Added title screen image conversion

This commit is contained in:
Rob McMullen 2017-07-15 22:41:07 -07:00
parent 71e57e7433
commit 754b0e60c8
2 changed files with 209 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import re
# external packages
import png # package name is "pypng" on
import numpy as np
def slugify(s):
@ -206,13 +207,11 @@ class Listing(object):
class Sprite(Listing):
backing_store_sizes = set()
def __init__(self, pngfile, assembler, screen, xdraw=False, use_mask=False, backing_store=False, clobber=False, double_buffer=False, damage=False, processor="any", name=""):
def __init__(self, slug, pngdata, assembler, screen, xdraw=False, use_mask=False, backing_store=False, clobber=False, double_buffer=False, damage=False, processor="any"):
Listing.__init__(self, assembler)
self.slug = slug
self.screen = screen
reader = png.Reader(pngfile)
pngdata = reader.asRGB8()
self.xdraw = xdraw
self.use_mask = use_mask
self.backing_store = backing_store
@ -220,9 +219,6 @@ class Sprite(Listing):
self.double_buffer = double_buffer
self.damage = damage
self.processor = processor
if not name:
name = os.path.splitext(pngfile)[0]
self.slug = slugify(name)
self.width = pngdata[0]
self.height = pngdata[1]
self.pixel_data = list(pngdata[2])
@ -528,6 +524,17 @@ class HGR(ScreenFormat):
return "00"
def bits_for_bw(self, pixel):
if pixel == self.white:
return "1"
return "0"
def bits_for_bw_mask(self, pixel):
if pixel == self.key:
return "1"
return "0"
def high_bit_for_color(self, pixel):
# Note that we prefer high-bit white because blue fringe is less noticeable than magenta.
high_bit = "0"
@ -643,15 +650,10 @@ class HGRBW(HGR):
bits_per_pixel = 1
def bits_for_color(self, pixel):
if pixel == self.white:
return "1"
return "0"
return self.bits_for_bw(pixel)
def bits_for_mask(self, pixel):
if pixel == self.key:
return "1"
return "0"
return self.bits_for_bw_mask(pixel)
def pixel_color(self, pixel_data, row, col):
r = pixel_data[row][col*3]
@ -980,6 +982,165 @@ class FastFont(Listing):
self.byte("$%02x" % ord(data[index]), 16)
class HGRByLine(HGR):
"""Either a color line or a BW line, depending on the contents of each
If the entire line has only BW pixels, look at all the pixel data to
preserve all 280 pixels across.
Otherwise, look at every other pixel and convert as the normal HGR
bits_per_pixel = 1
def __init__(self, color="line"):
if color == "color":
self.scan_line = self.scan_line_color
elif color == "bw":
self.scan_line = self.scan_line_bw
self.scan_line = self.scan_line_default
def is_pixel_on(self, pixel_data, row, col):
r = pixel_data[row][col*3]
g = pixel_data[row][col*3+1]
b = pixel_data[row][col*3+2]
# any pixel that is not super dark is considered on
return r>25 or g>25 or b>25
def scan_line_default(self, pixel_data, row, width):
color_count = 0
bw_count = 0
for col in range(1, width):
current = self.pixel_color(pixel_data, row, col)
if current == self.white:
bw_count += 1
elif current != and current != self.key:
color_count += 1
# print("row: %d, bw=%d, color=%d" % (row, bw_count, color_count))
if color_count > 1:
return self.color_processor
return self.bw_processor
def scan_line_color(self, pixel_data, row, width):
return self.color_processor
def scan_line_bw(self, pixel_data, row, width):
return self.bw_processor
def color_processor(self, pixel_data, row, width):
bit_stream = ""
high_bits = ""
# Compute raw bitstream for row from PNG pixels, skipping every other
# for color rendering
for byte_index in range(0, width, 2*7):
h = None
# take high bit for each byte using the first non-black pixel
for bit_index in range(0, 2*7, 2):
pixel_index = byte_index + bit_index
pixel = self.pixel_color(pixel_data,row,pixel_index)
if h is None and pixel != and pixel != self.key:
h = self.high_bit_for_color(pixel)
bit_stream += self.bits_for_color(pixel)
if h is None:
h = "0"
high_bits += h * 2*7
return self.split_bit_stream(width, bit_stream, high_bits)
def bw_processor(self, pixel_data, row, width):
bit_stream = ""
high_bits = ""
# Compute raw bitstream for row from PNG pixels, skipping every other
# for color rendering
for pixel_index in range(0, width):
pixel = self.pixel_color(pixel_data,row,pixel_index)
bit_stream += self.bits_for_bw(pixel)
h = self.high_bit_for_color(pixel)
high_bits += h
return self.split_bit_stream(width, bit_stream, high_bits)
def split_bit_stream(self, width, bit_stream, high_bits):
# print bit_stream
# print high_bits
# Split bitstream into bytes
byte_width = width // 7
bit_pos = 0
filler_bit = "0"
byte_splits = np.zeros((byte_width), dtype=np.uint8)
for byte_index in range(byte_width):
remaining_bits = len(bit_stream) - bit_pos
bit_chunk = ""
if remaining_bits < 0:
bit_chunk = filler_bit * 7
if remaining_bits < 7:
bit_chunk = bit_stream[bit_pos:]
bit_chunk += filler_bit * (7-remaining_bits)
bit_chunk = bit_stream[bit_pos:bit_pos+7]
bit_chunk = bit_chunk[::-1]
byte = high_bits[bit_pos] + bit_chunk
#print("%d: %s" % (byte_index, byte))
byte_splits[byte_index] = int(byte, 2)
bit_pos += 7
return byte_splits
def lines_from_pixels(self, source):
lines = np.zeros((192, 40), dtype=np.uint8)
bit_delegate = self.bits_for_color
high_bit_delegate = self.high_bit_for_color
filler_bit = "0"
for row in range(source.height):
processor = self.scan_line(source.pixel_data, row, source.width)
lines[row] = processor(source.pixel_data, row, source.width)
return lines
class Image(object):
def __init__(self, pngdata, fileroot, color):
self.screen = HGRByLine(color)
self.width = pngdata[0]
self.height = pngdata[1]
self.pixel_data = list(pngdata[2])
def convert(self, fileroot):
lines = self.screen.lines_from_pixels(self)
output = "%s.hgr.png" % fileroot
with open(output, "wb") as fh:
# output PNG
w = png.Writer(280, 192, greyscale=True, bitdepth=1)
bits = np.fliplr(np.unpackbits(lines.ravel()).reshape(-1,8)[:,1:8])
bw = bits.reshape((192, 280))
w.write(fh, bw)
print("created bw representation of HGR screen: %s" % output)
offsets = self.screen.generate_row_addresses(0)
# print ["%04x" % i for i in offsets]
screen = np.zeros(8192, dtype=np.uint8)
for row in range(192):
offset = offsets[row]
screen[offset:offset+40] = lines[row]
output = "%s.hgr" % fileroot
with open(output, "wb") as fh:
print("created HGR screen: %s" % output)
if __name__ == "__main__":
disclaimer = '''
; This file was generated by, a sprite compiler by Quinn Dunki.
