;========================== ; adjust ship up/down ;========================== adjust_ship: lda SHIP_RAISED bne make_ship_up jmp make_ship_down make_ship_up: ; update backgrounds south ldy #LOCATION_SOUTH_BG lda #pool_shipup_s_lzsa sta location10+1,Y ; MIST_POOL lda #gear_shipup_s_lzsa sta location15+1,Y ; MIST_GEAR lda #dock_switch_shipup_s_lzsa sta location1+1,Y ; MIST_DOCK_SWITCH lda #above_dock_shipup_s_lzsa sta location3+1,Y ; MIST_ABOVE_DOCK ; update backgrounds north ldy #LOCATION_NORTH_BG lda #tree1_shipup_n_lzsa sta location20+1,Y ; MIST_TREE_CORRIDOR_1 lda #dock_shipup_n_lzsa sta location0+1,Y ; MIST_ARRIVAL_DOCK ; update backgrounds east ldy #LOCATION_EAST_BG lda #step_top_shipup_e_lzsa sta location9+1,Y ; MIST_OUTSIDE_TEMPLE lda #step_land3_shipup_e_lzsa sta location8+1,Y ; MIST_STEPS_4TH_LANDING lda #step_dentist_shipup_e_lzsa sta location7+1,Y ; MIST_STEPS_DENTIST lda #step_land2_shipup_e_lzsa sta location6+1,Y ; MIST_STEPS_2ND_LANDING lda #step_land1_shipup_e_lzsa sta location5+1,Y ; MIST_STEPS_1ST_LANDING lda #above_dock_shipup_e_lzsa sta location3+1,Y ; MIST_ABOVE_DOCK sta location16+1,Y ; MIST_GEAR_BASE lda #dock_shipup_e_lzsa sta location0+1,Y ; MIST_ARRIVAL_DOCK ; FIXME: hook up exit on dock to ship rts make_ship_down: ; update backgrounds south ldy #LOCATION_SOUTH_BG lda #pool_s_lzsa sta location10+1,Y ; MIST_POOL lda #gear_s_lzsa sta location15+1,Y ; MIST_GEAR lda #dock_switch_s_lzsa sta location1+1,Y ; MIST_DOCK_SWITCH lda #above_dock_s_lzsa sta location3+1,Y ; MIST_ABOVE_DOCK ; update backgrounds north ldy #LOCATION_NORTH_BG lda #tree1_n_lzsa sta location20+1,Y ; MIST_TREE_CORRIDOR_1 lda #dock_n_lzsa sta location0+1,Y ; MIST_ARRIVAL_DOCK ; update backgrounds east ldy #LOCATION_EAST_BG lda #step_top_e_lzsa sta location9+1,Y ; MIST_OUTSIDE_TEMPLE lda #step_land3_e_lzsa sta location8+1,Y ; MIST_STEPS_4TH_LANDING lda #step_dentist_e_lzsa sta location7+1,Y ; MIST_STEPS_DENTIST lda #step_land2_e_lzsa sta location6+1,Y ; MIST_STEPS_2ND_LANDING lda #step_land1_e_lzsa sta location5+1,Y ; MIST_STEPS_1ST_LANDING lda #above_dock_e_lzsa sta location3+1,Y ; MIST_ABOVE_DOCK sta location16+1,Y ; MIST_GEAR_BASE lda #dock_e_lzsa sta location0+1,Y ; MIST_ARRIVAL_DOCK ; FIXME: remove exit on dock to ship rts ;========================== ; draw green if on ;========================== draw_pillar: lda LOCATION sec sbc #MIST_PILLAR_EYE ; find which one we are on tay tax lda PILLAR_ON and powersoftwo,Y beq done_draw_pillar ; is on, so draw it green txa asl tay lda pillar_sprites,Y sta INL lda pillar_sprites+1,Y sta INH lda #17 sta XPOS lda #16 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop done_draw_pillar: rts ;========================= ; pillar was touched ;========================= touch_pillar: lda LOCATION sec sbc #MIST_PILLAR_EYE ; find which on we touched tay lda PILLAR_ON eor powersoftwo,Y sta PILLAR_ON rts ;===================================== ; check to see if ship needs to change ;===================================== check_change_ship: ; check to see if we need to raise/lower ship lda SHIP_RAISED beq ship_is_down ship_is_up: lda PILLAR_ON cmp #(PILLAR_SNAKE|PILLAR_BUG|PILLAR_LEAF) beq done_adjusting_ship ; lower ship lda #0 jmp move_the_ship ship_is_down: lda PILLAR_ON cmp #(PILLAR_SNAKE|PILLAR_BUG|PILLAR_LEAF) bne done_adjusting_ship ; raise ship lda #1 jmp move_the_ship done_adjusting_ship: rts move_the_ship: sta SHIP_RAISED ; play noise jsr beep ; adjust the backgrounds jsr adjust_ship rts ;=========================== ; BEEP (inlined) ;=========================== beep: ldy #235 sty tone_smc+1 ; BEEP ; repeat 30 times lda #30 ; 2 tone1_loop: tone_smc: ldy #24 ; 2 loopC: ldx #6 ; 2 loopD: dex ; 1 bne loopD ; 2 dey ; 1 bne loopC ; 2 bit SPEAKER ; 3 ; click speaker sec ; 1 sbc #1 ; 2 bne tone1_loop ; 2 ; Try X=6 Y=21 cycles=757 ; Try X=6 Y=24 cycles=865 ; Try X=7 Y=235 cycles=9636 rts powersoftwo: .byte $01,$02,$04,$08,$10,$20,$40,$80 pillar_sprites: .word eye_sprite,snake_sprite,bug_sprite,anchor_sprite .word arrow_sprite,leaf_sprite,cross_sprite,emu_sprite eye_sprite: ; @17,16 .byte 7,6 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$4A,$4A,$4A,$AA,$AA .byte $4A,$A4,$44,$A4,$44,$A4,$4A .byte $A4,$4A,$44,$4A,$44,$4A,$A4 .byte $AA,$AA,$A4,$A4,$A4,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA snake_sprite: ; @17,16 .byte 6,6 .byte $AA,$4A,$4A,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$44,$AA,$4A,$A4,$4A .byte $AA,$44,$AA,$44,$AA,$44 .byte $AA,$44,$AA,$44,$AA,$44 .byte $AA,$44,$AA,$44,$AA,$44 .byte $AA,$AA,$A4,$AA,$AA,$A4 bug_sprite: ; @17,16 .byte 6,5 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$44,$AA,$44,$AA,$44 .byte $AA,$4A,$44,$44,$44,$4A .byte $AA,$AA,$44,$44,$44,$AA .byte $AA,$44,$AA,$A4,$AA,$44 anchor_sprite: ; @17,16 .byte 6,6 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$4A,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$44,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$A4,$44,$A4,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$44,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$A4,$4A,$44,$4A,$A4 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$A4,$AA,$AA arrow_sprite: ; @17,16 .byte 7,6 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$4A,$4A,$4A .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$44,$44 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$4A,$A4,$AA,$A4 .byte $AA,$AA,$44,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $A4,$44,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$A4,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA leaf_sprite: ; @17,16 .byte 6,6 .byte $AA,$4A,$AA,$AA,$AA,$4A .byte $AA,$44,$44,$4A,$44,$44 .byte $AA,$44,$44,$44,$44,$AA .byte $AA,$A4,$44,$44,$44,$4A .byte $AA,$4A,$AA,$44,$44,$44 .byte $AA,$A4,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA cross_sprite: ; @17,16 .byte 6,6 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$A4,$44,$A4,$AA .byte $AA,$4A,$AA,$44,$AA,$4A .byte $AA,$44,$A4,$44,$A4,$44 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$44,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$A4,$A4,$A4,$AA emu_sprite: ; @17,16 .byte 7,6 .