Antoine Vignau 4d4fb6a665 Let's free the code!!
Some old (WIP) disassemblies and my own source code now available online.
2024-07-23 23:38:22 +02:00

961 lines
13 KiB

* BatchMan : Standard File
ButtonItem = $0a
StatText = $0f
EditLine = $11
UserItem = $14
ItemDisable = $8000
*----------------------------------- Standard open
* Used to open one file
stdOPEN jsr GSOSsetPFXopen
PushWord #120
PushWord #43
PushWord #refIsResource
PushLong #loadSTR
PushLong #0
PushLong #0 ; fileLIST
PushLong #replyPTR
jsr GSOSgetPFXopen
lda replyPTR
bne stdOPEN1
stdOPEN1 clc
*----------------------------------- Standard save
* Used to save one file
stdSAVE jsr GSOSsetPFXsave
PushWord #160
PushWord #40
PushWord #refIsResource
PushLong #saveSTR
PushWord #0
PushLong #namePTR1
PushLong #replyPTR
jsr GSOSgetPFXsave
lda replyPTR
bne stdSAVE1
stdSAVE1 clc
*----------------------------------- Personal open
* Used to open one file
stdOPEN2 jsr GSOSsetPFXopen
PushWord #120 ; whereX
PushWord #33 ; whereY
PushLong #0 ; itemDrawPtr
PushWord #refIsResource ; promptRefDesc
PushLong #loadSTR ; promptRef
PushLong #0 ; filterProcPtr
PushLong #openLIST ; typeListPtr
PushLong #0 ; dialogTempPtr
PushLong #0 ; dialogHookPtr
PushLong #replyPTR ; replyPtr
jsr GSOSgetPFXopen
lda replyPTR
bne stdOPEN3
stdOPEN3 clc
*----------------------------------- Personal save
* Used by the second modal window
* in the selection of the destination folder
stdSAVE2 jsr GSOSsetPFXsave
PushWord #160 ; whereX
PushWord #40 ; whereY
PushLong #0 ; itemDrawPtr
PushWord #refIsResource ; promptRefDesc
PushLong #folderSTR ; promptRef
PushWord #refIsPointer ; filenameRefDesc
PushLong #namePTR1 ; filenameRef
PushLong #saveLIST ; dialogTempPtr
PushLong #0 ; dialogHookPtr
PushLong #replyPTR ; replyPtr
jsr GSOSgetPFXsave
lda replyPTR
bne stdSAVE3
stdSAVE3 clc
*----------------------------------- Multi open
* Used to select multiple files
stdOPEN4 jsr GSOSsetPFXopen
PushWord #120
PushWord #43
PushWord #refIsResource
PushLong #loadSTR
PushLong #0
PushLong #0
PushLong #multiPTR
jsr GSOSgetPFXopen
jsr doMULTIha
lda multiPTR
bne stdOPEN5
stdOPEN5 clc
*----------------------------------- Multi save
* Used by the second modal window
* in the selection of the destination folder
stdSAVE4 jsr GSOSsetPFXsave
PushWord #120
PushWord #43
PushWord #refIsResource
PushLong #saveSTR
PushLong #0
PushLong #0
PushLong #multiPTR
jsr GSOSgetPFXsave
jsr doMULTIha
lda multiPTR
bne stdSAVE5
stdSAVE5 clc
* v1.0b7
doMULTIha lda multiPTR+2
ora multiPTR+4
bne doMULTIha1
doMULTIha1 lda multiPTR+4
lda multiPTR+2
*--- Dialog Hook for OPEN
*openHOOK phb ; DialogHook
* phk
* plb
* tdc
* sta saveDP
* lda myDP
* tcd
* pla
* sta openHOOK4+1
* pla
* sta openHOOK3+1
* pla
* sta Debut
* pla
* sta Debut+2
* lda [Debut]
* cmp #100
* beq openHOOK1
* bra openHOOK2
*openHOOK1 lda #0
* sta [Debut]
* PushLong #mouseLOC
* _GetMouse
* PushLong #mouseLOC
* _LocalToGlobal
* PushWord #0
* PushLong mouseLOC
* PushLong #0
* PushLong haPOPUPOPEN
