#!/usr/bin/python # system packages import sys import os import argparse import re # external packages import png # package name is "pypng" on pypi.python.org import numpy as np def slugify(s): """Simplifies ugly strings into something that can be used as an assembler label. >>> print slugify("[Some] _ Article's Title--") SOME_ARTICLES_TITLE From https://gist.github.com/dolph/3622892#file-slugify-py """ # "[Some] _ Article's Title--" # "[SOME] _ ARTICLE'S TITLE--" s = s.upper() # "[SOME] _ ARTICLE'S_TITLE--" # "[SOME]___ARTICLE'S_TITLE__" for c in [' ', '-', '.', '/']: s = s.replace(c, '_') # "[SOME]___ARTICLE'S_TITLE__" # "SOME___ARTICLES_TITLE__" s = re.sub('\W', '', s) # "SOME___ARTICLES_TITLE__" # "SOME ARTICLES TITLE " s = s.replace('_', ' ') # "SOME ARTICLES TITLE " # "SOME ARTICLES TITLE " s = re.sub('\s+', ' ', s) # "SOME ARTICLES TITLE " # "SOME ARTICLES TITLE" s = s.strip() # "SOME ARTICLES TITLE" # "SOME_ARTICLES_TITLE" s = s.replace(' ', '_') return s class AssemblerSyntax(object): extension = "s" comment_char = ";" def asm(self, text): return "\t%s" % text def comment(self, text): return "\t%s %s" % (self.comment_char, text) def label(self, text): return text def byte(self, text): return self.asm(".byte %s" % text) def word(self, text): return self.asm(".word %s" % text) def address(self, text): return self.asm(".addr %s" % text) def origin(self, text): return self.asm("*= %s" % text) def include(self, text): return self.asm(".include \"%s\"" % text) def binary_constant(self, value): try: # already a string _ = len(value) return "#%%%s" % value except TypeError: return "#%%%s" % format(value, "08b") class Mac65(AssemblerSyntax): def address(self, text): return self.asm(".word %s" % text) def binary_constant(self, value): try: # a string value = int(value, 2) except TypeError: pass return "#~%s" % format(value, "08b") class CC65(AssemblerSyntax): extension = "s" def label(self, text): return "%s:" % text class Listing(object): def __init__(self, assembler): self.assembler = assembler self.lines = [] self.current = None self.desired_count = 1 self.stash_list = [] self.slug = "sprite-driver" def __str__(self): self.flush_stash() return "\n".join(self.lines) + "\n" def add_listing(self, other): self.lines.extend(other.lines) def get_filename(self, basename): return "%s-%s.%s" % (basename, self.slug.lower(), self.assembler.extension) def write(self, basename, disclaimer): filename = self.get_filename(basename) print("Writing to %s" % filename) with open(filename, "w") as fh: fh.write(disclaimer + "\n\n") fh.write(str(self)) return filename def out(self, line=""): self.flush_stash() self.lines.append(line) def out_append_last(self, line): self.lines[-1] += line def pop_asm(self, cmd=""): self.flush_stash() if cmd: search = self.assembler.asm(cmd) i = -1 while self.lines[i].strip().startswith(self.assembler.comment_char): i -= 1 if self.lines[i] == search: self.lines.pop(i) else: self.lines.pop(-1) def label(self, text): self.out(self.assembler.label(text)) def comment(self, text): self.out_append_last(self.assembler.comment(text)) def comment_line(self, text): self.out(self.assembler.comment(text)) def asm(self, text): self.out(self.assembler.asm(text)) def addr(self, text): self.out(self.assembler.address(text)) def include(self, text): self.out(self.assembler.include(text)) def flush_stash(self): if self.current is not None and len(self.stash_list) > 0: self.lines.append(self.current(", ".join(self.stash_list))) self.current = None self.stash_list = [] self.desired_count = 1 def stash(self, desired, text, per_line): if self.current is not None and (self.current != desired or per_line == 1): self.flush_stash() if per_line > 1: if self.current is None: self.current = desired self.desired_count = per_line self.stash_list.append(text) if len(self.stash_list) >= self.desired_count: self.flush_stash() else: self.out(desired(text)) def binary_constant(self, value): return self.assembler.binary_constant(value) def byte(self, text, per_line=1): self.stash(self.assembler.byte, text, per_line) def word(self, text, per_line=1): self.stash(self.assembler.word, text, per_line) class Sprite(Listing): backing_store_sizes = set() def __init__(self, slug, pngdata, assembler, screen, xdraw=False, use_mask=False, backing_store=False, clobber=False, double_buffer=False, damage=False, processor="any"): Listing.