/* * Copyright (c) 2002, Adam Dunkels. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This file is part of the Contiki desktop environment for the C64. * * $Id: email.c,v 1.3 2007/11/18 00:57:44 oliverschmidt Exp $ * */ #include "contiki.h" #include "ctk/ctk.h" #include "smtp.h" #include "lib/petsciiconv.h" #include "lib/ctk-textentry-multiline.h" #include <string.h> #ifdef EMAIL_CONF_WIDTH #define MAIL_WIDTH EMAIL_CONF_WIDTH #else #define MAIL_WIDTH 37 #endif #ifdef EMAIL_CONF_HEIGHT #define MAIL_HEIGHT EMAIL_CONF_HEIGHT #else #define MAIL_HEIGHT 17 #endif #if (MAIL_WIDTH - 9) < 39 #define TEXTENTRY_WIDTH (MAIL_WIDTH - 9) #else #define TEXTENTRY_WIDTH 39 #endif static struct ctk_menu menu; unsigned char menuitem_compose, menuitem_setup, menuitem_quit; /* The main window. */ static struct ctk_window composewindow; static struct ctk_separator sep1 = {CTK_SEPARATOR(0, MAIL_HEIGHT + 3, MAIL_WIDTH + 1)}; static struct ctk_label statuslabel = {CTK_LABEL(7, MAIL_HEIGHT + 4, MAIL_WIDTH - 14, 1, "")}; static struct ctk_label tolabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 0, 3, 1, "To:")}; static char to[40]; static struct ctk_textentry totextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(8, 0, TEXTENTRY_WIDTH, 1, to, 39)}; static struct ctk_label cclabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 1, 3, 1, "Cc:")}; static char cc[40]; static struct ctk_textentry cctextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(8, 1, TEXTENTRY_WIDTH, 1, cc, 39)}; static struct ctk_label subjectlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 2, 8, 1, "Subject:")}; static char subject[40]; static struct ctk_textentry subjecttextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(8, 2, TEXTENTRY_WIDTH, 1, subject, 39)}; static char mail[MAIL_WIDTH * MAIL_HEIGHT]; struct ctk_textentry mailtextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY_INPUT(0, 3, MAIL_WIDTH - 1, MAIL_HEIGHT, mail, MAIL_WIDTH - 1, \ ctk_textentry_multiline_input)}; static struct ctk_button sendbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(0, MAIL_HEIGHT + 4, 4, "Send")}; static struct ctk_button erasebutton = {CTK_BUTTON(MAIL_WIDTH - 6, MAIL_HEIGHT + 4, 5, "Erase")}; /* The "Really erase message?" dialog. */ static struct ctk_window erasedialog; static struct ctk_label erasedialoglabel1 = {CTK_LABEL(2, 1, 22, 1, "Really erase message?")}; static struct ctk_label erasedialoglabel2 = {CTK_LABEL(0, 2, 26, 1, "All contents will be lost.")}; static struct ctk_button eraseyesbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(4, 4, 3, "Yes")}; static struct ctk_button erasenobutton = {CTK_BUTTON(18, 4, 2, "No")}; /* The setup window. */ static struct ctk_window setupwindow; static struct ctk_label fromaddresslabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 0, 25, 1, "Name and e-mail address")}; static char fromaddress[40]; static struct ctk_textentry fromaddresstextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(0, 1, 26, 1, fromaddress, 39)}; static struct ctk_label smtpserverlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 3, 20, 1, "Outgoing mailserver")}; static char smtpserver[40]; static struct ctk_textentry smtpservertextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(0, 4, 26, 1, smtpserver, 39)}; /* static struct ctk_label pop3serverlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 6, 20, 1, "Incoming mailserver")}; static char pop3server[40]; static struct ctk_textentry pop3servertextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(0, 7, 26, 1, pop3server, 39)}; */ /* static struct ctk_label pop3userlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 9, 20, 1, "Mailserver username")}; static char pop3user[40]; static struct ctk_textentry pop3usertextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(0, 10, 26, 1, pop3user, 39)}; */ /* static struct ctk_label pop3passwordlabel = {CTK_LABEL(0, 12, 20, 1, "Mailserver password")}; static char pop3password[40]; static struct ctk_textentry pop3passwordtextentry = {CTK_TEXTENTRY(0, 13, 26, 1, pop3password, 39)}; */ static struct ctk_button setupokbutton = {CTK_BUTTON(24, 15, 2, "Ok")}; PROCESS(email_process, "E-mail client"); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void email_quit(void) { ctk_window_close(&setupwindow); ctk_window_close(&composewindow); ctk_menu_remove(&menu); process_exit(&email_process); LOADER_UNLOAD(); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void applyconfig(void) { u16_t addr[2], *addrptr; char *cptr; for(cptr = smtpserver; *cptr != ' ' && *cptr != 0; ++cptr); *cptr = 0; addrptr = &addr[0]; #if UIP_UDP if(uiplib_ipaddrconv(smtpserver, (unsigned char *)addr) == 0) { addrptr = resolv_lookup(smtpserver); if(addrptr == NULL) { resolv_query(smtpserver); ctk_label_set_text(&statuslabel, "Resolving host..."); return; } } #else /* UIP_UDP */ uiplib_ipaddrconv(smtpserver, (unsigned char *)addr); #endif /* UIP_UDP */ smtp_configure("contiki", addrptr); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void