; Michael Pohoreski ; Optimized from printm ; Thanks to qkumba for optimizations ; F8 ROM Entry Points COUT = $FDED SCRN2 = $F879 ORG $800 LDA #$12 LDX #$34 JMP PrintUint16 ; Print unsigned 16-bit integer ; A=High byte ; X=Low byte ; Also see: Applesoft LINPRT @ ED24 ; ====================================================================== PrintUint16 STX _temp+0 STA _temp+1 LDA #0 STA _bcd+0 STA _bcd+1 STA _bcd+2 Dec2BCD LDX #16 ; 16 bits SED ; "Double Dabble" _Dec2BCD ; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_dabble ASL _temp+0 ROL _temp+1 LDY #$FD ; $00-$FD=-3 bcd[0] bcd[1] bcd[2] bcd[3] _DoubleDabble ; Y=FD Y=FE Y=FF Y=00 LDA _bcd-$FD,Y ADC _bcd-$FD,Y STA _bcd-$FD,Y INY BNE _DoubleDabble DEX BNE _Dec2BCD CLD ; X=0 = output length DecWidth LDY #3 ; maximum 6 digits output BCD2Chars LDA _bcd-1,Y JSR HexA ; print 0, 1, or 2 hex digits DEY BNE BCD2Chars TXA CPX #0 ; Handle special case input = $0000 of no output BEQ _HaveLeadingDigit _PrintDone RTS ; Converts A to high ASCII digits, prints as they become available ; @return: A will be bottom nibble in high ASCII HexA PHA JSR SCRN2+2 ; LSR x4 == 0>> 4 JSR _HexNib PLA AND #$F _HexNib BNE _HaveLeadingDigit ; If have leading zero and no output yet ... CPX #0 ; ... then skip storing it BEQ _HexAsciiDone _HaveLeadingDigit CMP #$A ; n < 10 ? BCC _Hex2Asc ADC #6 ; n += 6 $A -> +6 + (C=1) = $11 _Hex2Asc ADC #'0' + $80 ; inverse=remove #$80 PutChar JSR COUT INX ; X = output string length _HexAsciiDone RTS _bcd ds 4 ; 6 chars for printing dec _temp db 0,0