Tools for parsing and plotting a power trace from Contiki

This commit is contained in:
adamdunkels 2010-03-19 22:01:34 +00:00
parent 0eae63b29a
commit 8f7e96b06f
5 changed files with 248 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
ifdef LOG
cat $(LOG) | grep -a "P " | $(CONTIKI)/tools/powertrace/parse-power-data > powertrace-data
cat $(LOG) | grep -a "P " | $(CONTIKI)/tools/powertrace/parse-node-power | sort -nr > powertrace-node-data
cat $(LOG) | $(CONTIKI)/tools/powertrace/parse-sniff-data | sort -n > powertrace-sniff-data
else #LOG
@echo LOG must be defined to point to the powertrace log file to parse
endif #LOG
gnuplot $(CONTIKI)/tools/powertrace/plot-power || echo gnupot failed
gv powertrace-power.eps
gv powertrace-node-power.eps
gv powertrace-sniff-power.eps
powertrace-all: powertrace-parse powertrace-plot powertrace-show
@echo Contiki powertrace is a tool that helps with collecting power data
@echo from motes. The data can be collected from a testbed or from a Cooja
@echo simulation. The powertrace data consists of lines of text that include
@echo the capital letter P followed by a list of numbers that contain the
@echo measured time that mote peripherals were switched on.
@echo A powertrace data file can be parsed and plotted with build-in
@echo powertrace scripts.
@echo To parse a data file with powertrace data, run:
@echo make powertrace-parse LOG=logfile
@echo to plot the parsed data, do:
@echo make powertrace-plot
@echo this produces two files called powertrace-power.eps and
@echo powertrace-node-power.eps. To show these files, run:
@echo make powertrace-show
@echo For convenience, all three above make targets can be combined into
@echo one:
@echo make powertrace-all LOG=logfile

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
$max_seq = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$max_radio[$i] = 0;
$min_radio[$i] = 10000;
while(<>) {
if(/P (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
$node = $1;
$seq = $2;
$cpu = $3;
$lpm = $4;
$tx = $5;
$rx = $6;
$idle_tx = $7;
$idle_rx = $8;
$nodes{$node} = 1;
$radio_now = $tx + $rx;
$idle_now = $idle_tx + $idle_rx;
$cpu_now = $lpm + $cpu;
$dutycycle = $radio_now / $cpu_now;
$dutycycle_for_node[$node][$seq] = $dutycycle;
$idle_for_node[$node][$seq] = $idle_now / $cpu_now;
if($seq > $max_seq) {
$max_seq = $seq;
foreach $j (keys %nodes) {
$avg = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $max_seq; $i++) {
$avg += $dutycycle_for_node[$j][$i];
$idle_avg = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $max_seq; $i++) {
$idle_avg += $idle_for_node[$j][$i];
print $avg / $max_seq . " " . $idle_avg / $max_seq . " $j\n";
$total_avg += $avg;
$total_idle += $idle_avg;
print "\n";
print STDERR "Idle percentage " . $total_idle / $total_avg . "\n";
#print STDERR "Mean duty cycle " . 100 * $mean / $num_mean . "\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
$max_seq = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) {
$max_radio[$i] = 0;
$min_radio[$i] = 10000;
while(<>) {
if(/P (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
$node = $1;
$seq = $2;
$cpu = $3;
$lpm = $4;
$tx = $5;
$rx = $6;
$nodes{$node} = 1;
$radio_now = $tx + $rx;
$cpu_now = $lpm + $cpu;
$dutycycle = $radio_now / $cpu_now;
$dutycycle_for_node[$node][$seq] = $dutycycle;
# print STDERR "Node $node Seq $seq duty cycle " . ($tx + $rx)/($lpm + $cpu) . ", " . ($tx + $rx) . "/" . ($lpm + $cpu) . "\n";
$radio[$seq] += $radio_now;
$time[$seq] += $cpu_now;
if($seq >= 0) {
$mean += $dutycycle;
if($dutycycle > $max_radio[$seq]) {
$max_radio[$seq] = $dutycycle;
if($dutycycle < $min_radio[$seq]) {
$min_radio[$seq] = $dutycycle;
if($seq > $max_seq) {
$max_seq = $seq;
for($i = 0; $i < $max_seq; $i++) {
if($time[$i] != 0) {
print "$i " . $radio[$i] / $time[$i] . " " . $min_radio[$i] . " ". $max_radio[$i] . " ";
foreach $j (keys %nodes) {
print $dutycycle_for_node[$j][$i] . " ";
print "\n";
foreach $j (keys %nodes) {
$avg = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < $max_seq; $i++) {
$avg += $dutycycle_for_node[$j][$i];
print STDERR "Node $j avg duty cycle " . 100 * $avg / $max_seq . "\n";
if($num_mean != 0) {
print STDERR "Mean duty cycle " . 100 * $mean / $num_mean . "\n";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
while(<>) {
if(/([IO]) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+).(\d+) (\d+) (\d+)/) {
$type = $1;
$node = $2;
$seq = $3;
$channel = $4;
$packettype = $5;
$esender1 = $6;
$esender2 = $7;
$tx = $8;
$rx = $9;
if($type cmp "I") {
$channel .= "-tx";
} else {
$channel .= "-rx";
if($packettype == 1) {
$channel .= "-ack"
$tx_for_channel{$channel} += $tx;
$rx_for_channel{$channel} += $rx;
$total += $rx + $tx;
if($forwarding) {
$forward += $tx + $rx;
} else {
$final += $tx + $rx;
foreach $c (keys %tx_for_channel) {
print "$c " . $tx_for_channel{$c}/$total . " " . $rx_for_channel{$c}/$total . "\n";
print STDERR "Final / forward = " . $final / $total . "/" . $forward / $total . "\n";

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
set key top right
set data style boxes
set pointsize 2
set ylabel "Radio duty cycle (%)"
set xlabel "Time (s)"
set terminal postscript eps enhanced "Helvetica" 16 lw 4 dl 5
set output "powertrace-power.eps"
set title "Average radio duty cycle (percent) over time"
plot [0:] [0:] 'powertrace-data' using ($1*10):($2*100) with lines notitle
set output "powertrace-node-power.eps"
set boxwidth 0.3
set title "Per-node radio duty cycle"
set ylabel "Radio duty cycle (%)"
set xlabel "Node number"
plot [-1:] [0:] 'powertrace-node-data' using 0:(100*$1) with boxes fs solid title "Total", \
'' using ($0 + 0.4):(100*$2) with boxes fs solid title "Idle", \
'' using 0:(100*$1):3 with labels center offset 0,1 notitle
set key top left
set boxwidth 0.6
set output "powertrace-sniff-power.eps"
set title "Per-channel radio usage"
set ylabel "Percent (%)"
set xlabel "Channel number"
plot [:] [0:] 'powertrace-sniff-data' using 0:(100 * ($3 + $2)) with boxes title "Listen", \
'' using 0:(100 * $2):xticlabel(1) with boxes title "Transmission"