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synced 2025-02-01 02:33:39 +00:00
What we wrote to make audio hearable on a SCSI-2 CD-ROM drive ;-)
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; SCSI Driver Get Volume/Disk Parms code.
; Written by Matt Gulick. Started April 17,1991
; Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1990
; This file contains the Get Volume/Disk Parms as
; defined in the ERS.
; Revision History:
; April 17, 1991 File started.
IMPORT ddm_data
IMPORT drvr_size
IMPORT ddm_index
IMPORT error
IMPORT gc_buff_ptr
ENTRY pre_load_ddm
ENTRY find_drvr_part
ENTRY pdata_block
; 'g_vol_parms'
; This routine is used to get information about the
; volume in question. Calls should have the DIB
; Pointer set to the volume for which the information
; is being requested.
; The structure of the parameter list is defined in the
; SCSI Driver ERS. The parameters are going to depend
; greatly on the type of device that this driver is
; written for. That means that the info for the Scanner
; will not be the same in any form as that for a Hard
; Disk, or a Tape drive. These calls will be particular
; for the device type supported.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB (LONG)
; [buff_ptr] = Data Buffer Pointer (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
; Check the Request Count. We need at
; least 4 bytes.
lda <rqst_cnt+2
bne @rqst_cnt_ok
lda <rqst_cnt
cmp #$0002
blt @bad_cnt
; Check to see if this Volume is Online.
@rqst_cnt_ok ldy #dib.dvcflag
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #dvc_online
beq @not_online
; Validate that this DIB is from
; a Partition Map Entry.
ldy #dib.start_blk
lda [dib_ptr],y
ldy #dib.start_blk+2
ora [dib_ptr],y
beq @exit_parm
; Get block that contains this
; DIB's Partition Map Entry.
ldy #dib.part_blk
lda [dib_ptr],y
sta |rpm_blk_num
; Tell the code that we have already
; set the Block Number and that this
; is not a startup call.
dec |stat_cont ;This is from a Status or Control Call
dec |rebuild ;And not from a startup Call
; Issue the Read PM Block Call.
jsr |read_pm_blk
bcs @bad_exit ;There was an error.
jsr set_our_dp
; Is what we read a Partition Map?
lda |pm.Sig\
cmp #Part_sig
bne @bad_exit ;Bad Data Read.
; Get the Status Byte
lda |pm.PartStatus+2\
and #$00ff
sta [buff_ptr]
; Clean Exit
lda #$0002
sta <trans_cnt
lda #no_error
sta <trans_cnt+2
; Not from a partition.
@not_online lda #drvr_off_line
bra @exit_none
; Error exit point.
@bad_exit jsr set_our_dp
lda #drvr_io
bra @exit_none
; Error exit point.
@bad_cnt lda #drvr_bad_cnt
bra @exit_none
; Use this code to exit when no data is
; being returned.
@exit_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
@exit_none stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
cmp #$0001
; 'g_disk_parms'
; This routine is used to get information about the
; disk in question. The DIB Pointer must point to
; the head DIB if this is a linked device.
; The structure of the parameter list is defined in the
; SCSI Driver ERS. The parameters are going to depend
; greatly on the type of device that this driver is
; written for. That means that the info for the Scanner
; will not be the same in any form as that for a Hard
; Disk, or a Tape drive. These calls will be particular
; for the device type supported.
; Called via 'JSR'
; Inputs: [dib_ptr] = Target DIB (LONG)
; [buff_ptr] = Data Buffer Pointer (LONG)
; Acc = Unspecified
; Carry = Unspecified
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Returns via 'RTS'
; Outputs: Acc = 0
; Carry = 0
; or
; Acc = Error
; Carry = 1
; Y register = Unspecified
; X register = Unspecified
; P register = 0=M=X=e
; Direct Page = Ours
; Data Bank = Ours
; Errors: See Spec.
; Check the Request Count. Calls need
; at least and that will be verified there.
lda <rqst_cnt+2
bne @rqst_cnt_ok
lda <rqst_cnt
cmp #$001A
blt @bad_cnt
; Check to see if this Volume is Online.
@rqst_cnt_ok ldy #dib.dvcflag
lda [dib_ptr],y
and #dvc_online
beq @not_online
; Validate that this DIB is from
; a Partition Map Entry.
ldy #dib.start_blk
lda [dib_ptr],y
ldy #dib.start_blk+2
ora [dib_ptr],y
bne do_gdisk
; Not from a partition.
bra @exit_parm
; Not from a partition.
