#Apple 2 HGR BYTE Inspector Keys: ``` ESC Quit G Toggle fullscreen I Move cursor up J Move cursor left K Move cursor right L Move cursor down ^I Move cursor to col 0 ^J Move cursor to col 39 ^K Move cursor to row 0 ^L Move cursor to row 191 RET Center cursor 0..9 "Append" hex nibble to cursor byte A..F ! Toggle bit 0 @ Toggle bit 1 # Toggle bit 2 $ Toggle bit 3 % Toggle bit 4 ^ Toggle bit 5 & Toggle bit 6 * Toggle bit 7 (high bit) SPC Toggle high bit of byte (bit 7) ( Set byte to $FF (Shift-9) ) Clear byte to $00 (Shift-0) ` Flip all bits ~ Flip all bits , Shift byte left (with zero) . Shift byte right (with one ) < Shift byte left (with zero) > Shift byte right (with one ) [ Rotate byte left ] Rotate byte right - Copy byte (Save cursor byte to temporary) = Paste byte (Set cursor byte from temporary) ```