* _TrackControl
* pla
* beq openHOOK2
* ply
* plx
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* phx
* phy
* PushLong #100
* _GetCtlHandleFromID
* _GetCtlValue
* pla
* sta ctlPOPUPOPEN1
* sec
* sbc #100
* sta menuOPEN
* bra openHOOK3
*openHOOK2 pla
* pla
*openHOOK3 pea $0000
*openHOOK4 pea $0000
* lda saveDP
* tcd
* plb
* rtl
*--- Draw PopUp OPEN
*drawPOPUPOPEN phb ; DrawPopUp
* phk
* plb
* tdc
* sta saveDP
* lda myDP
* tcd
* pla
* sta drawPOPUPOPEN2+1
* pla
* sta drawPOPUPOPEN1+1
* pla
* plx
* pla
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* pha
* phx
* pea $0000
* PushLong #ctlPOPUPOPEN
* _NewControl2
* PullLong haPOPUPOPEN
* PushLong haPOPUPOPEN
* _SetMenuBar
* PushLong haPOPUPOPEN
* _DrawOneCtl
*drawPOPUPOPEN1 pea $0000
*drawPOPUPOPEN2 pea $0000
* lda saveDP
* tcd
* plb
* rtl
*--- Dialog Hook for SAVE
*saveHOOK phb ; DialogHook
* phk
* plb
* tdc
* sta saveDP
* lda myDP
* tcd
* pla
* sta saveHOOK6+1
* sta saveHOOK15+1
* pla
* sta saveHOOK5+1
* sta saveHOOK14+1
* pla
* sta Debut
* pla
* sta Debut+2
* lda [Debut]
* cmp #200
* beq saveHOOK1
* cmp #300
* beq saveHOOK0
* brl saveHOOK4
*saveHOOK0 brl saveHOOK10
*--- PopUp Colors
*saveHOOK1 lda #0 ; MODE
* sta [Debut]
* PushLong #mouseLOC
* _GetMouse
* PushLong #mouseLOC
* _LocalToGlobal
* PushWord #0
* PushLong mouseLOC
* PushLong #0
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE1
* _TrackControl
* pla
* bne saveHOOK2
* brl saveHOOK4
*saveHOOK2 ply
* plx
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* phx
* phy
* PushLong #200
* _GetCtlHandleFromID
* _GetCtlValue
* pla
* sta ctlPOPUPSAVE1
* sec
* sbc #200
* sta menuSAVE1
* cmp #5 ; PrintShop ?
* beq saveHOOK3
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE10 ; non !
* _SetMenuBar
* PushWord #302
* _EnableMItem
* PushWord #303
* _EnableMItem
* PushWord #304
* _EnableMItem
* PushWord #305
* _EnableMItem
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE10
* _DrawOneCtl
* bra saveHOOK5
*saveHOOK3 PushLong haPOPUPSAVE10 ; oui !
* _SetMenuBar
* PushWord #302
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #303
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #304
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #305
* _DisableMItem
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE10
* _DrawOneCtl
* bra saveHOOK5
*saveHOOK4 pla
* pla
*saveHOOK5 pea $0000
*saveHOOK6 pea $0000
* lda saveDP
* tcd
* plb
* rtl
*--- PopUp Format de sauvegarde
*saveHOOK10 lda #0 ; FORMAT
* sta [Debut]
* PushLong #mouseLOC
* _GetMouse
* PushLong #mouseLOC
* _LocalToGlobal
* PushWord #0
* PushLong mouseLOC
* PushLong #0
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE10
* _TrackControl
* pla
* bne saveHOOK11
* brl saveHOOK13
*saveHOOK11 ply
* plx
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* phx
* phy
* PushLong #300
* _GetCtlHandleFromID
* _GetCtlValue
* pla
* sta ctlPOPUPSAVE11
* sec
* sbc #300
* sta menuSAVE10
* lda fgFORMATS+8 ; PrintShop available ?
