mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 21:30:17 +00:00
Some old (WIP) disassemblies and my own source code now available online.
307 lines
4.1 KiB
307 lines
4.1 KiB
* TrueConvert : GS/OS Module
* (c) Brutal Deluxe, 1997
GSOSversion jsl proDOS
dw $202a
adrl proVERS
lda proVERS+2
and #%01111111_11111111
cmp #$0400
GSOSgetOPEN jsl proDOS
dw $200a
adrl proGETopen
GSOSsetOPEN jsl proDOS
dw $2009
adrl proSETopen
GSOSgetSAVE jsl proDOS
dw $200a
adrl proGETsave
GSOSsetSAVE jsl proDOS
dw $2009
adrl proSETsave
*GSOSgetName lda replyPTR+$10
* sta Debut
* lda replyPTR+$12
* sta Debut+2
* lda [Debut]
* clc
* adc #2
* sta proCREATE+2
* sta proDESTROY+2
* sta proSETINFO+2
* sta proOPEN+4
* ldy #2
* lda [Debut],y
* adc #0
* sta proCREATE+4
* sta proDESTROY+4
* sta proSETINFO+4
* sta proOPEN+6
* rts
GSOSgetName lda #pathPTR1
sta proCREATE+2
sta proDESTROY+2
sta proSETINFO+2
sta proOPEN+4
lda #^pathPTR1
sta proCREATE+4
sta proDESTROY+4
sta proSETINFO+4
sta proOPEN+6
GSOSopen jsl proDOS
dw $2010
adrl proOPEN
bcs GSOSopen1
lda proOPEN+2
sta proSETMARK+2
sta proREAD+2
sta proCLOSE+2
lda proEOF
sta proREAD+8
lda proEOF+2
sta proREAD+10
GSOSopen1 sta proERR
GSOSsetread sty proREAD+4
stx proREAD+6
GSOSread sty proREAD+8
stx proREAD+10
jsl proDOS
dw $2012
adrl proREAD
GSOSsetwrite sty proWRITE+4
stx proWRITE+6
GSOSwrite sty proWRITE+8
stx proWRITE+10
jsl proDOS
dw $2013
adrl proWRITE
GSOSclose jsl proDOS
dw $2014
adrl proCLOSE
GSOSappend sty proSETMARK+6
stx proSETMARK+8
jsl proDOS
dw $2016
adrl proSETMARK
GSOScreate stx proCREATE+18
sty proCREATE+16
sta proCREATE+8
sta proSETINFO+8
jsl proDOS
dw $2005
adrl proSETINFO
jsl proDOS
dw $2002
adrl proDESTROY
jsl proDOS
dw $2001
adrl proCREATE
bcs GSOSsave1
jsl proDOS
dw $2010
adrl proOPEN
bcs GSOSsave1
lda proOPEN+2
sta proSETMARK+2
sta proWRITE+2
sta proCLOSE+2
GSOSsave1 sta proERR
*proERR ds 2
proGETDIR dw 17 ; pcount
ds 2 ; ref_num
ds 2 ; flags
dw 1 ; base
dw 1 ; displacement
adrl proGETname ; name_buffer
ds 2 ; entry_num
ds 2 ; file_type
ds 4 ; eof
ds 4 ; block_count
ds 8 ; create_td
ds 8 ; modify_td
ds 2 ; access
ds 4 ; aux_type
ds 2 ; file_sys_id
ds 4 ; option_list
ds 4 ; res_eof
ds 4 ; res_block_count
proCREATE dw 7 ; pcount
ds 4 ; pathname
dw $e3 ; access_code
ds 2 ; file_type
ds 4 ; aux_type
ds 2 ; storage_type
ds 4 ; eof
ds 4 ; resource_eof
proDESTROY dw 1 ; pcount
ds 4 ; pathname
proSETINFO dw 12 ; pcount
ds 4 ; pathname
dw $e3 ; access_code
ds 2 ; file_type
ds 4 ; aux_type
ds 2 ; reserved
ds 8 ; create_td
ds 8 ; modify_td
ds 4 ; option_list
ds 4 ; reserved
ds 4 ; reserved
ds 4 ; reserved
ds 4 ; reserved
proOPEN dw 15 ; pcount
ds 2 ; ref_num
ds 4 ; pathname
ds 2 ; request_access
ds 2 ; resource_num
ds 2 ; access
ds 2 ; file_type
ds 4 ; aux_type
ds 2 ; storage_type
ds 8 ; create_td
ds 8 ; modify_td
ds 4 ; option_list
proEOF ds 4 ; eof
ds 4 ; blocks_used
ds 4 ; resource_eof
ds 4 ; resource_blocks
proREAD dw 5 ; +00 pcount
ds 2 ; +02 ref_num
ds 4 ; +04 data_buffer
ds 4 ; +08 request_count
ds 4 ; +12 transfer_count
dw 1 ; +16 cache_priority
proWRITE dw 5 ; pcount
ds 2 ; ref_num
ds 4 ; data_buffer
ds 4 ; request_count
ds 4 ; transfer_count
dw 1 ; cache_priority
proCLOSE dw 1 ; pcount
ds 2 ; ref_num
proSETMARK dw 3 ; pcount
ds 2 ; ref_num
ds 2 ; base
ds 4 ; displacement
proQUIT dw 2 ; pcount
ds 4 ; pathname
ds 2 ; flags
proVERS dw 1 ; pcount
ds 2 ; version
proGETopen dw 2
dw 8
adrl pfxOPEN
proSETopen dw 2
dw 8
adrl pfxOPEN2
proGETsave dw 2
dw 8
adrl pfxSAVE
proSETsave dw 2
dw 8
adrl pfxSAVE2
pfxOPEN dw 256
pfxOPEN2 ds 2
pfxOPEN3 ds 254
pfxSAVE dw 256
pfxSAVE2 ds 2
pfxSAVE3 ds 254
proGETname dw 256
proGETname2 ds 2
proGETname3 ds 254