; stuff regarding 3d room of scumm bar ; if x<4 goto MONKEY_BAR_INSIDE2 at 34,24 bar_inside3_check_exit: lda GUYBRUSH_X cmp #4 bcc bar_inside3_to_bar_inside2 ; cmp #35 ; bcs bar_inside3_to_bar bcs bar_inside3_no_exit bar_inside3_to_bar_inside2: lda GUYBRUSH_DIRECTION cmp #DIR_LEFT bne bar_inside3_no_exit lda #MONKEY_BAR_INSIDE2 sta LOCATION lda #34 sta GUYBRUSH_X sta DESTINATION_X lda #24 sta GUYBRUSH_Y sta DESTINATION_Y jsr change_location jmp bar_inside3_no_exit bar_inside3_no_exit: rts ;================================ ;================================ ; bar_inside3 adjust destination ;================================ ;================================ bar_inside3_adjust_destination: ; just make Y always 24 lda #24 sta DESTINATION_Y lda DESTINATION_X cmp #33 bcc done_mb3_adjust lda #33 sta DESTINATION_X done_mb3_adjust: rts ;================================ ;================================ ; bar_inside3 check bounds ;================================ ;================================ bar_inside3_check_bounds: ; just make Y always 20 rts ;draw_house: ; lda #wall_sprite ; sta INH ; lda #18 ; sta XPOS ; lda #22 ; sta YPOS ; jsr put_sprite_crop ; rts ;house_sprite: ;=================================== ;=================================== ; actions ;=================================== ;=================================== ;============================= bar3_door_action: bar3_door_nothing: lda #VERB_WALK sta CURRENT_VERB rts ;============================= barrel_action: lda CURRENT_VERB asl tay lda barrel_actions,Y cmp #$ff beq barrel_nothing sta MESSAGE_L lda barrel_actions+1,Y sta MESSAGE_H jmp do_display_message barrel_nothing: lda #VERB_WALK sta CURRENT_VERB rts barrel_actions: .word $FFFF ; give .word doesnt_open ; open .word doesnt_work ; close .word cant_pick_up ; pick_up .word barrel_look ; look_at .word $FFFF ; talk_to .word $FFFF ; use .word icant_move ; push .word icant_move ; pull barrel_look: .byte 1,21,"FULL OF THAT FOUL STUFF PIRATES DRINK",0 ;============================= table_action: lda CURRENT_VERB asl tay lda table_actions,Y cmp #$ff beq table_nothing sta MESSAGE_L lda table_actions+1,Y sta MESSAGE_H jmp do_display_message table_nothing: lda #VERB_WALK sta CURRENT_VERB rts table_actions: .word $FFFF ; give .word doesnt_open ; open .word doesnt_work ; close .word cant_pick_up ; pick_up .word not_special ; look_at .word $FFFF ; talk_to .word $FFFF ; use .word icant_move ; push .word icant_move ; pull ;============================= meat_action: lda CURRENT_VERB asl tay lda meat_actions,Y cmp #$ff beq meat_nothing sta MESSAGE_L lda meat_actions+1,Y sta MESSAGE_H jmp do_display_message meat_nothing: lda #VERB_WALK sta CURRENT_VERB rts meat_actions: .word $FFFF ; give .word doesnt_open ; open .word doesnt_work ; close .word $FFFF ; pick_up .word meat_look ; look_at .word $FFFF ; talk_to .word $FFFF ; use .word icant_move ; push .word icant_move ; pull meat_look: .byte 0,21,"SOME SORT OF MEAT OR MEAT-LIKE SUBSTANCE",0 ;============================= stew_action: lda CURRENT_VERB asl tay lda stew_actions,Y cmp #$ff beq stew_nothing sta MESSAGE_L lda stew_actions+1,Y sta MESSAGE_H jmp do_display_message stew_nothing: lda #VERB_WALK sta CURRENT_VERB rts stew_actions: .word $FFFF ; give .word doesnt_open ; open .word doesnt_work ; close .word stew_pick ; pick_up .word stew_pick ; look_at .word $FFFF ; talk_to .word $FFFF ; use .word stew_pick ; push .word stew_pick ; pull stew_pick: .byte 12,21,"IT'S BOILING HOT",0