10 gosub 50000 20 hgr 30 hcolor=6:hplot 0,13 to 279,13 100 hcolor=3:x=140:sd=0:s=sh 110 dx=0:dy=0 200 xdraw s at x,10:ox=x:os=s 210 ky=peek(-16384):if ky > 127 then 300 220 x=x+sd 225 gosub 400 230 if x < 10 then x=10 240 if x > 270 then x=270 250 xdraw os at ox,10 260 goto 200 300 poke -16368,0 310 if ky=136 then s=sh:sd=sd-1:goto 399 320 if ky=149 then s=sh+1:sd=sd+1:goto 390 330 if ky=160 and not dx and not dy then dx=x:dy=15:ds=dc:xdraw ds at dx,dy:goto 390 390 if abs(sd) > 3 then sd = sgn(sd)*3 399 xdraw os at ox,10:goto 200 400 if not dx and not dy then return 410 ax=dx:ay=dy:as=ds 420 dy=dy+2:if dy > 160 then dx=0:dy=0 430 ds=ds+1:if ds > dc+3 then ds=dc 430 xdraw as at ax,ay 440 if not dx and not dy then return 450 xdraw ds at dx,dy 460 return 49999 end 50000 $shape src="ships.st", poke=yes, init=yes, assign=(sb="sub-left", sh="ship-left", dc="depthcharge-1")