mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 19:30:34 +00:00
170 lines
4.7 KiB
170 lines
4.7 KiB
; %help
; afp.sessions - Display AFP sessions.
; %hend
.include "davex-mg.inc"
sptr = xczpage
altbuf = filebuff3 ; if no dynamic mem avail
altbufsz = $04 ; pages
DX_start dx_mg_auto_origin ; load address
DX_info $01,$12,dx_cc_iie_or_iigs,$00
DX_desc "Display AFP sessions."
cli ; appletalk requires interrupts
ATcall inforeq
bcc :+
jmp noatalk
: jsr getatbuf
sta bufp+1
sty bufp
stx buflen+1
ATcall filsess
bcs nosess1
lda nument ; number of entries returned
bne :+
jsr xmess
asc_hi "No sessions."
.byte $8d,$00
nosess1: jmp nosess
: lda bufp+1
sta sptr+1
lda bufp
sta sptr
jsr xmess
asc_hi " session vol id dev volume name (* = user volume)"
.byte $8d
asc_hi " ------- ------ --- --------------------------------"
.byte $8d,$00
; loop to display sessions
dispsess: ldy #$00
sty num+1
sty num+2
lda (sptr),y ; ref num
sta num
jsr xprdec_pad
lda #' '+$80
jsr cout
ldy #$1e ; offset of volume id
lda (sptr),y
sta num
lda (sptr),y
sta num
jsr xprdec_pad
lda #' '+$80
jsr cout
ldy #$01 ; offset of devnum
lda (sptr),y
jsr xprint_sd
lda #' '+$80
jsr cout
and #$01 ; isolate user volume flag
beq notuser
lda #'*'+$80
bne :+
notuser: lda #' '+$80
: jsr cout
lda sptr+1
pha ; save sptr
lda sptr
lda #$02 ; offset to volume name
jsr addsptr
jsr prpas
lda #$8d
jsr cout
pla ; restore sptr to where it was
sta sptr
sta sptr+1
lda #$20 ; size of entry
jsr addsptr ; now point at next entry
jsr xcheck_wait ; see if should pause or quit
bcs nosess ; quit if esc pressed
dec nument
bne dispsess
nosess: ;ldx mli_close ; free mem
;jsr xmmgr ; do it
noatalk: lda #$01
jsr xredirect
jsr xmess
asc_hi "AppleTalk offline!"
.byte $00
exiterr: lda #$ff
jsr xredirect
jmp xerr
; increment sptr by a
.proc addsptr
adc sptr
sta sptr
bcc :+
inc sptr+1
: rts
; print pascal string at sptr
; leave sptr pointed at one past end
; of string
.proc prpas
ldy #$00
lda (sptr),y ; get length
next: lda #$01
jsr addsptr
bpl :+
: lda (sptr),y ; get char
ora #$80 ; make printable
jsr cout
bra next
; allocate a big buffer for appletalk operations
; returns ay = start, x = size in pages
; tries to use dynamic mem for operations
; otherwise returns altbuf
.proc getatbuf
ldx #mli_read
jsr xmmgr
bcs usealt
cmp #altbufsz
bcc usealt
sta tmp ; save num pages
ldx #mli_open
jsr xmmgr ; allocate all
bcc usealt ; if error
ldx tmp ; get num pages
ldy #$00 ; always on page boundary
usealt: ldy #<altbuf
lda #>altbuf
ldx altbufsz
tmp: .byte $00
inforeq: .byte 0,2 ; sync GetInfo
.word $0000 ; result code
.dword $00000000 ; completion address
thisnet: .word $0000 ; this network #
abridge: .byte $00 ; local bridge
hwid: .byte $00 ; hardware ID, IIgs only
romver: .word $00 ; ROM version, IIgs only
nodenum: .byte $00 ; node number
filsess: .byte 0,$2f ; sync FIListSessions
.word $0000 ; result code
buflen: .word altbufsz*$100 ; buffer length
bufp: .dword altbuf ; buffer pointer
nument: .byte $00 ; entries returned