;********************************************* ;********************************************* ; ; External command for Davex ; ; deschw -- describe hardware ; ; Options: ; -t system type ; -c cards ; -s SmartPort ; ; 15-Oct-89 DAL ==> v1.2 ; Changed "//" to "II" ; Added IIc+ identification ; & fixed mismatched parens ; Added IIe debugger ROM id ; ;********************************************* ; ; Converted to MPW IIgs 20-Sep-92 DAL ; ;********************************************* ; 27-Jul-17 MAG ==> v1.3 ; Added Apple IIe Card ; for Mac LC identification ; 28-Jul-17 MAG ==> v1.3 (still) ; Added CPU identification (6502, 65C02, 658xx) ; Added emulator identification ; Reduced repetition, reworded, saved a few bytes ; Fix bug where garbage is printed if smartport ; device name is 0 bytes long ; Fix AppleTalk identification & enhanced ; Fix case where an emulator doesn't execute ; missing SMB0 as two-byte opcode ; 05-Aug-17 MAG ==> v1.3 (still) ; Work around lazy IIe LC PDS Card SmartPort. ; 07-Aug-17 MAG ==> v1.3 (still) ; Show Smartport ID type info (Extended/SCSI/RAM card) ; Optional code to show SmartPort vendor and version (not working?) SmartPort TN #2 ; Support additional devices defined in SmartPort TN #4 ; Support subtype flags as described in SmartPort TN #7 ; 14-Aug-17 MAG ==> v1.3 (still) ; Reduce emulator detection to actual emulator for those supporting ; EMUBYTE, or "probable" if no floating bus detected. If you want more ; specific identification, see idemu program. ;.segment "CODE_9000" .include "Common/2/Globals2.asm" .include "Common/2/Apple.Globals2.asm" .include "Common/2/Mli.Globals2.asm" .include "Common/Macros.asm" OrgAdr = $9000 ;change as necessary (end below $B000) .org OrgAdr ; Makes the listing more readable, though it doesn't really org the code - the linker does that. b_phy = $5a b_xce = $fb b_rep = $c2 b_ldx = $a2 ;********************************************* ; ; SmartPort constants ; sptSTATUS = 0 sptREADBLK = 1 sptWRITEBLK = 2 sptFORMAT = 3 sptCONTROL = 4 sptINIT = 5 sptOPEN = 6 sptCLOSE = 7 sptREAD = 8 sptWRITE = 9 ; ;********************************************* MyVersion = $13 MinVersion = $11 ;********************************************* rts .byte $ee,$ee .byte MyVersion,MinVersion .byte %00000000 ;hardware req .addr descr .addr OrgAdr .addr start .byte 0,0,0,0 ; parameters here .byte $80+'t',t_nil .byte $80+'c',t_nil .byte $80+'s',t_nil .byte 0,0 descr: pstr "describe system hardware" ;********************************************* ; dum xczpage ;32 locations slot = xczpage ;ds.b 1 rom = slot+1 ;ds.b 2 Unit = rom+2 ;ds.b 1 scratch = Unit+1 ;ds.b 1 totalmem = scratch+1 ;ds.b 4 emubyte = totalmem+4 emuver = emubyte+1 scratch2 = emuver+1 checkemu = scratch2+1 ; dend ; start: lda #$80 sta checkemu jsr xgetnump beq do_all lda #'t'+$80 ;system Type jsr xgetparm_ch bcs no_type jsr my_crout jsr systemtype no_type: lda #'c'+$80 ;Cards jsr xgetparm_ch bcs no_cards jsr my_crout jsr scanslots no_cards: lda #'s'+$80 jsr xgetparm_ch bcs no_sp jsr my_crout jsr DescribeSP