Antoine Vignau e63f31f49d +1
2024-03-09 21:40:46 +01:00

312 lines
7.0 KiB
Raw Blame History

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* Lode Runner
* (c) 1983, Broderbund Software
* (s) 2014, Brutal Deluxe Software
* A2 MSX
* 0 vide
* 1 mur
* 2 mur dur
* 3 Žchelle visible
* 4 liane
* 5 trappe
* 6 Žchelle invisible
* 7 trŽsor
* 8 ennemi
* 9 hŽros
* 0 vide
* 1 trappe
* 2 mur
* 3 mur dur
* 4 liane
* 5 echelle
* 6 echelle invisible
* 7 tresor
* 8 ennemi
* 9 heros
* Sprite quand heros ennemi tombe dans un trou :
* - venant de gauche : 20 53 (35h)
* - venant de droite : 19 54 (36h)
refSPEED = 18
lvlWIDTH = 28 ; $1c
lvlHEIGHT = 16 ; $10
sprWIDTH = 10
sprHEIGHT = 11
sprBYTES = 5
nbLIVES = 5
maxLEVEL = 150
maxHEIGHT = 192 ; lines
hgrHEIGHT = 176
hgrWIDTH = 160 ; 40
hgrTOMOVE = 28160 ; 176*160
modeEDIT = 0 ; to decode level
modeGAME = 1
sprEMPTY = 0
sprWALL = 1
sprWALLI = 2 ; mur indestructible
sprLADDER = 3
sprBAR = 4
sprTRAP = 5
sprLADDERI = 6
sprCHEST = 7
sprFOE = 8
sprHERO = 9
sprCURSOR = 10
spr0 = $3b ; until $44
sprA = $45 ; until $5e >.()/-< (latest sprite is $65)
minJOY = $12 ; joystick min/center/max values
ctrJOY = $2e
maxJOY = $3b
*--- The big zero page usage
boardX = $00
boardY = $01
heroSTEPX = $02
heroSTEPY = $03
heroINDEX = $04
ptrBOARD = $06 ; $06..$07: pointer to board
ptrBBACK = $08 ; $08..$09: pointer to back board
ptrDATA = $0a ; $0a..$0b: pointer to data (HGR or other)
*ptrHGR1 = $0c ; $0c..$0d
*ptrHGR2 = $0e ; $0e..$0f
ptrSTRSND = $10 ; $10..$11: pointer to some table (string, sound)
foeX = $12
foeY = $13
foeINDEX = $14
foeLEFTRIGHT = $15
foeACTION = $16
foeSTEPX = $17 ; coordinate
foeSTEPY = $18 ; coordinate
idxFOE = $19 ; current foe index
fgODDEVEN = $1a
theYSCREEN = $1b
theXSCREEN = $1c
nbLINES = $1d
theA = $1e
hgrPAGE = $1f
ptrHGR1 = $24 ; **new** long
ptrHGR2 = $28 ; **new** long
ptrSPR = $2c ; **new** word
nbLINES2 = $2e ; **new** word
*CH = $24 ; **
*CV = $25 ; **
*CSWL = $36 ; **
*CSWH = $37 ; **
*KSWL = $38 ; **
*KSWH = $39 ; **
theMASK1 = $50
theMASK2 = $51
tempX6 = $53
idxNOTE = $54
tempX4 = $55
tempY1 = $56
tempX5 = $57
tempX3 = $5a
tempX2 = $5b
temp1 = $5c
tempX = $5d
tempY = $5e
hfoeACTION = $5f
hfoePATH1 = $60
hfoePATH2 = $61
hfoePATH3 = $62
hfoePATH = $63
hfoeIDX = $64 ; foe currently being handled
theJOYX = $65
theJOYY = $66
caFROM = $67
caY16 = $69
caTO = $6b
caCURRENTY = $6d
caTEMP16 = $6f
sprTABLE = $71
caFGMODE = $72 ; 0: hide, 1: draw
caCENTERY = $73
caCENTERX = $74
caY1 = $75
caY4 = $76
caY3 = $77
caY2 = $78
caY1high = $79 ; <>0, cannot draw point
caY4high = $7a ; coz we have 192 lines
caY3high = $7b ; not 256+
caY2high = $7c
caX1 = $7d
caX2 = $7e
caX3 = $7f
caX4 = $80 ; x4 index
caX1mask = $81 ; x1 mask index
caX2mask = $82 ; x2 mask index
caX3mask = $83 ; x3 mask index
caX4mask = $84 ; x4 mask index
theX = $85
theY = $86
activePAGE = $87
tempINDEX = $88
theCENTAINE = $89
theDIZAINE = $8a ; 8a
theUNITE = $8b ; 8b
theSPEED = $8c ; 8c
nbFOE = $8d ; 8d
theSCORE = $8e ; 8e..8f.90..91
idxLVLDISK = $92 ; index in level buffer from disk