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$4A,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$AA,$44,$A4 .byte $AA,$4A,$44,$44,$44,$44,$AA .byte $AA,$44,$44,$44,$44,$A4,$AA .byte $AA,$44,$AA,$44,$AA,$AA,$AA .byte $AA,$AA,$AA,$A4,$A4,$AA,$AA tree2_pillars: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_E beq tree2_east bne tree2_west tree2_west: lda CURSOR_X cmp #22 bcs goto_bug_pillar bcc goto_anchor_pillar tree2_east: lda CURSOR_X cmp #18 bcs goto_arrow_pillar bcc goto_leaf_pillar pool_pillars: lda DIRECTION cmp #DIRECTION_E beq pool_east bne pool_west pool_west: lda CURSOR_X cmp #28 bcs goto_eye_pillar cmp #12 bcs goto_snake_pillar bcc goto_bug_pillar pool_east: lda CURSOR_X cmp #28 bcs goto_leaf_pillar cmp #11 bcs goto_cross_pillar bcc goto_emu_pillar goto_eye_pillar: lda #MIST_PILLAR_EYE jmp done_pillar goto_snake_pillar: lda #MIST_PILLAR_SNAKE jmp done_pillar goto_bug_pillar: lda #MIST_PILLAR_BUG jmp done_pillar goto_anchor_pillar: lda #MIST_PILLAR_ANCHOR jmp done_pillar goto_emu_pillar: lda #MIST_PILLAR_EMU jmp done_pillar goto_cross_pillar: lda #MIST_PILLAR_CROSS jmp done_pillar goto_leaf_pillar: lda #MIST_PILLAR_LEAF jmp done_pillar goto_arrow_pillar: lda #MIST_PILLAR_ARROW jmp done_pillar done_pillar: sta LOCATION jmp change_location ;======================= ; flip circuit breaker ; if room==MIST_TOWER2_TOP, and with #$fe ; if room==MIST_TOWER1_TOP, and with #$fd circuit_breaker: bit $C030 ; click speaker lda LOCATION cmp #MIST_TOWER2_TOP bne other_circuit_breaker lda BREAKER_TRIPPED and #$fe jmp done_circuit_breaker other_circuit_breaker: lda BREAKER_TRIPPED and #$fd done_circuit_breaker: sta BREAKER_TRIPPED bne done_turn_on_breaker turn_on_breaker: lda GENERATOR_VOLTS cmp #$60 bcs done_turn_on_breaker sta ROCKET_VOLTS sta ROCKET_VOLTS_DISP done_turn_on_breaker: rts ;====================== ; open the spaceship door open_ss_door: ; check if voltage is 59 lda ROCKET_VOLTS cmp #$59 bne done_ss_door ; change to open door image ldy #LOCATION_NORTH_BG lda #spaceship_door_open_n_lzsa sta location26+1,Y ; MIST_ROCKET_CLOSE ; change to load new level if through ldy #LOCATION_SPECIAL_FUNC lda #<(go_to_selena-1) sta location26,Y ; MIST_ROCKET_CLOSE lda #>(go_to_selena-1) sta location26+1,Y ; MIST_ROCKET_CLOSE jsr change_location done_ss_door: rts ;====================== ; go to selena ;====================== go_to_selena: lda #LOAD_SELENA ; Selena sta WHICH_LOAD lda #$ff sta LEVEL_OVER rts ;====================== ; go to generator ;====================== go_to_generator: lda CURSOR_X cmp #27 bcs goto_tower cmp #13 bcs goto_shack marker_switch: ; FIXME rts goto_shack: lda #GEN_GREEN_SHACK jmp into_generator goto_tower: lda #GEN_TOWER1_TRAIL into_generator: sta LOCATION lda #LOAD_GENERATOR ; Selena sta WHICH_LOAD lda #$ff sta LEVEL_OVER rts