no_sp: rts ; do_all: jsr systemtype jsr processor jsr emulation jsr my_crout jsr scanslots jsr my_crout jsr DescribeSP jsr my_crout rts ; systemtype: jsr xmess asc "System: " .byte 0 sec jsr $fe1f bcc st_gs jmp IdentNotGS ; st_gs: jsr xmess asc "Apple IIgs, ROM version $" .byte 0 clc .byte b_xce,b_rep,$30 jsr $fe1f .byte b_phy sec .byte b_xce pla jsr $fdda jsr xmess asc " (Machine ID=$" .byte 0 pla jsr $fdda jsr xmess asc ")" .byte 0 jsr my_crout clc .byte b_xce .byte b_rep,$30 pha pha .byte b_ldx .addr $1d02 ;TotalMem .byte $22,0,0,$E1 pla sta totalmem pla sta totalmem+2 sec .byte b_xce jsr xmess asc "Total RAM = " .byte 0 ldx #10 div1K: lsr totalmem+3 ror totalmem+2 ror totalmem+1 ror totalmem dex bne div1K lda totalmem+1 ldy totalmem jsr xprdec_2 jsr xmess asc "K" .byte cr,0 rts ; IdentNotGS: lda $fbb3 cmp #$ea bne not_2p3 lda $fb1e cmp #$ad beq TwoPlus cmp #$8a beq Three unknown: jsr xmess asc "???" .byte 0 rts TwoPlus: jsr xmess asc "Apple ][+" .byte 0 rts Three: jsr xmess asc "Apple /// (in emulation mode)" .byte 0 rts ; not_2p3: lda $fbb3 cmp #$06 bne unknown lda $fbc0 cmp #$ea bne Not2e1 jsr apple2e jsr xmess asc "(unenhanced)" .byte 0 rts Not2e1: cmp #$e0 bne not2e2 lda $fbdd cmp #$02 ; IIe for Power Mac also has this bne NotLC lda $fbde cmp #$01 ; IIe for Power Mac does *not* have this bne NotLC jsr apple2e jsr xmess asc "(LC PDS Card, version $" .byte 0 lda $fbbe ; version # of LC PDS Card jsr $fdda jsr xmess asc ")" .byte $00 .pc02 stz checkemu .p02 rts NotLC: jsr apple2e jsr xmess asc "(enhanced)" .byte 0 rts not2e2: cmp #$e1 bne notDbgr jsr apple2e jsr xmess asc "(special ROMs)" .byte 0 rts notDbgr: cmp #$00 bne unkn0 ; it's a IIc lda $fbbf cmp #5 beq IIcPlus jsr apple2c jsr xmess asc ", version " .byte 0 lda $fbbf cmp #$ff beq TwoC1 cmp #$00 beq TwoC2 cmp #$03 beq TwoC3 cmp #$04 beq TwoC4 unkn0: jmp unknown IIcPlus: jsr apple2c jsr xmess asc " Plus" .byte 0 rts TwoC1: jsr xmess asc "1 (ROM 255)" .byte 0 rts TwoC2: jsr xmess asc "2: 3.5" .byte $a2 asc " disk (ROM 0)" .byte 0 rts TwoC3: jsr xmess asc "3: " .byte 0 memexp: jsr xmess asc "Mem. Expandable" .byte $00 rts TwoC4: jsr xmess asc "4: Revised " .byte 0 .pc02 bra memexp .p02 apple2e: jsr xmess asc "Apple IIe " .byte $00 rts apple2c: jsr xmess asc "Apple IIc" .byte $00 rts ;**************************************************** processor: jsr xmess .byte $8d asc "CPU: " .byte $00 sed lda #$99 clc adc #$01 cld bmi p6502 ; 65C02 or 8xx ldx #$00 ; see below clc .p816 sep #%00000001 ; set carry, should be 2-byte NOP on the 'C02 inx ; except when it isn't (Apple//jse) ; so detect this with this inx that ; gets skipped if sep #1 == nop ora zp,x stx scratch2 .p02 bcs p658xx ; we have a 65C02 jsr xmess asc "65C02" .byte $00 lda scratch2 ; is zero if broken beq brokec02 .pc02 stz scratch2 smb0 scratch2 ; ora [d] on 8xx .p02 lda scratch2 bne procdone jsr xmess asc " (no x7/xF opcodes)" .byte $00 procdone: rts p6502: jsr xmess asc "6502" .byte $00 rts p658xx: jsr xmess asc "658xx" .byte $00 rts brokec02: jsr xmess asc " (broken)" .byte $00 rts ;**************************************************** emulation: lda checkemu ; skip if we positively identified hardware (LC PDS card) beq noemu1 sta $c04f ; get emubyte lda $c04f ; Emulator ID ldy $c04f ; The GS emulators (except Gus) all do version # here sta emubyte sty emuver ldx #$ff ; now test 255 more times : sta $c04f lda $c04f cmp emubyte ; floating bus gonna float bne noemu1 ; not emulator if it changes dex beq econt bne :- noemu1: rts econt: cmp #$a0 ; a space... if we somehow got 255 of them beq noemu1 ; just assume we were lucky jsr xmess .byte $8d asc "Emulator: " .byte $00 lda emubyte cmp #$fe bne notbernie jsr xmess asc "Bernie ][ the Rescue" .byte $00 .p816 jmp emuversion ; out of range for bra .p02 notbernie: cmp #$16 bne notsweet16 jsr xmess asc "Sweet 16" .byte $00 .p816 bra emuversion .p02 notsweet16: cmp #$47 bne notgsport jsr xmess asc "GSport or derivative" .byte $00 .p816 bra emuversion .p02 notgsport: cmp #$4b bne notkegs jsr xmess asc "KEGS or derivative" .byte $00 .p816 bra emuversion .p02 notkegs: cmp #$ab bne unkemu jsr xmess asc "Appleblossom" .byte $00 emuversion: jsr xmess asc ", version = $" .byte $00 lda emuver jsr $fdda noemu: rts unkemu: jsr xmess asc "Probable [" .byte $00 lda emubyte jsr $fdda lda emuver jsr $fdda jsr xmess asc "]" .byte $00 rts ;**************************************************** scanslots: lda #1 sta slot ss1: jsr scan1 inc slot lda slot cmp #8 bcc ss1 rts ; scan1: jsr xmess asc "Slot " .byte 0 lda slot ora #'0'+$80 jsr cout jsr xmess asc ": " .byte 0 lda slot ora #$c0 sta rom+1 lda #0 sta rom jsr PrSlotDesc jsr my_crout jsr MaybeATLK not_atlk: rts ; ; MaybeATLK - if ATLK found, return carry clear ; otherwise return carry set. ATLKsig: asc "ATLK" ; .byte 0 unneeded MaybeATLK: ldy #$F9 ;check $CnF9 at_chk: lda (rom),y cmp ATLKsig-$F9,y sec ; anticipate failure bne not_atlk iny cpy #$FD bcc at_chk jsr xmess asc " AppleTalk " .byte $00 ldy #$fd lda (rom),y bne notatgs jsr xmess asc "(IIgs)" .byte $00 jmp :+ notatgs: cmp #$01 bne notatws jsr xmess asc "Workstation" .byte $00 jmp atcard notatws: cmp #$02 bne notatsrv jsr xmess asc "Server" .byte $00 atcard: jsr xmess asc " Card" .byte $00 jmp :+ notatsrv: pha jsr xmess asc " (ID $" .byte $00 pla jsr $fdda jsr xmess asc ")" .byte $00 ; fall through : jsr xmess asc "; version=" .byte 0 ldy #$fe lda (rom),y pha lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a jsr prnib lda #'.'+$80 jsr cout pla jsr prnib ldy #$ff lda (rom),y jsr prbyte jsr my_crout clc ; not_atlk ; moved up rts ; prnib: and #$0F cmp #$0A bcc prn_dig adc #6 prn_dig: adc #$B0 jmp cout ; SlotEmpty: jsr xmess asc "empty" .byte 0 rts ; notPasc0: jmp notPasc PrSlotDesc: ldy slot lda bitpos,y and sltbyt beq SlotEmpty ldy #5 lda (rom),y cmp #$38 bne notPasc0 ldy #7 lda (rom),y cmp #$18 bne notPasc0 ldy #$b lda (rom),y cmp #$1 bne notPasc0 iny lda (rom),y pha jsr xmess asc "Pascal ID = $" .byte 0 pla pha jsr prbyte jsr xmess asc ": " .byte 0 pla lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a asl a tax