tardis: adjust time base to +0 hours and provide -e and -w options for adjusting

This commit is contained in:
mgcaret 2017-09-29 23:41:11 -07:00
parent fb4df81cf3
commit c4372a3426

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
; -p Set ProDOS global page date/time.
; -s <type> Set a clock of <type>, current supported
; types: none.
; -e <hours> Adjust time eastward.
; -w <hours> Adjust time westward.
; %hend
@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ verbose = stemp+1 ; verbose flag
DX_parm 'z',t_string ; zone
DX_parm 'p',t_nil ; set prodos time
DX_parm 's',t_string ; set clock
DX_parm 'e',t_int1 ; east adjust
DX_parm 'w',t_int1 ; west adjust
DX_desc "Get time from TimeLord server."
@ -140,17 +144,50 @@ exiterr1: jmp exiterr
: lda #$01
sta ATPbmap
ATcall ATPparms
bcs notime ; if error, bail now
; now do big-endian addition of the base offset
bcc :+
jmp notime ; if error, bail now
; now do big-endian subtraction of the base offset
; and simultaneously put the computed value in From
: sec
ldx #$03
: lda To,x
sbc Base,x
sta From,x
bpl :-
; Use the WS card to convert it to ProDOS format
ATcall CvtParms
; Apply user-requested adjustments:
lda #'e'|$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs ckwest
cpy #$01
bcc ckwest
; now do big-endian addition of eastward adjustment
: clc
ldx #$03
: lda From,x
adc Hour,x
sta From,x
bpl :-
bne :--
ckwest: lda #'w'|$80
jsr xgetparm_ch
bcs convert
cpy #$01
bcc convert
; do big-endian subtraction of westward adjustment
: sec
ldx #$03
: lda From,x
sbc Hour,x
sta From,x
bpl :-
bne :--
; Use the WS card to convert value in From to ProDOS format in To
convert: ATcall CvtParms
bcs notime ; bail if error
; Display date/time
ldy To
@ -413,7 +450,7 @@ next: lda #$01
: ldy #0
; copy loop
: phy
lda (sptr2),y
lda (sptr2),y
ldy stemp
sta (sptr),y
inc stemp
@ -437,8 +474,11 @@ nodenum: .byte $00 ; node number
defname: .byte 1,"=" ; object
deftype: .byte 8,"TimeLord" ; type
defzone: .byte 1,"*" ; zone
; Base offset for epoch conversion
Base: .byte $B4,$93,$56,$70 ; in big-endian order
; Base offset for epoch conversion, in big-endian order
;Base: .byte $B4,$93,$56,$70 ; PDT
Base: .byte $b4,$92,$f4,$00 ; GMT - set timezone or use adjust options
; Hours adjustment value
Hour: .byte $00,$00,$0e,$10 ; 3600 seconds
; parameter list for NBPLookup
lookup: .byte 0,16 ; sync NBPLookup
.word $0000 ; result