# chtype - change file type command for ProDOS Build with [ca65](https://cc65.github.io/doc/ca65.html) Installation: * Copy target to ProDOS disk * From BASIC.SYSTEM prompt, run: `-CHTYPE` from STARTUP (or by hand) Usage: ``` CHTYPE pathname,Ttype[,Aauxtype][,S#][,D#] ``` Examples: * `CHTYPE pic,T$08` * `CHTYPE /root/was_bin,TSYS` * `CHTYPE now_basic,TBAS,A$801` * `CHTYPE as_text,TTXT,S6,D1` Notes: * Allocates a 1 page buffer to store the code * Relative or absolute paths can be used * Can be invoked as lower case (e.g. `chtype ...`)