lda PascTbl+1,x pha lda PascTbl,x pha rts PascTbl: .addr ps0-1,ps1-1,ps2-1,ps3-1,ps4-1,ps5-1,ps6-1,ps7-1 .addr ps8-1,ps9-1,ps10-1,ps0-1,ps0-1,ps0-1,ps0-1,ps0-1 ; ps0: jsr xmess asc "???" .byte 0 rts ps1: jsr xmess asc "printer" .byte 0 rts ps2: jsr xmess asc "joystick/mouse" .byte 0 rts ps3: jsr xmess asc "serial or parallel card" .byte 0 rts ps4: jsr xmess asc "modem" .byte 0 rts ps5: jsr xmess asc "sound/speech device" .byte 0 rts ps6: jsr xmess asc "clock" .byte 0 rts ps7: jsr xmess asc "disk/storage device" .byte 0 rts ps8: jsr xmess asc "80-column card" .byte 0 rts ps9: jsr xmess asc "network/bus interface" .byte 0 rts ps10: jsr xmess asc "other" .byte 0 rts ; notPasc: jsr chk_clock bcs chk_sp jsr xmess asc "ThunderClock/compatible" .byte 0 rts chk_sp: jsr chk_smport bcs chkb ldy #$fb ; smartport ID byte lda (rom),y pha and #%10000000 beq :+ jsr xmess asc "Extended " .byte 0 : pla pha and #%00000010 beq :+ jsr xmess asc "SCSI " .byte 0 : pla pha and #%00000001 beq :+ jsr xmess asc "RAM Card " .byte 0 : pla ; clean stack jsr xmess asc "SmartPort" .byte 0 rts chkb: jsr chk_blkdev bcs notblk ; Is it a Disk II? ldy #$ff lda (rom),y bne notDiskII jsr xmess asc "5.25" .byte $A2 asc " disk drive" .byte 0 rts notDiskII: jsr xmess asc "ProDOS block device" .byte 0 rts notblk: jsr xmess asc "unknown card" .byte 0 rts ; bitpos: .byte %00000001 .byte %00000010 .byte %00000100 .byte %00001000 .byte %00010000 .byte %00100000 .byte %01000000 .byte %10000000 ; ; If ROM at (rom) is a ProDOS-recognized clock card, ; return CLC ; chk_clock: ldy #0 lda (rom),y cmp #$08 bne chks_no ldy #2 lda (rom),y cmp #$28 bne chks_no ldy #4 lda (rom),y cmp #$58 bne chks_no ldy #6 lda (rom),y cmp #$70 bne chks_no clc rts ; ; If ROM at (rom) is for a SmartPort, return CLC ; chk_smport: jsr chk_blkdev bcs chks_no ldy #7 lda (rom),y bne chks_no clc rts chks_no: sec rts ; ; If ROM at (rom) is for a block device, return CLC ; chk_blkdev: ldy #1 lda (rom),y cmp #$20 bne chkb_no ldy #3 lda (rom),y bne chkb_no ldy #5 lda (rom),y cmp #$03 bne chkb_no clc rts chkb_no: sec rts ; ; DescribeSP -- show all SmartPort information ; DescribeSP: lda #1 sta slot lda #0 sta rom desSp1: lda slot ora #$c0 sta rom+1 jsr chk_smport bcs chk_hiddenSP jsr Descr1SP desNotSP: inc slot lda slot cmp #8 bcc desSp1 rts ; look for IIc Plus hidden smartport chk_hiddenSP: lda $fbbf cmp #5 bne desNotSP lda slot cmp #6 bne desNotSP lda $c64e cmp #$38 ; sec bne desNotSP lda $c651 cmp #$18 ; clc bne desNotSP jsr xmess asc "IIc Plus hidden SmartPort in slot 6." .byte $8d,$00 lda #$c6 sta SpTrick+2 lda #$51 sta SpTrick+1 jsr SpDescr jmp desNotSP ; Descr1SP: jsr xmess asc "SmartPort controller found in slot " .byte 0 lda slot ora #'0'+$80 jsr cout jsr xmess .byte $80+'.',cr,0 ; find the entry point ldy #$ff lda (rom),y clc adc #3 sta SpTrick+1 lda rom+1 sta SpTrick+2 ; SpDescr: jsr SpStatus jsr EachStatus rts ; ; SpStatus -- get and print global status of a SmartPort chain ; staterr: jmp xProDOS_err SpStatus: ldx #sptSTATUS lda #>GlobStat ldy #Stat1parms ldy #