start a new game ・ Command-S: save the current game When launching the game, you can press Command to play faster. The specifics of the Apple IIgs version_______________________________ For better text readability, install the Courier.09 font in your */System/Fonts/ directory The great feature of the Apple IIgs version is that you can translate L'ト屍ie in your language. Open the */data/texts/ xx folder where xx is your language code (for example, de for Deutsch (German)) and translate the following files: ・ dedicaces.txt ・ soustitres.txt ・ textes.txt Remember that the line break on Apple IIgs is the only CR (OD) code. We provide L'ト屍ie in French and English. If you have translated it into another language, we would be happy to host it on brutaldeluxe.fr Thanks_______________________________________________________ We would like to thank Fran腔is Coulon who accepted that we port L'ト屍ie on Apple IIgs. A disclaimer________________________________________________________ A game by Fran腔is Coulon and images by Laurent Cotton. The images and sounds are from the online version at francoiscoulon.com, except for a few end sounds from fiftysounds.com Apple IIgs version by Brutal Deluxe Software: Antoine Vignau & Olivier Zardini. Merlin 32 assembler programming from original GFA source code. More information__________________________________________________ Visit our respective websites: francoiscoulon.com brutaldeluxe.fr