since there seems to be vague interest in this, reasons to use the
various graphics modes.
lores benefits:
+ 40x48, 15 colors (two greys) (which is fine, as I use one for sprite transparency)
+ hardware page flipping
+ each display only 1kB (leaving lots of room for code) (also fast to clear screen)
+ (software) sprites and animations are relatively small
lores downsides:
+ blocky
+ pixels are rectangular
+ framebuffer is non-linear (to get to next line requires a lookup table, not a simple add)
+ odd/even lines are high/low nibble in a byte, so to draw sprites properly need a lot of shifting an masking (I cheat and only allow sprites on even lines)
+ framebuffer has "memory holes" between lines. These are areas of memory reserved for expansion card use, so you can't just load a 1kB image straight to the framebuffer as it could break things.
+ NTSC artifact fringing between colors
+ lores PAGE2 is not frequently used so is broken in some emulators and on some early IIgs models
hires benefits:
+ 140x192 6 colors
+ hardware page flipping
hires downsides:
+ non-linear framebuffer even worse than lo-res
+ 8kB per page. two pages of hires takes 1/3 of total RAM in an Apple II+
+ NTSC artifact color. If the bit patterns in adjacent pixels is 00 it makes black, 11 makes white, so if you join two different colors you get lines between them
+ you get 7 pixels per 2-bytes. Which means a lot of dividing by 7, slow on 6502
+ each 3.5 pixels has a bit indicating palette (black,white,green,purple) or (black,white,orange,blue). You get zx-spectrum like color clash if you try to mix colors too close together
+ to get fast software sprites usually you make a set of 7 pre-shifted versions of the sprites, which takes up a lot of room
+ 80x48, 15 colors
+ requires IIe or newer (80 column card)
+ requires drawing extra 1kB of data to bank-switched AUX RAM
+ AUX ram colors are shifted one bit to left from main bank colors
+ while it's possible to get hardware page flipping, it's really complex
+ 140x192, 15 colors!
+ requires IIe or newer and 128k of RAM
+ requires drawing 8k of additional data to bank-switched AUX RAM
+ again, page flipping is complex
In any case, I chose lo-res for the Another World conversion for 3 reasons
1. Another World traditionally has 16 colors (and I like the lo-res colors)
2. I wanted to fit levels in 48k, and as many as possible on a 140k disk
3. I am too lazy to implement a full hi-res sprite library
The recent C64 Another World conversion looks much more impressive and hi-res,
but I think they use a 1MB cartridge just for the intro movie alone
(which is possible larger than the size of the original game for the Amiga).