@ -996,6 +1157,7 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
parser.add_argument("-a", "--assembler", default="cc65", choices=["cc65","mac65"], help="Assembler syntax (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--processor", default="any", choices=["any","6502", "65C02"], help="Processor type (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("-s", "--screen", default="hgrcolor", choices=["hgrcolor","hgrbw"], help="Screen format (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--image", default="line", choices=["line", "color","bw"], help="Screen format used for full page image conversion (default: %(default)s)")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", default="", help="Name for generated assembly function (default: based on image filename)")
parser.add_argument("-k", "--clobber", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't save the registers on the stack")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--double-buffer", action="store_true", default=False, help="add code blit to either page (default: page 1 only)")
@ -1028,13 +1190,24 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
for pngfile in options.files:
sprite_code = Sprite(pngfile, assembler, screen, options.xdraw, options.mask, options.backing_store, options.clobber, options.double_buffer, options.damage, options.processor,
reader = png.Reader(pngfile)
pngdata = reader.asRGB8()
except RuntimeError, e:
print "%s: %s" % (pngfile, e)
except png.Error, e:
print "%s: %s" % (pngfile, e)
name = if else os.path.splitext(pngfile)[0]
slug = slugify(name)
w, h = pngdata[0:2]
if w == 280 and h == 192:
# Full screen conversion!
Image(pngdata, name, options.image.lower())
sprite_code = Sprite(slug, pngdata, assembler, screen, options.xdraw, options.mask, options.backing_store, options.clobber, options.double_buffer, options.damage, options.processor)
if options.output_prefix:
r = RowLookup(assembler, screen)

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ COLORSPRITE = moldy_burger.png
#COLORSPRITE = apple.png
BWSPRITE = apple-sprite9x11.png
all: cpbg.dsk fonttest.dsk
all: cpbg.dsk fonttest.dsk titles.dsk
python -a mac65 -p 6502 -r > rowlookup.s
@ -48,8 +48,19 @@ cpbg.xex: cpbg.s cpbg-sprite-driver.s
cpbg.dsk: cpbg.xex
atrcopy cpbg.dsk boot -b cpbg.xex --brun 6000 -f
titles.dsk: cpbg.xex
atrcopy titles.dsk boot -d partycrasher-software.hgr@2000 player-missile.hgr@4000 -b cpbg.xex --brun 6000 -f
player-missile.hgr: player-missile.png
python player-missile.png
kansasfest-disclaimer.hgr: kansasfest-disclaimer.png
python -i color kansasfest-disclaimer.png
partycrasher-software.hgr: partycrasher-software.png
python -i color partycrasher-software.png
titles.dsk: cpbg.xex player-missile.hgr kansasfest-disclaimer.hgr partycrasher-software.hgr
atrcopy titles.dsk boot -d kansasfest-disclaimer.hgr@2000 partycrasher-software.hgr@4000 player-missile.hgr@2000 -b cpbg.xex --brun 6000 -f
#atrcopy titles.dsk boot -d partycrasher-software.bin@2000 kansasfest-disclaimer.bin@4000 player-missile-bg.bin@2000 -b cpbg.xex --brun 6000 -f
#atrcopy titles.dsk boot -d player-missile.hgr@2000 -b cpbg.xex --brun 6000 -f
fonttest.dsk: fonttest.s fatfont.s
atasm -ofonttest.xex fonttest.s -Lfonttest.var -gfonttest.lst
@ -61,3 +72,4 @@ clean:
rm -f colortest.dsk colortest.xex colortest.var colortest.lst
rm -f multitest.dsk multitest.xex multitest.var multitest.lst multitest-sprite-driver.s multitest-bwsprite.s multitest-hgrcols-7x1.s multitest-hgrrows.s
rm -f cpbg.dsk cpbg.xex cpbg.var cpbg.lst cpbg-sprite-driver.s cpbg-bwsprite.s cpbg-hgrcols-7x1.s cpbg-hgrrows.s
rm -f player-missile.hgr kansasfest-disclaimer.hgr partycrasher-software.hgr