* bne saveHOOK111
* brl saveHOOK14
*saveHOOK111 lda menuSAVE10 ; Format GS ?
* cmp #1
* beq saveHOOK12
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE1
* _SetMenuBar
* PushWord #205
* _DisableMItem
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE1
* _DrawOneCtl
* bra saveHOOK14
*saveHOOK12 PushLong haPOPUPSAVE1
* _SetMenuBar
* PushWord #205
* _EnableMItem
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE1
* _DrawOneCtl
* bra saveHOOK14
*saveHOOK13 pla
* pla
*saveHOOK14 pea $0000
*saveHOOK15 pea $0000
* lda saveDP
* tcd
* plb
* rtl
*--- Draw PopUp SAVE
*drawPOPUPSAVE phb ; DrawPopUp
* phk
* plb
* tdc
* sta saveDP
* lda myDP
* tcd
* pla
* sta drawPOPUPSAVE2+1
* pla
* sta drawPOPUPSAVE1+1
* pla
* plx
* stx ctlTEMP
* pla
* sta ctlTEMP+2
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* pha
* phx
* pea $0000
* PushLong #ctlPOPUPSAVE
* _NewControl2
* PullLong haPOPUPSAVE1
* jsr getFORMATS
* pea $0000
* pea $0000
* PushLong ctlTEMP
* pea $0000
* PushLong #ctlPOPUPSAVE10
* _NewControl2
* PullLong haPOPUPSAVE10
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE10
* _SetMenuBar
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE10
* _DrawOneCtl
*drawPOPUPSAVE1 pea $0000
*drawPOPUPSAVE2 pea $0000
* lda saveDP
* tcd
* plb
* rtl
*getFORMATS lda ptrCODE
* sta Debut
* lda ptrCODE+2
* sta Debut+2
* ldy #$130
* ldx #0
*]lp lda [Debut],y
* sta fgFORMATS,x
* iny
* iny
* inx
* inx
* cpx #2*5
* bne ]lp
* ldy #$140 ; Last conversion made
* lda [Debut],y
* sta temp
* asl
* tax
* lda fgFORMATS,x
* bne getFORMATS1
*getFORMATS ldx #0
*]lp lda fgFORMATS,x
* bne getFORMATS0
* inx
* inx
* cpx #2*8
* bne ]lp
* ldx #0
*getFORMATS0 txa
* lsr
* sta temp
*getFORMATS1 lda temp
* inc
* sta menuSAVE1
* clc
* adc #200
* sta ctlPOPUPSAVE1
* PushLong haPOPUPSAVE1
* _SetMenuBar
* PushWord #201 ; None selected
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #202
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #203
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #204
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #205
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #206
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #207
* _DisableMItem
* PushWord #208
* _DisableMItem
* lda fgFORMATS
* beq getFORMATS2
* PushWord #201
* _EnableMItem
*getFORMATS2 lda fgFORMATS+2
* beq getFORMATS3
* PushWord #202
* _EnableMItem
*getFORMATS3 lda fgFORMATS+4
* beq getFORMATS4
* PushWord #203
* _EnableMItem
*getFORMATS4 lda fgFORMATS+6
* beq getFORMATS5
* PushWord #204
* _EnableMItem
*getFORMATS5 lda fgFORMATS+8
* beq getFORMATS6
* PushWord #205
* _EnableMItem
*getFORMATS6 lda fgFORMATS+10
* beq getFORMATS7
* PushWord #206
* _EnableMItem
*getFORMATS7 lda fgFORMATS+12
* beq getFORMATS8
* PushWord #207
* _EnableMItem
*getFORMATS8 lda fgFORMATS+14
* beq getFORMATS9
* PushWord #208
* _EnableMItem
* _DrawOneCtl
* lda fgFORMATS
* ora fgFORMATS+2
* ora fgFORMATS+4
* ora fgFORMATS+6
* ora fgFORMATS+8
* ora fgFORMATS+10
* ora fgFORMATS+12
* ora fgFORMATS+14
* sta fgSAVE
* rts
strSAVE str 'Save'
strOPEN str 'Open'
strCLOSE str 'Close'
strNEXT str 'Disk'
strCANCEL str 'Accept'
*strCANCEL str 'Cancel'
strACCEPT str 'Accept'
strFREE str '^0 free of ^1 k.'