__init__(self, assembler) self.slug = slug self.screen = screen self.xdraw = xdraw self.use_mask = use_mask self.backing_store = backing_store self.clobber = clobber self.double_buffer = double_buffer self.damage = damage self.processor = processor self.width = pngdata[0] self.height = pngdata[1] self.pixel_data = list(pngdata[2]) self.jump_table() for i in range(self.screen.num_shifts): self.blit_shift(i) def jump_table(self): # Prologue self.label("%s" % self.slug) self.comment("%d bytes per row" % self.screen.byte_width(self.width)) if self.processor == "any": self.out(".ifpC02") self.jump65C02() self.out(".else") self.jump6502() self.out(".endif") elif self.processor == "65C02": self.jump65C02() elif self.processor == "6502": self.jump6502() else: raise RuntimeError("Processor %s not supported" % self.processor) def save_axy_65C02(self): self.asm("pha") self.asm("phx") self.asm("phy") def restore_axy_65C02(self): self.asm("ply") self.asm("plx") self.asm("pla") def save_axy_6502(self): self.asm("pha") self.asm("txa") self.asm("pha") self.asm("tya") self.asm("pha") def restore_axy_6502(self): self.asm("pla") self.asm("tay") self.asm("pla") self.asm("tax") self.asm("pla") def jump65C02(self): if not self.clobber: self.save_axy_65C02() self.asm("ldy param_x") self.asm("ldx MOD%d_%d,y" % (self.screen.num_shifts, self.screen.bits_per_pixel)) self.asm("jmp (%s_JMP,x)\n" % (self.slug)) offset_suffix = "" # Bit-shift jump table for 65C02 self.label("%s_JMP" % (self.slug)) for shift in range(self.screen.num_shifts): self.addr("%s_SHIFT%d" % (self.slug, shift)) def jump6502(self): if not self.clobber: self.save_axy_6502() self.asm("ldy param_x") self.asm("ldx MOD%d_%d,y" % (self.screen.num_shifts, self.screen.bits_per_pixel)) # Fast jump table routine; faster and smaller than self-modifying code self.asm("lda %s_JMP+1,x" % (self.slug)) self.asm("pha") self.asm("lda %s_JMP,x" % (self.slug)) self.asm("pha") self.asm("rts\n") # Bit-shift jump table for generic 6502 self.label("%s_JMP" % (self.slug)) for shift in range(self.screen.num_shifts): self.addr("%s_SHIFT%d-1" % (self.slug,shift)) def blit_shift(self, shift): # Blitting functions self.out("\n") # Track cycle count of the blitter. We start with fixed overhead: # SAVE_AXY + RESTORE_AXY + rts + sprite jump table cycle_count = 9 + 12 + 6 + 3 + 4 + 6 baselabel = "%s_SHIFT%d" % (self.slug,shift) self.label(baselabel) color_streams = self.screen.byte_streams_from_pixels(shift, self) mask_streams = self.screen.byte_streams_from_pixels(shift, self, True) for c, m in zip(color_streams, mask_streams): self.comment_line(str(c) + " " + str(m)) self.out("") if self.backing_store: byte_width = len(color_streams[0]) self.asm("jsr savebg_%dx%d" % (byte_width, self.height)) self.backing_store_sizes.add((byte_width, self.height)) cycle_count += 6 cycle_count, optimization_count = self.generate_blitter(color_streams, mask_streams, cycle_count, baselabel) if not self.clobber: if self.processor == "any": self.out(".ifpC02") self.restore_axy_65C02() self.out(".else") self.restore_axy_6502() self.out(".endif") elif self.processor == "65C02": self.restore_axy_65C02() elif self.processor == "6502": self.restore_axy_6502() else: raise RuntimeError("Processor %s not supported" % self.processor) if self.damage: # the caller knows param_x and param_y for location, so no need # to report those again. But the size varies by sprite (and perhaps # by shift amount?) so store it here byte_width = len(color_streams[0]) self.asm("lda #%d" % byte_width) self.asm("sta DAMAGE_W") self.asm("lda #%d" % self.height) self.asm("sta DAMAGE_H") self.out() self.asm("rts") self.comment("Cycle count: %d, Optimized %d rows." % (cycle_count,optimization_count)) def generate_blitter(self, color_streams, mask_streams, base_cycle_count, baselabel): byte_width = len(color_streams[0]) cycle_count = base_cycle_count optimization_count = 0 order = list(range(self.height)) for row in order: cycle_count += self.row_start_calculator_code(row, baselabel) byte_splits = color_streams[row] mask_splits = mask_streams[row] byte_count = len(byte_splits) # number of trailing iny to remove due to unchanged bytes at the # end of the row skip_iny = 0 # Generate blitting code for index, (value, mask) in enumerate(zip(byte_splits, mask_splits)): if index > 0: self.asm("iny") cycle_count += 2 # Optimization if mask == "01111111": optimization_count += 1 self.comment_line("byte %d: skipping! unchanged byte (mask = %s)" % (index, mask)) skip_iny += 1 else: value = self.binary_constant(value) skip_iny = 0 # Store byte into video memory if self.xdraw: self.asm("lda (scratch_addr),y") self.asm("eor %s" % value) self.asm("sta (scratch_addr),y"); cycle_count += 5 + 2 + 6 elif self.use_mask: if mask == "00000000": # replacing all the bytes; no need for and/or! self.asm("lda %s" % value) self.asm("sta (scratch_addr),y"); cycle_count += 2 + 5 else: mask = self.binary_constant(mask) self.asm("lda (scratch_addr),y") self.asm("and %s" % mask) self.asm("ora %s" % value) self.asm("sta (scratch_addr),y"); cycle_count += 5 + 2 + 2 + 6 else: self.asm("lda %s" % value) self.asm("sta (scratch_addr),y"); cycle_count += 2 + 6 while skip_iny > 0: self.pop_asm("iny") skip_iny -= 1 cycle_count -= 2 return cycle_count, optimization_count def row_start_calculator_code(self, row, baselabel): self.out() self.comment_line("row %d" % row) if row == 0: self.asm("ldx param_y") cycles = 3 else: cycles = 0 self.asm("lda HGRROWS_H1+%d,x" % row) cycles += 4 if self.double_buffer: # HGRSELECT must be set to $00 or $60. The eor then turns the high # byte of page 1 into either page1 or page 2 by flipping the 5th # and 6th bit self.asm("eor HGRSELECT") cycles += 3 self.asm("sta scratch_addr+1") self.asm("lda HGRROWS_L+%d,x" % row) self.asm("sta scratch_addr") cycles += 3 + 4 + 3 if row == 0: self.asm("ldy param_x") self.asm("lda DIV%d_%d,y" % (self.screen.num_shifts, self.screen.bits_per_pixel)) self.asm("sta scratch_col") # save the mod lookup; it doesn't change self.asm("tay") cycles += 3 + 4 + 3 + 2 else: self.asm("ldy scratch_col") cycles += 2 return cycles; def shift_string_right(string, shift, bits_per_pixel, filler_bit): if shift==0: return string shift *= bits_per_pixel result = "" for i in range(shift): result += filler_bit result += string return result class ScreenFormat(object): num_shifts = 8 bits_per_pixel = 1 screen_width = 320 screen_height = 192 def __init__(self): self.offsets = self.generate_row_offsets() self.numX = self.screen_width / self.bits_per_pixel def byte_width(self, png_width): return (png_width * self.bits_per_pixel + self.num_shifts - 1) // self.num_shifts + 1 def bits_for_color(self, pixel): raise NotImplementedError def bits_for_mask(self, pixel): raise NotImplementedError def pixel_color(self, pixel_data, row, col): raise NotImplementedError def generate_row_offsets(self): offsets = [40 * y for y in range(self.screen_height)] return offsets def generate_row_addresses(self, base_addr): addrs = [base_addr + offset for offset in self.offsets] return addrs class HGR(ScreenFormat): num_shifts = 7 bits_per_pixel = 2 screen_width = 280 black,magenta,green,orange,blue,white,key = range(7) def bits_for_color(self, pixel): if pixel == self.black or pixel == self.key: return "00" else: if pixel == self.white: return "11" else: if pixel == self.green or pixel == self.orange: return "01" # blue or magenta return "10" def bits_for_mask(self, pixel): if pixel == self.key: return "11" return "00" def bits_for_bw(self, pixel): if pixel == self.white: return "1" else: return "0" def bits_for_bw_mask(self, pixel): if pixel == self.key: return "1" return "0" def high_bit_for_color(self, pixel): # Note that we prefer high-bit white because blue fringe is less noticeable than magenta. high_bit = "0" if pixel == self.orange or pixel == self.blue or pixel == self.white: high_bit = "1" return high_bit def high_bit_for_mask(self, pixel): return "0" def pixel_color(self, pixel_data, row, col): r = pixel_data[row][col*3] g = pixel_data[row][col*3+1] b = pixel_data[row][col*3+2] rhi = r == 255 rlo = r == 0 ghi = g == 255 glo = g == 0 bhi = b == 255 blo = b == 0 if rhi and ghi and bhi: color = self.white elif rlo and glo and blo: color = self.black elif rhi and bhi: color = self.magenta elif rhi and g > 0: color = self.orange elif bhi: color = self.blue elif ghi: color = self.green else: # anything else is chroma key color = self.key return color def byte_streams_from_pixels(self, shift, source, mask=False): byte_streams = ["" for x in range(source.height)] byte_width = self.byte_width(source.width) if mask: bit_delegate = self.bits_for_mask high_bit_delegate = self.high_bit_for_mask filler_bit = "1" else: bit_delegate = self.bits_for_color high_bit_delegate = self.high_bit_for_color filler_bit = "0" for row in range(source.height): bit_stream = "" high_bit = "0" high_bit_found = False # Compute raw bitstream for row from PNG pixels for pixel_index in range(source.width): pixel = self.pixel_color(source.pixel_data,row,pixel_index) bit_stream += bit_delegate(pixel) # Determine palette bit from first non-black pixel on each row if not high_bit_found and pixel != self.black and pixel != self.key: high_bit = high_bit_delegate(pixel) high_bit_found = True # Shift bit stream as needed bit_stream = shift_string_right(bit_stream, shift, self.bits_per_pixel, filler_bit) bit_stream = bit_stream[:byte_width*8] # Split bitstream into bytes bit_pos = 0 byte_splits = [0 for x in range(byte_width)] for byte_index in range(byte_width): remaining_bits = len(bit_stream) - bit_pos bit_chunk = "" if remaining_bits < 0: bit_chunk = filler_bit * 7 else: if remaining_bits < 7: bit_chunk = bit_stream[bit_pos:] bit_chunk += filler_bit * (7-remaining_bits) else: bit_chunk = bit_stream[bit_pos:bit_pos+7] bit_chunk = bit_chunk[::-1] byte_splits[byte_index] = high_bit + bit_chunk bit_pos += 7 byte_streams[row] = byte_splits; return byte_streams def generate_row_offsets(self): offsets = [] for y in range(self.screen_height): # From Apple Graphics and Arcade Game Design a = y // 64 d = y - (64 * a) b = d // 8 c = d - 8 * b offsets.append((1024 * c) + (128 * b) + (40 * a)) return offsets class HGRBW(HGR): bits_per_pixel = 1 def bits_for_color(self, pixel): return self.bits_for_bw(pixel) def bits_for_mask(self, pixel): return self.bits_for_bw_mask(pixel) def pixel_color(self, pixel_data, row, col): r = pixel_data[row][col*3] g = pixel_data[row][col*3+1] b = pixel_data[row][col*3+2] color = self.black if abs(r - g) < 16 and abs(g - b) < 16 and r!=0 and r!=255: # Any grayish color is chroma key color = self.key elif r>25 or g>25 or b>25: # pretty much all other colors are white color = self.white else: color = self.black return color class RowLookup(Listing): def __init__(self, assembler, screen): Listing.__init__(self, assembler) self.slug = "hgrrows" self.generate_y(screen) def generate_y(self, screen): self.label("HGRROWS_H1") for addr in screen.generate_row_addresses(0x2000): self.byte("$%02x" % (addr // 256), 8) self.out("\n") self.label("HGRROWS_H2") for addr in screen.generate_row_addresses(0x4000): self.byte("$%02x" % (addr // 256), 8) self.out("\n") self.label("HGRROWS_L") for addr in screen.generate_row_addresses(0x2000): self.byte("$%02x" % (addr & 0xff), 8) class ColLookup(Listing): def __init__(self, assembler, screen): Listing.__init__(self, assembler) self.slug = "hgrcols-%dx%d" % (screen.num_shifts, screen.bits_per_pixel) self.generate_x(screen) def generate_x(self, screen): self.out("\n") self.label("DIV%d_%d" % (screen.num_shifts, screen.bits_per_pixel)) for pixel in range(screen.numX): self.byte("$%02x" % ((pixel / screen.num_shifts) * screen.bits_per_pixel), screen.num_shifts) self.out("\n") self.label("MOD%d_%d" % (screen.num_shifts, screen.bits_per_pixel)) for pixel in range(screen.numX): # This is the index into the jump table, so it's always multiplied # by 2 self.byte("$%02x" % ((pixel % screen.num_shifts) * 2), screen.num_shifts) class BackingStore(Listing): # Each entry in the stack includes: # 2 bytes: address of restore routine # 1 byte: x coordinate # 1 byte: y coordinate # nn: x * y bytes of data, in lists of rows def __init__(self, assembler, byte_width, row_height): Listing.