nbCHEST = $93 ; 93
fgCHEST = $94 ; 94 1: not a chest, 0: a chest
fgINPUT = $95 ; "J"oystick, "K"eyboard... joy"P"ad
intLEVEL = $96 ; 96 theLEVEL-1
foeINTIDX = $97
theMEN = $98 ; 5 bonshommes pour dŽmarrer
fgSOUND = $99 ; 0: no sound, -1: sound on
fgPLAY = $9a ; 1: alive, 0: dead
fgHEROFELL = $9b ; 0: hero fell into a hole, $20: tempo for game speed
fgHOLE = $9c ; -1: left hole, 0: none, 1: right hole
fgGOODSTART = $9d ; 1: start from level 0 / allow score update, 0: not true
theKEY1 = $9e
theKEY2 = $9f
idxDIG = $a0 ; dig index in sprite list
counter = $a1 ; a simple counter
fgLVLMODE = $a2 ; 0: edit, <>0: game
idxLADDERI = $a3
fgSPEED = $a4 ; speed of the game
fgCIRCLE = $a5 ; 0: show level, 1: hide level
theLEVEL = $a6 ; current level
fgDEMO = $a7 ; 1: in demo mode
ptrDEMO = $a8 ; $a8..$a9 - pointer to demo data
demoKEY = $aa ; the demo key actions
demoREPEAT = $ab ; the demo repeat factor
fgKEYBTN0 = $ac ; 1: no key/btn0 pressed, 0: key/btn0 pressed
fgCHANGE = $ad ; 1: no change, 0: change
sprDATA = $df ; $df..$ff
Debut = $e0 ; the good old DP variables
Arrivee = Debut+4
chrCTRLE = $85 ; CTRL-E: editor
chrLA = $88 ; left arrow
chrDA = $8a ; down arrow
chrUA = $8b ; up arrow
chrRET = $8d ;
chrCTRLN = $8e ; CTRL-N: native mode
chrCTRLO = $8f ; CTRL-O: open
chrCTRLQ = $91 ; CTRL-Q: quit
chrRA = $95 ; right arrow
chrCTRLV = $96 ; CTRL-V: vintage
chrESC = $9b ;
chrSPC = " " ;
chrZERO = "0" ; 0
chrONE = "1" ; 1
chrTWO = "2" ; 2
chrTHREE = "3" ; 3
chrNINE = "9" ;
chrDOT = "." ;
chrA = "A" ; first character
chrI = "I" ; move up
chrJ = "J" ; move left
chrK = "K" ; move down
chrL = "L" ; move right
chrN = "N" ; NO
chrO = "O" ; dig right
chrP = "P" ;
chrU = "U" ; dig left
chrY = "Y" ; YES
chrZ = "Z" ; last character
maskUPPER = %1101_1111
*--- Mask bits
fpUP = %00000001 ; active high
fpDOWN = %00000010 ; active high
fpLEFT = %00000100 ; active high
fpRIGHT = %00001000 ; active high
fpNOTUSED = %00010000
fpTRIGGER3 = %00100000 ; active low
fpTRIGGER2 = %01000000 ; active high
fpTRIGGER1 = %10000000 ; active high
maskBIT0 = %11111110 ; #$FE masks bit 0
maskBIT1 = %11111101 ; #$FD masks bit 1
maskBIT2 = %11111011 ; #$FB masks bit 2
maskBIT3 = %11110111 ; #$F7 masks bit 3
maskBIT4 = %11101111 ; #$EF masks bit 4
maskBIT5 = %11011111 ; #$DF masks bit 5
maskBIT6 = %10111111 ; #$BF masks bit 6
maskBIT7 = %01111111 ; #$7F masks bit 7
fpDFTVALUE = $20 ; dft value for Rev. B
slot4PLAY = $f0 ; 0 if none, slot otherwise
the4PLAY = slot4PLAY+2 ; value read from the 4play
isndINTRO = 1 ; ok
isndBARRE = 2 ; ok
isndCREUSE = 3 ; ok
isndESCALIER = 4 ; ok
isndMARCHE = 5 ; ok
isndNOMORECHEST = 6 ; ok
isndTOMBE = 7 ; ok - ˆ refaire
isndTRESOR = 8 ; ok
isndTROU = 9 ; ok
isndYOUWIN = 10 ; ok
KBD = $e0c000
KBDSTROBE = $e0c010
RDVBLBAR = $e0c019
NEWVIDEO = $e0c029
VERTCNT = $e0c02e
HORIZCNT = $e0c02f
SPKR = $e0c030
SOUNDCTL = $e0c03c
SOUNDDATA = $e0c03d
SOUNDADRL = $e0c03e
SOUNDADRH = $e0c03f
BUTN0 = $e0c061
BUTN1 = $e0c062
PADDL0 = $e0c064
PADDL1 = $e0c065
PTRIG = $e0c070
IRQ_VOLUME = $e100ca
oldHGR1 = $2000
oldHGR2 = $4000