strFOLDER str 'New Folder'
openLIST dw 0,0,134,400
dw -1
dw 0,0
adrl openOPEN
adrl openCLOSE
adrl openNEXT
adrl openCANCEL
adrl openSCROLL
adrl openPATH
adrl openFILES
adrl openPROMPT
* adrl openPOPUP
adrl 0
openOPEN dw 1
dw 61,265,73,375
dw ButtonItem
adrl strOPEN
dw 0,0
adrl 0
openCLOSE dw 2
dw 79,265,91,375
dw ButtonItem
adrl strCLOSE
dw 0,0
adrl 0
openNEXT dw 3
dw 25,265,37,375
dw ButtonItem
adrl strNEXT
dw 0,0
adrl 0
openCANCEL dw 4
dw 97,265,109,375
dw ButtonItem
adrl strCANCEL
dw 0,0
adrl 0
openSCROLL dw 5
dw 43,265,55,375
dw ButtonItem
adrl strACCEPT
dw 0,0
adrl 0
openPATH dw 6
dw 12,15,24,395
dw UserItem
adrl 0
dw 0,0
adrl 0
openFILES dw 7
dw 25,18,107,215
dw UserItem+ItemDisable
adrl 0
dw 0,0
adrl 0
openPROMPT dw 8
dw 3,15,12,395
dw StatText+ItemDisable
adrl 0
dw 0,0
adrl 0
*openPOPUP dw 100
* dw 112,18,128,273
* dw UserItem
* adrl drawPOPUPOPEN
* dw 0,0
* adrl 0
*--- Data pour le PopUp OPEN
*mouseLOC ds 4
*ctlTEMP ds 4
*menuOPEN dw 1 ; Par Defaut
*ctlPOPUPOPEN dw 10
* adrl 100
* dw 112,18,0,0
* adrl $87000000
* dw $0030
* dw $1084
* dw $0000
* ds 4
* adrl ctlPOPUPOPEN2
*ctlPOPUPOPEN1 dw 101
* ds 2
* ds 2
*ctlPOPUPOPEN2 asc '$$Load: \N100'00
* asc '--IIgs Formats\N101'00
* asc '--Windows/OS2 BMP\N102'00
* asc '--Compuserve GIF\N103'00
* asc '--IFF/LBM\N104'00
* asc '--Paintbrush PCX\N105'00
* asc '--TIFF\N106'00
* asc '--Raw Binary PC\N107'00
* asc '--Atari ST Formats\N108'00
* asc '--Windows Icons\N109'00
* asc '--Windows Cursors\N110'00
* asc '--Mac Paint\N111'00
* asc '.'
