; ASC ; DFB .include "ca65_fixes.inc" ZERO_LEAD EQU $00 KEY_CR EQU $8D KEY_ESC EQU $9B KEY_0 EQU $B0 ; '0' = $30 KEY_9 EQU $B9 ; '9' = $39 pDigits EQU $FA Carry EQU $FC Div EQU $FD KEYBOARD EQU $C000 KEYSTROBE EQU $C010 TEXT EQU $FB2F ; Init text mode and window HOME EQU $FC58 RDKEY EQU $FD0C COUT EQU $FDED __main = $2000 ; Header for DOS 3.3 binary file; remove 2 lines for ProDOS DW __main DW __end - __main ; main() ORG __main LDA #7 ; Version JSR TEXT ; Just in case we are in graphics mode JSR HOME JSR InitABS ; Init A,B,S JSR IntroH JSR InputA ; Input JSR InputB JSR IntroS MulDigit ; Calc JSR IsZeroB BCS OutS JSR IsOddB BCC EvenS JSR AddAToS EvenS JSR ShlA JSR ShrB CLC BCC MulDigit ; ^ (always) OutS JSR PrintS ; output ;RTS ; NOTE: DOS3.3 BRUN bug doesn't exit, should JMP $3D0 JMP $0000 InputA JSR IntroA JSR GetPtrA BNE GetString InputB JSR IntroB JSR GetPtrB ; intentional fall int GetString GetString ; common entry point STX pDigits STY pDigits+1 LDX #0 ; digits length _linechar JSR GetDigit ; C=1 enter, C=0 digit BCS _linedone JSR COUT ; preserves A,Y AND #$F ; C=0 digit STA Buffer,X INX BPL _linechar ; or BNE for 255 digits BMI IntroE ; error if > 127 digits _linedone ; Now move digits from $200 -> DigitsA, DigitsB, etc. LDY #0 ; X = src, Y = dst offset CPX #0 ; any digits? BEQ _movedone ; No digits! _moveline DEX LDA Buffer,X STA (pDigits),Y ; digit[y] = char & 0xF INY CPX #0 BNE _moveline ; ^ max 256 digits _movedone BEQ PrintCR ; v (always) GetDigit ; LDA KEYBOARD ; BPL GetDigit ; STA KEYSTROBE JSR RDKEY CMP #KEY_CR BEQ _eol CMP #KEY_ESC BEQ _esc CMP #KEY_0 BCC GetDigit CMP #KEY_9+1 BCS GetDigit RTS _eol SEC ; C=1 enter RTS _esc ; Unwind stack of InputA/B PLA PLA RTS ; Return to who originally called main() GetPtrA LDX #DigitsA ; hi byte RTS GetPtrB LDX #DigitsB RTS GetPtrS LDX #DigitsS RTS InitABS LDA #$00 TAX _zero STA DigitsA,X STA DigitsB,X STA DigitsS,X INX BNE _zero ; zero digits[0..$FF] RTS IntroA LDY #OffsetA BNE _intro IntroB LDY #OffsetB BNE _intro IntroS LDY #OffsetS BNE _intro IntroE LDY #OffsetE BNE _intro IntroH LDY #OffsetH _intro LDA _text,Y BEQ _outro ; asciiz JSR COUT INY BNE _intro _outro RTS PrintCR LDA #KEY_CR JMP COUT ; ________________________________________________________________________ ; Pseudo BCD - one byte per digit ; ________________________________________________________________________ ; ======================================== PrintA JSR GetPtrA BNE _print PrintB JSR GetPtrB BNE _print PrintS JSR GetPtrS _print STX _bcd+1 STY _bcd+2 LDX #ZERO_LEAD ; Default to leading zero ($0) LDY #$FF ; start at digits[255] _bcd LDA $FFFF,Y ; NOTE: Self-Modified by _print BNE _digit ; digits[i] == 0 && leadingzero CPX #ZERO_LEAD ; X != 0 BEQ _skip _digit CLC ADC #KEY_0 ; 0 -> $B0 .. 