StewBC c08a759404 C64 Graphics and CX16 versions
Made the old C64 version C64.chr and created a new graphical interface version for the C64 and the Commander X16.  Also changed the Oric to be called the atmos since that works better with the build system.
2020-05-25 18:20:37 -07:00

395 lines
11 KiB

; hiresC64.s
; cc65 Chess
; Created by Stefan Wessels, May 2020.
.include ""
.export _plat_gfxFill, _plat_showStrXY, _plat_showPiece, _plat_colorStringXY, _plat_colorFill
.import popa
.define VIC_BASE_RAM $C000
.define SCREEN_RAM VIC_BASE_RAM + $2000
.define CHARMAP_RAM VIC_BASE_RAM + $2800
; Utility - Turn tmp2 (y) and tmp3 (x) into a pointer in ptr2 that points
; in VIC_BASE_RAM with x, y being col and row with col and row being
; 8 pixels
.proc plat_ptr2AtHgrXY
lda tmp2 ; load y
asl ; ptr2 points at start with 320 = 256 + 64 so
asl ; y in hi + 64 * y in lo/hi + SCREEN_RAM hi = address
rol ptr2 + 1
rol ptr2 + 1
rol ptr2 + 1
sta ptr2
lda tmp2 ; add y in hi
adc ptr2 + 1
adc #>(VIC_BASE_RAM) ; and vic ram in hi (vic ram aligned, lo = 0)
sta ptr2 + 1 ; ptr2 now points at the correct row
stx tmp2 ; re-use tmp2, clear for possible carry
lda tmp3 ; x * 8 is offset into row where this col starts
rol tmp2
adc ptr2
sta ptr2
lda tmp2
adc ptr2 + 1
sta ptr2 + 1 ; ptr2 now points at the start address on-screen, incl. x
; Utility - Turn tmp2 (y) and ptr1 (x) into a pointer in ptr1 that points
; at SCREEN_RAM[x+y*40]
.proc plat_ptr2AtScrXY
lda tmp2 ; load y
asl ; * 32
rol ptr1 + 1
rol ptr1 + 1
adc ptr1 ; add x in
sta ptr1
bcc :+
inc ptr1 + 1
lda tmp2 ; start with y
asl ; 8 * + 32 * = 40 *
adc ptr1
sta ptr1
lda ptr1 + 1
adc #>(SCREEN_RAM) ; add screen ram hi as lo is $0 (aligned)
sta ptr1 + 1
; void plat_gfxFill(char fill, char x, char y, char w, char h)
; where y & h are multiples of 8 and x and w are in columns (i.e.
; bytes not pixels). Fill the 8x8 aligned rectangle with fill.
.proc _plat_gfxFill
sta tmp1 ; h
ldx #0
stx ptr1 + 1 ; prep ptr1 hi for possible carry
stx ptr2 + 1 ; prep ptr2 hi for possible carry
jsr popa ; w
asl ; w * 8 - w in cols and 8 bytes per col till next col
rol ptr1 + 1 ; ptr1 now contains number of bytes to fill per row
sta ptr1
jsr popa
sta tmp2 ; y in tmp2
jsr popa
sta tmp3 ; x in tmp3
jsr plat_ptr2AtHgrXY
sec ; calculate (320 - width) as the "stride"
lda #$40
sbc ptr1
sta tmp2
lda #1
sbc ptr1 + 1
sta tmp3
jsr popa ; fill
sta tmp4
sei ; stop interrupts
lda 1 ; kernel out
and #$FD
sta 1
lda tmp4
ldy ptr1 + 1 ; check hi byte of width to fill
beq low ; width totals less than 256 bytes, no hi copy
ldy #0 ; fill 256 bytes
sta (ptr2), y
bne :-
inc ptr2 + 1 ; adjust the write pointer by 256 bytes
ldy ptr1 ; get the low bytes top copy
beq rowdone ; if none left to copy then row is done
sta (ptr2), y ; write the block of bytes < 256
bne :-
dec tmp1 ; one more row done
beq done ; when wrap all rows are done
lda ptr1
adc ptr2
bcc :+
inc ptr2 + 1
adc tmp2 ; add stride to get to next row
sta ptr2
lda tmp3
adc ptr2 + 1
sta ptr2 + 1
bne loop ; bra
lda 1 ; kernel in
ora #$02
sta 1
cli ; resume interrupts
; void plat_colorFill(char color, char x, char y, char w, char h)
; Fills a rectangle in SCREEN_RAM with color.