@not_online lda #drvr_off_line
bra @exit_none
; Error exit point.
@bad_exit jsr set_our_dp
lda #drvr_io
bra @exit_none
; Error exit point.
@bad_cnt lda #drvr_bad_cnt
bra @exit_none
; Use this code to exit when no data is
; being returned.
@exit_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
@exit_none stz <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
cmp #$0001
; Get Disk Calls are handled here.
do_gdisk stz |error
; Preserve the Users Buffer Pointer.
lda <buff_ptr
sta gc_buff_ptr
lda <buff_ptr+2
sta gc_buff_ptr+2
; If a call is unacceptable an error will
; be returned and the transfer length
; will reflect the buffer size that is
; needed if the current one is too small.
; Check Get DDM Info
ldy #disk_pl.ddm_buff_len
lda [buff_ptr],y
bne @chk_ddm_len
ldy #disk_pl.ddm_buff_ptr
ora [buff_ptr],y
ldy #disk_pl.ddm_buff_ptr+2
ora [buff_ptr],y
bne @bad_ddm_len
bra @pre_load_ddm
; Is the DDM Buffer Long enough?
@chk_ddm_len cmp #$0200
bge @do_ddm
; Bad request length for the DDM
@bad_ddm_len lda #$0200
ldy #disk_pl.ddm_trns_len
sta [buff_ptr],y
lda #drvr_bad_cnt
sta |error
bra @pre_load_ddm
; Get DDM.
@do_ddm jsr get_ddm
bcc @chk_vol
brl @disk_done
; If called, the user is not
; requesting the DDM and we need
; to load it into our own buffer.
@pre_load_ddm jsr pre_load_ddm
bcc @chk_vol
brl @disk_done
; Check Get Volume Info
@chk_vol ldy #disk_pl.vol_buff_len
lda [buff_ptr],y
bne @chk_vol_len
ldy #disk_pl.vol_buff_ptr
ora [buff_ptr],y
ldy #disk_pl.vol_buff_ptr+2
ora [buff_ptr],y
bne @bad_vol_len
bra @chk_drvr
; Is the DDM Buffer Long enough?
@chk_vol_len cmp #$0200
bge @do_vol
; Bad request length for the DDM
@bad_vol_len lda #$0200
ldy #disk_pl.vol_trns_len
sta [buff_ptr],y
lda #drvr_bad_cnt
sta |error
bra @chk_drvr
; Get Volume Info.
@do_vol jsr get_vol
bcs @disk_done
; Check Get Driver Info
@chk_drvr clc
lda |ddm_index
adc #$0004
lda [ddm_buff],y
asl a ;Convert Blocks to Bytes
stz |drvr_size
stz |drvr_size+2
sta |drvr_size+1
; Check Get Driver Bit
ldy #disk_pl.drvr_buff_len
lda [buff_ptr],y
bne @chk_drvr_len
ldy #disk_pl.drvr_buff_ptr
ora [buff_ptr],y
ldy #disk_pl.drvr_buff_ptr+2
ora [buff_ptr],y
bne @bad_drvr_len
bra @disk_done1
; Is the DDM Buffer Long enough?
@chk_drvr_len cmp |drvr_size
bge @do_drvr
; Bad request length for the DDM
@bad_drvr_len lda |drvr_size
ldy #disk_pl.drvr_trns_len
sta [buff_ptr],y
lda #drvr_bad_cnt
bra @disk_done
; Get Volume Info.
@do_drvr jsr get_drvr
; All done. Return the transfer
; length and any error codes that
; were encountered
@disk_done sta |error
@disk_done1 lda #$001A
sta <trans_cnt
stz <trans_cnt+2
; Replace the Buffer Pointer.
lda gc_buff_ptr
sta <buff_ptr
lda gc_buff_ptr+2
sta <buff_ptr+2
lda |error
cmp #$0001
; Subroutines for this code.
