add working routines to turn the mc1322x radio on and off

This commit is contained in:
Mariano Alvira 2013-02-03 14:48:38 -05:00
parent f57ccf41e7
commit ad55ccdec4
3 changed files with 68 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ int contiki_maca_transmit(unsigned short transmit_len) {
/* block until tx_complete, set by contiki_maca_tx_callback */
while(!tx_complete && (tx_head != 0));
while((maca_pwr == 1) && !tx_complete && (tx_head != 0)) { continue; }

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@ -89,6 +89,10 @@ void ResumeMACASync(void);
void radio_init(void);
uint32_t init_from_flash(uint32_t addr);
/* maca_pwr indicates whether the radio is on or off */
/* Test it before accessing any radio function or the CPU may hang */
extern volatile uint8_t maca_pwr;
#define MAX_PACKET_SIZE (MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE + 2) /* packet includes 2 bytes of checksum */
/* maca register and field defines */

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@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ enum posts {
static volatile uint8_t last_post = NO_POST;
/* maca_pwr indicates whether the radio is on or off */
/* Test it before accessing any radio function or the CPU may hang */
volatile uint8_t maca_pwr = 0;
volatile uint8_t fcs_mode = USE_FCS;
volatile uint8_t prm_mode = PROMISC;
@ -182,6 +186,7 @@ void maca_init(void) {
maca_pwr = 1;
set_channel(0); /* things get weird if you never set a channel */
set_power(0); /* set the power too --- who knows what happens if you don't */
free_head = 0; tx_head = 0; rx_head = 0; rx_end = 0; tx_end = 0; dma_tx = 0; dma_rx = 0;
@ -879,21 +884,70 @@ const uint32_t addr_reg_rep[MAX_DATA] = { 0x80004118,0x80009204,0x80009208,0x800
const uint32_t data_reg_rep[MAX_DATA] = { 0x00180012,0x00000605,0x00000504,0x00001111,0x0fc40000,0x20046000,0x4005580c,0x40075801,0x4005d801,0x5a45d800,0x4a45d800,0x40044000,0x00106000,0x00083806,0x00093807,0x0009b804,0x000db800,0x00093802,0x00000015,0x00000002,0x0000000f,0x0000aaa0,0x01002020,0x016800fe,0x8e578248,0x000000dd,0x00000946,0x0000035a,0x00100010,0x00000515,0x00397feb,0x00180358,0x00000455,0x00000001,0x00020003,0x00040014,0x00240034,0x00440144,0x02440344,0x04440544,0x0ee7fc00,0x00000082,0x0000002a };
void maca_off(void) {
/* Do nothing if already off */
if (maca_pwr == 0) return;
/* wait here till complete and then go off */
while (last_post == TX_POST) {
/* turn off the radio regulators */
reg(0x80003048) = 0x00000f00;
/* hold the maca in reset */
maca_reset = maca_reset_rst;
maca_pwr = 0;
/* Disable clocks, cancel possible delayed RX post */
/* Note mcu will hang if radio is off when a startclk post comes through */
*MACA_TMRDIS = (1 << maca_tmren_sft) | ( 1<< maca_tmren_cpl) | ( 1 << maca_tmren_strt);
/* Turn off the radio regulators */
/* Hold the maca in reset */
maca_reset = maca_reset_rst;
void maca_on(void) {
/* turn the radio regulators back on */
reg(0x80003048) = 0x00000f78;
/* reinitialize the phy */
if (maca_pwr != 0) {
maca_pwr = 1;
/* Turn the radio regulators back on */
while(CRM->STATUSbits.VREG_1P8V_RDY == 0) { continue; }
while(CRM->STATUSbits.VREG_1P5V_RDY == 0) { continue; }
/* Take out of reset */
*MACA_RESET = (1 << maca_reset_clkon);
/* Wait for VREG_1P5V_RDY indication */
while (!((*(volatile uint32_t *)0x80003018) & (1<< 19))) {}
/* If last turnoff had a pending RX post we will get an action complete/PLL unlock interrupt.
* If an abort is now issued we will get an action complete/abort interrupt.
* This action complete is delayed by some unknown amount, just clearing MACA_IRQ below will not stop it.
* However a NOP does the job!
*MACA_CONTROL = maca_ctrl_seq_nop | (1 << maca_ctrl_asap);
/* Something is allowing reserved interrupt 13 on restart? */
*MACA_MASKIRQ = ((1 << maca_irq_rst) |
(1 << maca_irq_acpl) |
(1 << maca_irq_cm) |
(1 << maca_irq_flt) |
(1 << maca_irq_crc) |
(1 << maca_irq_di) |
(1 << maca_irq_sftclk)
last_post = NO_POST;
*MACA_CLRIRQ = 0xffff;