__init__(self, assembler) self.byte_width = byte_width self.row_height = row_height self.save_label = "savebg_%dx%d" % (byte_width, row_height) self.restore_label = "restorebg_%dx%d" % (byte_width, row_height) self.space_needed = self.compute_size() self.create_save() self.out() self.create_restore() self.out() def compute_size(self): return 2 + 1 + 1 + (self.byte_width * self.row_height) def create_save(self): self.label(self.save_label) # reserve space in the backing store stack self.asm("sec") self.asm("lda bgstore") self.asm("sbc #%d" % self.space_needed) self.asm("sta bgstore") self.asm("lda bgstore+1") self.asm("sbc #0") self.asm("sta bgstore+1") # save the metadata self.asm("ldy #0") self.asm("lda #<%s" % self.restore_label) self.asm("sta (bgstore),y") self.asm("iny") self.asm("lda #>%s" % self.restore_label) self.asm("sta (bgstore),y") self.asm("iny") self.asm("lda param_x") self.asm("sta (bgstore),y") self.asm("iny") self.asm("lda param_y") # Note that we can't clobber param_y like the restore routine can # because this is called in the sprite drawing routine and these # values must be retained to draw the sprite in the right place! self.asm("sta scratch_addr") self.asm("sta (bgstore),y") self.asm("iny") # The unrolled code is taken from Quinn's row sweep backing store # code in a previous version of HiSprite loop_label, col_label = self.smc_row_col(self.save_label, "scratch_addr") for c in range(self.byte_width): self.label(col_label % c) self.asm("lda $2000,x") self.asm("sta (bgstore),y") self.asm("iny") if c < self.byte_width - 1: # last loop doesn't need this self.asm("inx") self.asm("inc scratch_addr") self.asm("cpy #%d" % self.space_needed) self.asm("bcc %s" % loop_label) self.asm("rts") def smc_row_col(self, label, row_var): # set up smc for hires column, because the starting column doesn't # change when moving to the next row self.asm("ldx param_x") self.asm("lda DIV7_1,x") smc_label = "%s_smc1" % label self.asm("sta %s+1" % smc_label) loop_label = "%s_line" % label # save a line, starting from the topmost and working down self.label(loop_label) self.asm("ldx %s" % row_var) self.asm("lda HGRROWS_H1,x") col_label = "%s_col%%s" % label for c in range(self.byte_width): self.asm("sta %s+2" % (col_label % c)) self.asm("lda HGRROWS_L,x") for c in range(self.byte_width): self.asm("sta %s+1" % (col_label % c)) self.label(smc_label) self.asm("ldx #$ff") return loop_label, col_label def create_restore(self): # bgstore will be pointing right to the data to be blitted back to the # screen, which is 4 bytes into the bgstore array. Everything before # the data will have already been pulled off by the driver in order to # figure out which restore routine to call. Y will be 4 upon entry, # and param_x and param_y will be filled with the x & y values. # # also, no need to save registers because this is being called from a # driver that will do all of that. self.label(self.restore_label) # we can clobber the heck out of param_y because we're being called from # the restore driver and when we return we are just going to load it up # with the next value anyway. loop_label, col_label = self.smc_row_col(self.restore_label, "param_y") for c in range(self.byte_width): self.asm("lda (bgstore),y") self.label(col_label % c) self.asm("sta $2000,x") self.asm("iny") if c < self.byte_width - 1: # last loop doesn't need this self.asm("inx") self.asm("inc param_y") self.asm("cpy #%d" % self.space_needed) self.asm("bcc %s" % loop_label) self.asm("rts") class BackingStoreDriver(Listing): # Driver to restore the screen using all the saved data. # The backing store is a stack that grows downward in order to restore the # chunks in reverse order that they were saved. # # variables used: # bgstore: (lo byte, hi byte) 1 + the first byte of free memory. # I.e. points just beyond the last byte # param_x: (byte) x coord # param_y: (byte) y coord # # everything else is known because the sizes of each erase/restore # routine are hardcoded because this is a sprite *compiler*. # # Note that sprites of different sizes will have different sized entries in # the stack, so the entire list has to be processed in order. But you want # that anyway, so it's not a big deal. # # The global variable 'bgstore' is used as the stack pointer. It must be # initialized to a page boundary, the stack grows downward from there. # starting from the last byte on the previous page. E.g. if the initial # value is $c000, the stack grows down using $bfff as the highest address, # the initial bgstore value must point to 1 + the last usable byte # # All registers are clobbered because there's no real need to save them # since this will be called from the main game loop. def __init__(self, assembler, sizes): Listing.