; The first Routine is used to Read
; the DDM into the callers buffer.
get_ddm jsr set_drvr_ndex
; Tell the Main Driver where
; our command structure resides.
lda #read_ddm
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^read_ddm
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set the user's buffer
ldy #disk_pl.ddm_buff_ptr
lda [buff_ptr],y
ldy #disk_pl.ddm_buff_ptr+2
lda [buff_ptr],y
sta <buff_ptr+2
sta <ddm_buff+2 ;Incase we need it for the Driver Code
stx <buff_ptr
stx <ddm_buff ;Incase we need it for the Driver Code
lda #block_size
sta <rqst_cnt
lda #^block_size
sta <rqst_cnt+2
; Set internal command flag
dec |internal
; Set the Partition call flag
dec |f_partition
; Set the Call Type and Issue the
; READ BLOCK Command.
lda #scsit_stat
sta |call_type
; Issue the call.
jsr check_532_rw
; Replace the Buffer Pointer.
lda gc_buff_ptr
sta <buff_ptr
lda gc_buff_ptr+2
sta <buff_ptr+2
; Check for Call Errors
bcs @bad_exit1
; Is what we read a Driver
; Descriptor Map?
lda [ddm_buff]
cmp #DDM_sig
bne @bad_exit1 ;Bad Data Read.
; Add in the Length
lda #block_size
ldy #disk_pl.ddm_trns_len
sta [buff_ptr],y
; Clean Exit.
lda #$0000
; Error exit point.
@bad_exit1 jsr set_our_dp
lda #drvr_io
; Because all three sub-calls require a
; DDM for information we must make sure
; that this is available. If they are
; not setting the DDM we will load ity
; from the disk. If they are we will
; use theirs as it is the most current.
; Check Driver Index for which Driver
; they want and use it to set the
; ddm_index.
EXPORT pre_load_ddm
pre_load_ddm jsr set_drvr_ndex
; We need to load the DDM into the
; internal buffer.
; Tell the Main Driver where
; our command structure resides.
lda #read_ddm
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^read_ddm
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set our buffer
lda #ddm_data
sta <buff_ptr
sta <ddm_buff
lda #^ddm_data
sta <buff_ptr+2
sta <ddm_buff+2
; And our Block Size value
lda #block_size
sta <rqst_cnt
lda #^block_size
sta <rqst_cnt+2
; Set internal command flag
dec |internal
; Set the Partition call flag
dec |f_partition
; Set the Call Type and Issue the
; READ BLOCK Command.
lda #scsit_stat
sta |call_type
; Issue the call.
jsr check_532_rw
; Replace the Buffer Pointer.
lda gc_buff_ptr
sta <buff_ptr
lda gc_buff_ptr+2
sta <buff_ptr+2
; Check for Call Errors
bcs @bad_exit1
@ddm_loaded clc
; Use this code to exit when no data is
; being sent.
@exit_parm lda #drvr_bad_parm
; Error exit point.
@bad_exit1 jsr set_our_dp
lda #drvr_io
; Command to Read the DDM if we
; need it.
read_ddm dc.b $08
dc.b null
dc.w null
dcb.b 10,null
; This routine is called by both Get_DDM and Pre_Load_DDM and is used to set the index into the DDM for the requested driver.
EXPORT set_drvr_ndex
set_drvr_ndex ldy #disk_pl.drvr_num
lda [buff_ptr],y
and #$000F ;Max of 15 Drivers in the DDM
dec a ;Dec so we can use for index
asl a ;*2
asl a ;*4
asl a ;*8
adc #$0012 ;Account for the $12 bytes of header
sta ddm_index
; This Routine is used to get the
; Volume Info into the callers buffer.
; Find the Partition Map Entry that matches
; the data blocks used in the DDM.
ldy ddm_index
lda [ddm_buff],y
sta |pdata_block
lda [ddm_buff],y
sta |pdata_block+2
; Set the user's buffer
ldy #disk_pl.vol_buff_ptr
lda [buff_ptr],y
ldy #disk_pl.vol_buff_ptr+2
lda [buff_ptr],y
sta <buff_ptr+2
sta <config_buff+2
stx <buff_ptr
stx <config_buff
lda #$0001 ;Start looking here.
jsr find_drvr_part
; Replace the Buffer Pointer.
lda gc_buff_ptr
sta <buff_ptr
lda gc_buff_ptr+2
sta <buff_ptr+2
; Check for Call Errors
bcs @bad_exit1
; Is what we read part of a
; Partition Map?
lda [config_buff]
cmp #Part_sig
bne @bad_exit1 ;Bad Data Read.
