# Test disks Here are the test disks I am using to test cppo: - [Asimov](): images/disk_utils/asimov/Asimov_v2.0.2mg - [Asimov](): images/disk_utils/copy_ii/copy2+9.1.s2.dsk - [Asimov](): images/masters/dos_3.3.dsk - [Asimov](): images/magazines/nibble/nibble\[1991-01\].po - [Asimov](): images/masters/prodos/ProDOS_2_4_1.dsk - [Asimov](): images/productivity/word_processing/The\ Correspondent\ v4.4.dsk - [Asimov](): images/gs/os/gsos/Apple_IIGS_System_6.0.4/Live.Install.po "The Correspondent" actually doesn't work in pre -ng cppo, and AppleCommander only seems to handle it by ignoring some of its "interestingness". More will be added and at some point I'll make a point of describing why each of these images is a good choice. [Asimov]: ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II/