.proc _plat_colorFill
sta tmp1 ; h
lda #0
sta ptr1 + 1 ; prep ptr2 hi for possible carry
jsr popa ; w
sta tmp3
jsr popa
sta tmp2 ; y in tmp2
jsr popa
sta ptr1 ; x in tmp3
jsr plat_ptr2AtScrXY
jsr popa ; color
sta tmp2
lda tmp2
ldy tmp3 ; get the low bytes top copy
beq rowdone ; if none left to copy then row is done
sta (ptr1), y ; write the color
bne :-
dec tmp1 ; one more row done
beq done ; when wrap all rows are done
lda ptr1
adc #$28
sta ptr1
bcc loop
inc ptr1 + 1
bne loop ; bra
; void plat_showStrXY(char x, char Y, char *str)
; Display the string pointed at by str in hires using the character set
; which must be located at CHARACTER_RAM. This must be Set 2 which
; includes lower case characters
.proc _plat_showStrXY
sta ptr1
stx ptr1 + 1
ldx #0
stx ptr2 + 1 ; init hi value for possibly shifting carry into
jsr popa
sta tmp2 ; y in tmp2
jsr popa
sta tmp3 ; x in tmp3
jsr plat_ptr2AtHgrXY
sei ; stop interrupts
lda 1 ; kernel out
and #$FD
sta 1
ldy #0
sty tmp2
ldy tmp2
lda (ptr1), y ; character
beq done
cmp #'z'
bpl :+
and #63
and #127
ldy #7
ldx #0
stx read + 2
asl ; *8 for bytes
rol read + 2
rol read + 2
rol read + 2
sta read + 1
adc read + 2
sta read + 2
lda $ffff, y
sta (ptr2), y
bpl read
lda ptr2
adc #8
sta ptr2
bcc :+
inc ptr2 + 1
inc tmp2
bne loop
lda 1 ; kernel in
ora #$02
sta 1
cli ; resume interrupts
; void plat_colorStringXY(char color, char x, char y, char *str)
; Uses str only for length. Writes color into SCREEN_RAM at
; SCREEN_RAM[i+x+y*40] where i iterates the string [while(str[i]) i++].
.proc _plat_colorStringXY
sta ptr2 ; store the str pointer in ptr2
stx ptr2 + 1
lda #0 ; clear ptr1 hi for carry
sta ptr1 + 1
jsr popa ; y
sta tmp2 ; save y in tmp 2
jsr popa ; x
sta ptr1 ; save x in ptr1 lo
jsr plat_ptr2AtScrXY
jsr popa ; get the color
tax ; save it in x
ldy #0 ; start at 0
lda (ptr2), y
beq done ; as long as string has a valid character
txa ; put color in a
sta (ptr1), y ; and write to SCREEN_RAM
bne :-
; void plat_showPiece(char x, char Y, const char *src)
; copies 3 * 32 consecutive bytes from src to a rectangle in VIC RAM at x, y
; The rect is 4 bytes by 24 bytes (rows) so 96 bytes total
.proc _plat_showPiece
sta ptr1 ; store the pointer to the piece
stx ptr1 + 1
ldx #0 ; plat_ptr2AtHgrXY assumes x = 0
stx ptr2 + 1 ; init hi value for possibly shifting carry into
jsr popa
sta tmp2 ; y in tmp2
jsr popa
sta tmp3 ; x in tmp3
jsr plat_ptr2AtHgrXY ; calculate offset into ptr2
sei ; stop interrupts
lda 1 ; kernel out
and #$FD
sta 1
lda #3 ; need to do 3 loops for a whole piece
sta tmp1
ldy #31 ; 32 bytes to copy
lda (ptr1), y ; load src
eor (ptr2), y ; merge with dest
sta (ptr2), y ; save at dest
bpl :- ; do all 32
dec tmp1 ; another 3rd done
beq done ; all done?
lda ptr1 ; more to do - move src data ptr along by 32
adc #32
sta ptr1
bcc :+
inc ptr1 + 1
lda ptr2 ; move graphics pointer along by 320 (row down)
adc #<320
sta ptr2
lda ptr2 + 1
adc #>320
sta ptr2 + 1
bne loop ; bra
lda 1 ; kernel in
ora #$02
sta 1
cli ; resume interrupts