__init__(self, assembler) self.slug = "backing-store" self.add_driver() for byte_width, row_height in sizes: code = BackingStore(assembler, byte_width, row_height) self.add_listing(code) def add_driver(self): # Initialization routine needs to be called once at the beginning # of the program so that the savebg_* functions will have a valid # bgstore self.label("restorebg_init") self.asm("lda #0") self.asm("sta bgstore") self.asm("lda #BGTOP") self.asm("sta bgstore+1") self.asm("rts") self.out() # Driver routine to loop through the bgstore stack and copy the # data back to the screen self.label("restorebg_driver") self.asm("ldy #0") self.asm("lda (bgstore),y") self.asm("sta restorebg_jsr_smc+1") self.asm("iny") self.asm("lda (bgstore),y") self.asm("sta restorebg_jsr_smc+2") self.asm("iny") self.asm("lda (bgstore),y") self.asm("sta param_x") self.asm("iny ") self.asm("lda (bgstore),y") self.asm("sta param_y") self.asm("iny") self.label("restorebg_jsr_smc") self.asm("jsr $ffff") self.asm("clc") self.asm("tya") # y contains the number of bytes processed self.asm("adc bgstore") self.asm("sta bgstore") self.asm("lda bgstore+1") self.asm("adc #0") self.asm("sta bgstore+1") self.asm("cmp #BGTOP") self.asm("bcc restorebg_driver") self.asm("rts") self.out() class FastFont(Listing): def __init__(self, assembler, screen, font, double_buffer): Listing.__init__(self, assembler) self.slug = "fastfont" self.generate_table(screen, "H1", 0x2000) if double_buffer: self.generate_table(screen, "H2", 0x4000) self.generate_transposed_font(screen, font) def generate_table(self, screen, suffix, hgrbase): label = "FASTFONT_%s" % suffix self.label(label) # Have to use self-modifying code because assembler may not allow # taking the hi/lo bytes of an address - 1 self.comment("A = character, X = column, Y = row; A is clobbered, X&Y are not") self.asm("pha") self.asm("lda %s_JMP_HI,y" % label) self.asm("sta %s_JMP+2" % label) self.asm("lda %s_JMP_LO,y" % label) self.asm("sta %s_JMP+1" % label) self.asm("sty scratch_0") self.asm("pla") self.asm("tay") self.label("%s_JMP" % label) self.asm("jmp $ffff\n") # Bit-shift jump table for generic 6502 self.out() self.label("%s_JMP_HI" % label) for r in range(24): self.asm(".byte >%s_%d" % (label, r)) self.label("%s_JMP_LO" % label) for r in range(24): self.asm(".byte <%s_%d" % (label, r)) self.out() hgr1 = screen.generate_row_addresses(hgrbase) for r in range(24): self.label("%s_%d" % (label, r)) for i in range(8): self.asm("lda TransposedFontRow%d,y" % i) self.asm("sta $%04x,x" % (hgr1[r*8 + i])) self.asm("ldy scratch_0") self.asm("rts") self.out() def generate_transposed_font(self, screen, font): with open(font, 'rb') as fh: data = fh.read() num_bytes = len(data) num_chars = num_bytes / 8 for r in range(8): self.label("TransposedFontRow%d" % r) for i in range(num_chars): index = i * 8 + r self.byte("$%02x" % ord(data[index]), 16) class HGRByLine(HGR): """Either a color line or a BW line, depending on the contents of each line. If the entire line has only BW pixels, look at all the pixel data to preserve all 280 pixels across. Otherwise, look at every other pixel and convert as the normal HGR """ bits_per_pixel = 1 def __init__(self, color="line"): HGR.