Michaelangel007 98a9c6b577 Fix typo
2016-08-03 10:51:57 -07:00

50 lines
1.1 KiB

#Apple 2 HGR BYTE Inspector
[hgr byte inspector screenshot](hgrbyte.png?raw=true)
ESC Quit
G Toggle fullscreen
I Move cursor up
J Move cursor left
K Move cursor right
L Move cursor down
^I Move cursor to col 0
^J Move cursor to col 39
^K Move cursor to row 0
^L Move cursor to row 191
RET Center cursor
0..9 "Append" hex nibble to cursor byte
! Toggle bit 0
@ Toggle bit 1
# Toggle bit 2
$ Toggle bit 3
% Toggle bit 4
^ Toggle bit 5
& Toggle bit 6
* Toggle bit 7 (high bit)
SPC Toggle high bit of byte (bit 7)
( Set byte to $FF (Shift-9)
) Clear byte to $00 (Shift-0)
` Flip all bits
~ Flip all bits
, Shift byte left (with zero)
. Shift byte right (with one )
< Shift byte left (with zero)
> Shift byte right (with one )
[ Rotate byte left
] Rotate byte right
- Copy byte (Save cursor byte to temporary)
= Paste byte (Set cursor byte from temporary)