saveLIST dw 0,0,120,320
dw -1
dw 0,0
adrl saveSAVE
adrl saveOPEN
adrl saveCLOSE
adrl saveNEXT
adrl saveCANCEL
adrl saveSCROLL
adrl savePATH
adrl saveFILES
adrl savePROMPT
adrl saveFILENAME
adrl saveFREE
adrl saveFOLDER
* adrl savePOPUP1
* adrl savePOPUP10
adrl $00000000
saveSAVE dw 1
dw 87,204,99,310
dw ButtonItem
adrl strSAVE
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveOPEN dw 2
dw 49,204,61,310
dw ButtonItem
adrl strOPEN
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveCLOSE dw 3
dw 64,204,76,310
dw ButtonItem
adrl strCLOSE
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveNEXT dw 4
dw 15,204,27,310
dw ButtonItem
adrl strNEXT
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveCANCEL dw 5
dw 104,204,116,310
dw ButtonItem
adrl strCANCEL
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveSCROLL dw 6
dw 0,0,0,0
dw UserItem
adrl 0
dw 0,0
adrl 0
savePATH dw 7
dw 0,10,12,315
dw UserItem
adrl 0
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveFILES dw 8
dw 26,10,88,170
dw UserItem+ItemDisable
adrl 0
dw 0,0
adrl 0
savePROMPT dw 9
dw 88,10,100,200
dw StatText+ItemDisable
adrl 0
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveFILENAME dw 10
dw 100,10,118,194
dw EditLine+ItemDisable
adrl 0
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveFREE dw 11
dw 12,10,22,200
dw StatText+ItemDisable
adrl strFREE
dw 0,0
adrl 0
saveFOLDER dw 12
dw 29,204,41,310
dw ButtonItem
adrl strFOLDER
dw 0,0
adrl 0
*savePOPUP1 dw 200
* dw 122,10,138,171
* dw UserItem
* adrl drawPOPUPSAVE
* dw 0,0
* adrl 0
*savePOPUP10 dw 300
* dw 122,174,138,251
* dw UserItem
* adrl drawPOPUPSAVE
* dw 0,0
* adrl 0
*--- Data pour le PopUp SAVE
*haPOPUPSAVE1 ds 4
*haPOPUPSAVE10 ds 4
*menuSAVE1 dw 1 ; Par Defaut
*menuSAVE10 dw 1 ; Par Defaut
*ctlPOPUPSAVE dw 10
* adrl 200
* dw 122,10,0,0
* adrl $87000000
* dw $0030
* dw $1084
* dw $0000
* ds 4
* adrl ctlPOPUPSAVE2
*ctlPOPUPSAVE1 dw 201
* ds 2
* ds 2
*ctlPOPUPSAVE2 asc '$$Depth: \N200'00
* asc '-- 2 colors\N201'00
* asc '-- 4 colors\N202'00
* asc '-- 16 colors\N203'00
* asc '-- 256 colors\N204'00
* asc '-- 3200 colors\N205'00
* asc '--32768 colors\N206'00
* asc '-- High colors\N207'00
* asc '-- True colors\N208'00
* asc '.'
*ctlPOPUPSAVE10 dw 10
* adrl 300
* dw 122,174,0,0
* adrl $87000000
* dw $0030
* dw $1084
* dw $0000
* ds 4
* adrl ctlPOPUPSAVE12
*ctlPOPUPSAVE11 dw 301
* ds 2
* ds 2
*ctlPOPUPSAVE12 asc '$$Format: \N300'00
* asc '-- APF\N301'00
* asc '-- BMP\N302'00
* asc '-- PCX\N303'00
* asc '--TIFF\N304'00
* asc '-- BIN\N305'00
* asc '-- RAW\N306'00
* asc '.'
*--- Formats de sauvegarde
*fgFORMATS dw 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
*fgMODE ds 2
*listSUFFIX1 asc 'ABPTBR' ; Suffixes des noms de fichiers
*listSUFFIX2 asc 'PMCIIA'
*listSUFFIX3 asc 'FPXFNW'
*fileLIST dw $0006
* dw $8000 ; UNK
* dw $0000
* adrl $0000
* dw $8000 ; TXT
* dw $0004
* adrl $0000
* dw $8000 ; BIN
* dw $0006
* adrl $0000
* dw $8000 ; PNT
* dw $00c0
* adrl $0000
* dw $8000 ; PIC
* dw $00c1
* adrl $0000
* dw $8000 ; USER 1
* dw $00f1
* adrl $0004
multiPTR ds 2 ; good
ds 4 ; namesHandle
replyPTR ds 2 ; good
ds 2 ; fileType
ds 4 ; auxType
ds 2 ; nameRefDesc
adrl namePTR ; nameRef
ds 2 ; pathRefDesc
adrl pathPTR ; pathRef
namePTR dw 512
namePTR1 ds 510
pathPTR dw 512
pathPTR1 ds 510