__init__(self) if color == "color": self.scan_line = self.scan_line_color elif color == "bw": self.scan_line = self.scan_line_bw else: self.scan_line = self.scan_line_default def is_pixel_on(self, pixel_data, row, col): r = pixel_data[row][col*3] g = pixel_data[row][col*3+1] b = pixel_data[row][col*3+2] # any pixel that is not super dark is considered on return r>25 or g>25 or b>25 def scan_line_default(self, pixel_data, row, width): color_count = 0 bw_count = 0 for col in range(1, width): current = self.pixel_color(pixel_data, row, col) if current == self.white: bw_count += 1 elif current != self.black and current != self.key: color_count += 1 # print("row: %d, bw=%d, color=%d" % (row, bw_count, color_count)) if color_count > 1: return self.color_processor return self.bw_processor def scan_line_color(self, pixel_data, row, width): return self.color_processor def scan_line_bw(self, pixel_data, row, width): return self.bw_processor def color_processor(self, pixel_data, row, width): bit_stream = "" high_bits = "" # Compute raw bitstream for row from PNG pixels, skipping every other # for color rendering for byte_index in range(0, width, 2*7): h = None # take high bit for each byte using the first non-black pixel for bit_index in range(0, 2*7, 2): pixel_index = byte_index + bit_index pixel = self.pixel_color(pixel_data,row,pixel_index) if h is None and pixel != self.black and pixel != self.key: h = self.high_bit_for_color(pixel) bit_stream += self.bits_for_color(pixel) if h is None: h = "0" high_bits += h * 2*7 return self.split_bit_stream(width, bit_stream, high_bits) def bw_processor(self, pixel_data, row, width): bit_stream = "" high_bits = "" # Compute raw bitstream for row from PNG pixels, skipping every other # for color rendering for pixel_index in range(0, width): pixel = self.pixel_color(pixel_data,row,pixel_index) bit_stream += self.bits_for_bw(pixel) h = self.high_bit_for_color(pixel) high_bits += h return self.split_bit_stream(width, bit_stream, high_bits) def split_bit_stream(self, width, bit_stream, high_bits): # print bit_stream # print high_bits # Split bitstream into bytes byte_width = width // 7 bit_pos = 0 filler_bit = "0" byte_splits = np.zeros((byte_width), dtype=np.uint8) for byte_index in range(byte_width): remaining_bits = len(bit_stream) - bit_pos bit_chunk = "" if remaining_bits < 0: bit_chunk = filler_bit * 7 else: if remaining_bits < 7: bit_chunk = bit_stream[bit_pos:] bit_chunk += filler_bit * (7-remaining_bits) else: bit_chunk = bit_stream[bit_pos:bit_pos+7] bit_chunk = bit_chunk[::-1] byte = high_bits[bit_pos] + bit_chunk #print("%d: %s" % (byte_index, byte)) byte_splits[byte_index] = int(byte, 2) bit_pos += 7 return byte_splits def lines_from_pixels(self, source): lines = np.zeros((192, 40), dtype=np.uint8) bit_delegate = self.bits_for_color high_bit_delegate = self.high_bit_for_color filler_bit = "0" for row in range(source.height): processor = self.scan_line(source.pixel_data, row, source.width) lines[row] = processor(source.pixel_data, row, source.width) return lines class Image(object): def __init__(self, pngdata, fileroot, color): self.screen = HGRByLine(color) self.width = pngdata[0] self.height = pngdata[1] self.pixel_data = list(pngdata[2]) self.convert(fileroot) def convert(self, fileroot): lines = self.screen.lines_from_pixels(self) output = "%s.hgr.png" % fileroot with open(output, "wb") as fh: # output PNG w = png.Writer(280, 192, greyscale=True, bitdepth=1) bits = np.fliplr(np.unpackbits(lines.ravel()).reshape(-1,8)[:,1:8]) bw = bits.reshape((192, 280)) w.write(fh, bw) print("created bw representation of HGR screen: %s" % output) offsets = self.screen.generate_row_addresses(0) # print ["%04x" % i for i in offsets] screen = np.zeros(8192, dtype=np.uint8) for row in range(192): offset = offsets[row] screen[offset:offset+40] = lines[row] output = "%s.hgr" % fileroot with open(output, "wb") as fh: fh.write(screen) print("created HGR screen: %s" % output) if __name__ == "__main__": disclaimer = ''' ; This file was generated by HiSprite.py, a sprite compiler by Quinn Dunki. ; If you feel the need to modify this file, you are probably doing it wrong. ''' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Sprite compiler for 65C02/6502 to generate assembly code to render all shifts of the given sprite, optionally with exclusive-or drawing (if background will be non-black). Generated code has conditional compilation directives for the CC65 assembler to allow the same file to be compiled for either architecture.