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synced 2025-03-11 23:10:44 +00:00
COOJA RUN: Open a terminal and go to "rest" directory. In rest/Makefile, define WITH_COAP = 1 if you want to use COAP, rather than HTTP. Issue following command to load and compile Rest api with COOJA. >make rest-example-no-rpl.csc TARGET=cooja In another terminal, issue the following command >make connect-router-cooja There are 2 nodes running the Rest code in COOJA (node 2 and 6). Their IP addresses are aaaa::0212:7402:0002:0202 and aaaa::0212:7406:0006:0606 respectively. TEST: Please check the rest/rest-example.c source code to see which resources are available. (check the RESOURCE macros in the code). COAP Examples: You can use COAPTester client to interact with the COOJA motes running REST code. java COAPTester GET .well-known/core java COAPTester POST led?color=blue mode=on #turn on the blue led java COAPTester GET toggle java COAPTester GET helloworld #get helloworld plain text HTTP Examples You can use curl as an http client to interact with the COOJA motes running REST code. curl -H "User-Agent: curl" aaaa::0212:7402:0002:0202:8080/helloworld #get helloworld plain text curl -H "User-Agent: curl" aaaa::0212:7402:0002:0202:8080/led?color=green -d mode=off -i #turn off the green led curl -H "User-Agent: curl" aaaa::0212:7402:0002:0202:8080/.well-known/core -i curl -X POST -H "User-Agent: curl" aaaa::0212:7402:0002:0202:8080/helloworld #method not allowed