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synced 2025-01-12 19:30:34 +00:00
164 lines
4.7 KiB
164 lines
4.7 KiB
; %help
; at.zones -- Display AppleTalk zones.
; syntax: at.zones
; Displays local AppleTalk zone and all known zones.
; %hend
.include "davex-mg.inc"
sptr = xczpage
altbuf = filebuff3 ; if no dynamic mem avail
altbufsz = $04 ; pages
DX_start dx_mg_auto_origin ; load address
DX_info $01,$12,dx_cc_iie_or_iigs,$00
DX_desc "Display AppleTalk zones."
cli ; appletalk requires interrupts
ATcall inforeq
bcc :+
jmp noatalk
jsr getatbuf ; allocate buffer
sta bufp1+1
sty bufp1
sta bufp2+1
sty bufp2
stx buflen2+1
: lda abridge
sta zbridge ; zone req needs it
ATcall myzone
bcs nozone
lda bufp1+1
sta sptr+1
lda bufp1
sta sptr
ldy #$00
lda (sptr),y
beq nozone
jsr xmess
asc_hi "Local zone: "
.byte $00
jsr prpas
lda #$8d
jsr cout
nozone: ATcall getzones
bcs nozones ; TODO: check for buffer overflow and display what we get
lda numzones+1
ora numzones
beq nozones ; short circuit if no zones
jsr xmess
asc_hi "Zone list:"
.byte $8d,$00
lda bufp2+1 ; set up pointer
sta sptr+1
lda bufp2
sta sptr
przone: ;lda numzones+1
;ldy numzones
;jsr xprdec_2
jsr xmess
asc_hi " "
.byte $00
jsr prpas ; print zone name
lda #$8d
jsr cout
lda numzones
sbc #$01
sta numzones
bcs :+ ; no borrow
dec numzones+1
bit numzones+1 ; set N flag
bmi nozones
: jsr xcheck_wait
bcs nozones
lda numzones
ora numzones+1
beq nozones ; if zero
bra przone
nozones: rts
noatalk: lda #$01
jsr xredirect
jsr xmess
asc_hi "AppleTalk offline!"
.byte $00
exiterr: lda #$ff
jsr xredirect
jmp xerr
; print pascal string at sptr
; leave sptr pointed at one past end
; of string
.proc prpas
ldy #$00
lda (sptr),y ; get length
next: lda sptr
adc #$01
sta sptr
bcc :+
inc sptr+1
: dex
bpl :+
: lda (sptr),y ; get char
ora #$80 ; make printable
jsr cout
bra next
; allocate a big buffer for appletalk operations
; returns ay = start, x = size in pages
; tries to use dynamic mem for operations
; otherwise returns altbuf
.proc getatbuf
ldx #mli_read
jsr xmmgr
bcs usealt
cmp #altbufsz
bcc usealt
sta tmp ; save num pages
ldx #mli_open
jsr xmmgr ; allocate all
bcc usealt ; if error
ldx tmp ; get num pages
ldy #$00 ; always on page boundary
usealt: ldy #<altbuf
lda #>altbuf
ldx altbufsz
tmp: .byte $00
inforeq: .byte 0,2 ; sync GetInfo
.word $0000 ; result code
.dword $00000000 ; completion address
thisnet: .word $0000 ; this network #
abridge: .byte $00 ; local bridge
hwid: .byte $00 ; hardware ID, IIgs only
romver: .word $00 ; ROM version, IIgs only
nodenum: .byte $00 ; node number
myzone: .byte 0,$1a ; sync GetMyZone
.word $0000 ; result
.dword $00000000 ; completion
bufp1: .dword altbuf ; buffer
.byte 4,4 ; 4 times every 1 sec
.word $0000 ; reserved
getzones: .byte 0,$1b ; async GetZoneList
.word $0000 ; result
.dword $00000000 ; completion
buflen2: .word altbufsz*$100 ; buffer len
bufp2: .dword altbuf ; buffer
zbridge: .byte $00 ; bridge node
.word $0001 ; start index
.byte 8,16 ; 16 times every 2 secs
numzones: .word $0000 ; num zones returned
.dword $0000000 ; reserved