; Add in the Length
lda #block_size
ldy #disk_pl.vol_trns_len
sta [buff_ptr],y
; Clean Exit.
lda #$0000
@rts rts
; Error exit point.
@bad_exit1 jsr set_our_dp
lda #drvr_io
; Data for the READ BLOCK Command
@read_vol dc.b $08
dc.b null
@read_vol_num dc.w null
dcb.b 10,null
; This routine will search for the
; Partition Map entry that has the same
; data block location as that for the
; referenced entry in the DDM.
; Acc = Block to start with
; Y reg = High word of the Buffer to use
; X reg = Low word of the Buffer to use
EXPORT find_drvr_part
sta @block_num
stx <buff_ptr
sty <buff_ptr+2
; And our length.
stz <rqst_cnt+2
lda #block_size
sta <rqst_cnt
; Tell the Main Driver where
; our command structure resides.
lda #@read_part
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^@read_part
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set internal command flag
@loop dec |internal
; Set the Partition call flag
dec |f_partition
; Set the Call Type and Issue the
; READ BLOCK Command.
lda #scsit_stat
sta |call_type
; Issue the call.
jsr check_532_rw
; Is this the block that we want?
ldy #pm.PyPartStart
lda [buff_ptr],y
cmp |pdata_block
bne @next
ldy #pm.PyPartStart+2
lda [buff_ptr],y
cmp |pdata_block+2
bne @next
; Replace the Buffer Pointer.
lda gc_buff_ptr
sta <buff_ptr
lda gc_buff_ptr+2
sta <buff_ptr+2
; It's a match. Pass it on in the Acc.
lda @block_num
; Check for Call Errors
; Not a match. Do the next one only if
; still in the range of the partition map.
@next plp
lda @block_num
inc a
sta @block_num
ldy #pm.MapBlkCnt+2
cmp [buff_ptr],y
bne @loop
; Not found. Do Cleanup and exit
; with an error.
; Replace the Buffer Pointer.
lda gc_buff_ptr
sta <buff_ptr
lda gc_buff_ptr+2
sta <buff_ptr+2
lda #drvr_bad_blk
; Command to Read the DDM if we
; need it.
@read_part dc.b $08
dc.b null
@block_num dc.w null
dcb.b 10,null
EXPORT pdata_block
pdata_block dc.l null
; This Routine is used to get the
; Driver Data into the callers buffer.
; At this point the DDM is in Memory
; and the Zero Page Pointer 'DDM_BUFF'
; points to it.
ldy ddm_index
lda [ddm_buff],y
and #%0001111100000000 ;Allow Byte 1, bits 0-4 to pass
ora #$0008 ;OR in the command number
sta @read_drvr
lda [ddm_buff],y
sta @block_num
lda [ddm_buff],y
asl a ;Cheap Multiply by $200
stz <rqst_cnt
stz <rqst_cnt+2
sta <rqst_cnt+1
; Set the user's buffer
ldy #disk_pl.drvr_buff_ptr
lda [buff_ptr],y
ldy #disk_pl.drvr_buff_ptr+2
lda [buff_ptr],y
sta <buff_ptr+2
sta <config_buff+2
stx <buff_ptr
stx <config_buff
; Tell the Main Driver where
; our command structure resides.
@length_ok lda #@read_drvr
sta <scsi_mdrvr
lda #^@read_drvr
sta <scsi_mdrvr+2
; Set internal command flag
dec |internal
; Set the Partition call flag
dec |f_partition
; Set the Call Type and Issue the
; READ BLOCK Command.
lda #scsit_stat
sta |call_type
; Issue the call.
jsr check_532_rw
; Replace the Buffer Pointer.
lda gc_buff_ptr
sta <buff_ptr
lda gc_buff_ptr+2
sta <buff_ptr+2
; Check for Call Errors
bcs @bad_exit1
; Add in the Length
lda <rqst_cnt
ldy #disk_pl.drvr_trns_len
sta [buff_ptr],y
; Clean Exit.
lda #$0000
; Error exit point.
@bad_exit1 jsr set_our_dp
lda #drvr_io
; Command to Read the Driver Data
@read_drvr dc.b $08
dc.b null
@block_num dc.w null
dcb.b 10,null