9 -> $B9 TAX ; If digit printed stop checking for leading zero JSR COUT _skip DEY ; CPY #$FF ; digits[255] ? BNE _bcd ; ^ ; Bug fix: If no digits were printed then number must be zero LDA #0 ; print '0' TAY ; no length CPX #ZERO_LEAD BEQ _digit BNE PrintCR ; ^ (always) move to next line when done ; ======================================== AddAToS LDY #0 CLC _add LDA DigitsS,Y ADC DigitsA,Y CMP #$A ; Base=10, C = (a+s+carry) >= 10 BCC _overflow SBC #$A ; C=1, A = A - 9 - C _overflow STA DigitsS,Y INY BNE _add RTS ; ======================================== IsOddB LDY #0 LDA DigitsB,Y AND #1 BEQ _not_zero ; Even -> C=0 BNE _is_zero ; Odd _> C=1 ; ======================================== IsZeroB LDY #0 _is_0 LDA DigitsB,Y BNE _not_zero INY BNE _is_0 _is_zero SEC RTS _not_zero CLC RTS ; ======================================== ShlA LDY #0 CLC _shl LDA DigitsA,Y TAX LDA Mul2Digit,X ADC #0 STA DigitsA,Y LDA Mul2Carry,X ROR INY BNE _shl RTS ; ======================================== ShrB LDY #$FF ; start at digits[255] LDX #0 ; digits processed STX Carry ; $00 .. 9*2 = $18 _shr CLC ; LDA DigitsB,Y ; sum = digit[i] + carry ADC Carry ; A=0000_00xy C=0/1 ROR ; A=c000_000x, C=y AND #$F ; A=0000_000x STA DigitsB,Y ; digit[i] = (sum / 2) LDA #0 ; BCC _shr_next ; C=0 -> Carry = 0 LDA #10 ; C=1 -> Carry = 10 (base) _shr_next STA Carry ; carry = (sum & 1) ? BASE : 0 DEY INX ; we need to compare y=$FF without disturbing carry BNE _shr ; max 256 digits -- solution, use X reg :-) RTS Mul2Digit ; Digit DFB 0 ; 0*2 = 0 0 DFB 2 ; 1*2 = 0 2 DFB 4 ; 2*2 = 0 4 DFB 6 ; 3*2 = 0 6 DFB 8 ; 4*2 = 0 8 DFB 0 ; 5*2 = 1 0 DFB 2 ; 6*2 = 1 2 DFB 4 ; 7*2 = 1 4 DFB 6 ; 8*2 = 1 6 DFB 8 ; 9*2 = 1 8 Mul2Carry ; Carry DFB 0 ; 0*2 = 0 0 DFB 0 ; 1*2 = 0 2 DFB 0 ; 2*2 = 0 4 DFB 0 ; 3*2 = 0 6 DFB 0 ; 4*2 = 0 8 DFB 1 ; 5*2 = 1 0 DFB 1 ; 6*2 = 1 2 DFB 1 ; 7*2 = 1 4 DFB 1 ; 8*2 = 1 6 DFB 1 ; 9*2 = 1 8 _text TextH ; Header ASC "RUSSIAN PEASANT MULTIPLICATION" DFB KEY_CR DFB KEY_CR DFB 0 TextA ASC "INPUT A" DFB KEY_CR ASC "?" DFB 0 TextB ASC "INPUT B" DFB KEY_CR ASC "?" DFB 0 TextE DFB KEY_CR ASC "WARNING" ASC ": MORE THAN 127 CHARS" DFB KEY_CR DFB 0 TextS ASC "= " DFB 0 OffsetH EQU TextH - _text OffsetA EQU TextA - _text OffsetB EQU TextB - _text OffsetE EQU TextE - _text OffsetS EQU TextS - _text __end ; Pad until end of page, these globals are not stored on disk pad EQU 256 - <* page EQU *+pad DigitsA EQU page ; stupid assembler can't use variable 'a' DigitsB EQU page+256 DigitsS EQU page+512 Buffer EQU page+768