The examples/ directory contains a few examples that will help you get started with Contiki. To run the example programs, you need either to be running Linux or FreeBSD (or any other *nix-type system), or install Cygwin if you are running Microsoft Windows ( As a minimum you will need to have the gcc C compiler installed. To run the examples in the 'netsim' target, you need to have GTK 1.x development libraries installed. These are usually called 'gtk-devel', 'libgtk1-devel' or similar in your Linux software installation programs. hello-world/ A really simple Contiki program that shows how to write Contiki programs. To compile and test the program, go into the hello-world directory: cd examples/hello-world Run the 'make' command. make This will compile the hello-world program in the 'native' target. This causes the entire Contiki operating system and the hello-world application to be compiled into a single program that can be run by typing the following command: ./hello-world.native This will print out the following text: Contiki initiated, now starting process scheduling Hello, world The program will then appear to hang, and must be stopped by pressing the C key while holding down the Control key. multi-threading/ A quite simple demonstration of the Contiki multi-threading library employing two worker threads each running a recursive function. It can be compiled and run in the 'native' target by typing the following commands: cd examples/multi-threading make ./multi-threading.native rime/ Contains a set of examples on how to use the Rime communications stack. To run those examples in the 'netsim' target (a very simple Contiki network simulator), compile the programs with: make TARGET=netsim You will need to have GTK 1.x development libraries installed. Run the different programs: ./test-abc.netsim ./test-meshroute.netsim ./test-rudolph0.netsim ./test-rudolph1.netsim ./test-treeroute.netsim ./test-trickle.netsim ./test-uabc.netsim Most of the examples requires you to click with the middle mouse button on one of the simulated nodes for something to happen. sky/ Examples inteded for running on the Tmote Sky board. To compile those, you need to have msp430-gcc (the gcc C compiler for the MSP430 microcontroller) installed. The follwing programs are included: blink.c A simple program that blinks the on-board LEDs sky-treeroute.c Collects sensor data to a sink (press button to make the node a sink) tcprudolph0.c TCP server that receives loadable ELF files and sends them to the network. test-button.c Toggles the LEDs when the button is pressed. test-cfs.c Tests the 1 mb flash memory of the Tmote Sky telnet-server/ A simple TCP telnet server with a simple command shell. It can be compiled and run in the 'minimal-net' target by typing the following commands: cd examples/telnet-server make ./telnet-server.minimal-net Most likely you'll have to adjust the TCP/IP values set in main() in platform/minimal-net/contiki-main.c to match your needs. Please consult cpu/native/net/README-WPCAP as well if you are running Microsoft Windows. webserver/ A web server supporting dynamic content creation using "scripts" which are actually compiled-in C-functions. It can be compiled and run in the 'minimal-net' target by typing the following commands: cd examples/webserver make ./webserver.minimal-net As an alternative to the static and dynamic compiled-in content the web server can instead support "external" static-only content loaded from any storage supported by the 'Contiki File System' (CFS) interface. To compile it in the 'minimal-net' target and have it load files from disk use the following command: make HTTPD-CFS=1 Most likely you'll have to adjust the TCP/IP values set in main() in platform/minimal-net/contiki-main.c to match your needs. Please consult cpu/native/net/README-WPCAP as well if you are running Microsoft Windows.