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", default=0, action="count") parser.add_argument("-c", "--cols", action="store_true", default=False, help="output column (x position) lookup tables") parser.add_argument("-r", "--rows", action="store_true", default=False, help="output row (y position) lookup tables") parser.add_argument("-x", "--xdraw", action="store_true", default=False, help="use XOR for sprite drawing") parser.add_argument("-m", "--mask", action="store_true", default=False, help="use mask for sprite drawing") parser.add_argument("-b", "--backing-store", action="store_true", default=False, help="add code to store background") parser.add_argument("-a", "--assembler", default="cc65", choices=["cc65","mac65"], help="Assembler syntax (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("-p", "--processor", default="any", choices=["any","6502", "65C02"], help="Processor type (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("-s", "--screen", default="hgrcolor", choices=["hgrcolor","hgrbw"], help="Screen format (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("-i", "--image", default="line", choices=["line", "color","bw"], help="Screen format used for full page image conversion (default: %(default)s)") parser.add_argument("-n", "--name", default="", help="Name for generated assembly function (default: based on image filename)") parser.add_argument("-k", "--clobber", action="store_true", default=False, help="don't save the registers on the stack") parser.add_argument("-d", "--double-buffer", action="store_true", default=False, help="add code blit to either page (default: page 1 only)") parser.add_argument("-g", "--damage", action="store_true", default=False, help="add code to report size of sprite upon return. Can be used in a damage list to restore an area from a pristine source.") parser.add_argument("-f", "--font", action="store", default="", help="generate a fast font blitter for text on the hgr screen using the specified binary font file") parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-prefix", default="", help="Base name to create a set of output files. If not supplied, all code will be sent to stdout.") parser.add_argument("files", metavar="IMAGE", nargs="*", help="a PNG image [or a list of them]. PNG files must not have an alpha channel!") options, extra_args = parser.parse_known_args() if options.assembler.lower() == "cc65": assembler = CC65() elif options.assembler.lower() == "mac65": assembler = Mac65() else: print("Unknown assembler %s" % options.assembler) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if options.screen.lower() == "hgrcolor": screen = HGR() elif options.screen.lower() == "hgrbw": screen = HGRBW() else: print("Unknown screen format %s" % options.screen) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) listings = [] luts = {} # dict of lookup tables to prevent duplication in output files for pngfile in options.files: try: reader = png.Reader(pngfile) pngdata = reader.asRGB8() except RuntimeError, e: print "%s: %s" % (pngfile, e) sys.exit(1) except png.Error, e: print "%s: %s" % (pngfile, e) sys.exit(1) name = options.name if options.name else os.path.splitext(pngfile)[0] slug = slugify(name) w, h = pngdata[0:2] if w == 280 and h == 192: # Full screen conversion! Image(pngdata, name, options.image.lower()) else: sprite_code = Sprite(slug, pngdata, assembler, screen, options.xdraw, options.mask, options.backing_store, options.clobber, options.double_buffer, options.damage, options.processor) listings.append(sprite_code) if options.output_prefix: r = RowLookup(assembler, screen) luts[r.slug] = r c = ColLookup(assembler, screen) luts[c.slug] = c listings.extend([luts[k] for k in sorted(luts.keys())]) if options.rows: listings.append(RowLookup(assembler, screen)) if options.cols: listings.append(ColLookup(assembler, screen)) if options.font: listings.append(FastFont(assembler, screen, options.font, options.double_buffer)) if listings: if options.output_prefix: if Sprite.backing_store_sizes: backing_store_code = BackingStoreDriver(assembler, Sprite.backing_store_sizes) listings.append(backing_store_code) driver = Listing(assembler) for source in listings: genfile = source.write(options.output_prefix, disclaimer) driver.include(genfile) driver.write(options.output_prefix, disclaimer) else: print disclaimer for section in listings: print section