prepare_message(void) { /* Convert fields to ASCII. */ petsciiconv_toascii(to, sizeof(to)); petsciiconv_toascii(cc, sizeof(cc)); petsciiconv_toascii(subject, sizeof(subject)); petsciiconv_toascii(mail, sizeof(mail)); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void erase_message(void) { CTK_TEXTENTRY_CLEAR(&totextentry); CTK_TEXTENTRY_CLEAR(&cctextentry); CTK_TEXTENTRY_CLEAR(&subjecttextentry); CTK_TEXTENTRY_CLEAR(&mailtextentry); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCESS_THREAD(email_process, ev, data) { struct ctk_widget *w; PROCESS_BEGIN(); /* Create the "Really erase message?" dialog. */ ctk_dialog_new(&erasedialog, 26, 6); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&erasedialog, &erasedialoglabel1); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&erasedialog, &erasedialoglabel2); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&erasedialog, &eraseyesbutton); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&erasedialog, &erasenobutton); CTK_WIDGET_FOCUS(&erasedialog, &erasenobutton); /* Create setup window. */ ctk_window_new(&setupwindow, 28, 16, "E-mail setup"); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &fromaddresslabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &fromaddresstextentry); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &smtpserverlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &smtpservertextentry); /* CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &pop3serverlabel);*/ /* CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &pop3servertextentry);*/ /* CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &pop3userlabel);*/ /* CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &pop3usertextentry);*/ /* CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &pop3passwordlabel);*/ /* CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &pop3passwordtextentry);*/ CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&setupwindow, &setupokbutton); CTK_WIDGET_FOCUS(&setupwindow, &fromaddresstextentry); /* Create compose window. */ ctk_window_new(&composewindow, MAIL_WIDTH + 1, MAIL_HEIGHT + 5, "Compose e-mail"); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &tolabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &cclabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &subjectlabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &totextentry); CTK_WIDGET_FOCUS(&composewindow, &totextentry); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &cctextentry); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &subjecttextentry); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &mailtextentry); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &sep1); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &statuslabel); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &sendbutton); CTK_WIDGET_ADD(&composewindow, &erasebutton); erase_message(); /* Create and add the menu */ ctk_menu_new(&menu, "E-mail"); menuitem_setup = ctk_menuitem_add(&menu, "Setup"); menuitem_compose = ctk_menuitem_add(&menu, "Compose"); menuitem_quit = ctk_menuitem_add(&menu, "Quit"); ctk_menu_add(&menu); /* Open setup window */ ctk_window_open(&setupwindow); while(1) { PROCESS_WAIT_EVENT(); if(ev == tcpip_event) { smtp_appcall(data); } else if(ev == ctk_signal_widget_activate) { w = (struct ctk_widget *)data; if(w == (struct ctk_widget *)&sendbutton) { prepare_message(); smtp_send(to, cc, fromaddress, subject, mail, MAIL_WIDTH, MAIL_HEIGHT); ctk_label_set_text(&statuslabel, "Sending message..."); CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); } else if(w == (struct ctk_widget *)&erasebutton) { ctk_dialog_open(&erasedialog); } else if(w == (struct ctk_widget *)&eraseyesbutton) { erase_message(); ctk_dialog_close(); } else if(w == (struct ctk_widget *)&erasenobutton) { ctk_dialog_close(); } else if(w == (struct ctk_widget *)&setupokbutton) { applyconfig(); ctk_window_close(&setupwindow); ctk_window_open(&composewindow); } } else if(ev == ctk_signal_menu_activate) { if((struct ctk_menu *)data == &menu) { if(menu.active == menuitem_compose) { ctk_window_open(&composewindow); } else if(menu.active == menuitem_setup) { ctk_window_open(&setupwindow); } else if(menu.active == menuitem_quit) { email_quit(); } } #if UIP_UDP } else if(ev == resolv_event_found) { if(strcmp(data, smtpserver) == 0) { if(resolv_lookup(smtpserver) != NULL) { applyconfig(); ctk_label_set_text(&statuslabel, ""); } else { ctk_label_set_text(&statuslabel, "Host not found"); } CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); } #endif /* UIP_UDP */ } else if(ev == PROCESS_EVENT_EXIT) { email_quit(); } } PROCESS_END(); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void smtp_done(unsigned char error) { if(error == SMTP_ERR_OK) { ctk_label_set_text(&statuslabel, "Mail sent"); erase_message(); ctk_window_open(&composewindow); } else { ctk_label_set_text(&statuslabel, "Mail error"); } CTK_WIDGET_REDRAW(&statuslabel); } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/