;======================================================================== ; EVERYTHING IS CYCLE COUNTED ;======================================================================== ;=========================== ; Load Ornament 0/Sample 1 ;=========================== load_ornament0_sample1: lda #0 ; 2 jsr load_ornament ; 6 ; fall through ;=========================== ; Load Sample ;=========================== ; sample in A ; which note offset in X ; Sample table pointers are 16-bits little endian ; There are 32 of these pointers starting at $6a:$69 ; Our sample starts at address (A*2)+that pointer ; We point SAMPLE_H:SAMPLE_L to this ; then we load the length/data values ; and then leave SAMPLE_H:SAMPLE_L pointing to begnning of ; the sample data ; Optimization: ; see comments on ornament setting load_sample1: lda #1 ; 2 load_sample: sty PT3_TEMP ; 3 ;pt3->ornament_patterns[i]= ; (pt3->data[0x6a+(i*2)]<<8)|pt3->data[0x69+(i*2)]; asl ; A*2 ; 2 tay ; 2 ; Set the initial sample pointer ; a->sample_pointer=pt3->sample_patterns[a->sample]; lda PT3_LOC+PT3_SAMPLE_LOC_L,Y ; 4+ sta SAMPLE_L ; 3 lda PT3_LOC+PT3_SAMPLE_LOC_L+1,Y ; 4+ ; assume pt3 file is at page boundary adc #>PT3_LOC ; 2 sta SAMPLE_H ; 3 ; Set the loop value ; a->sample_loop=pt3->data[a->sample_pointer]; ldy #0 ; 2 lda (SAMPLE_L),Y ; 5+ sta note_a+NOTE_SAMPLE_LOOP,X ; 5 ; Set the length value ; a->sample_length=pt3->data[a->sample_pointer]; iny ; 2 lda (SAMPLE_L),Y ; 5+ sta note_a+NOTE_SAMPLE_LENGTH,X ; 5 ; Set pointer to beginning of samples lda SAMPLE_L ; 3 adc #$2 ; 2 sta note_a+NOTE_SAMPLE_POINTER_L,X ; 5 lda SAMPLE_H ; 3 adc #$0 ; 2 sta note_a+NOTE_SAMPLE_POINTER_H,X ; 5 ldy PT3_TEMP ; 3 rts ; 6 ;============ ; 76 ;=========================== ; Load Ornament ;=========================== ; ornament value in A ; note offset in X ; Ornament table pointers are 16-bits little endian ; There are 16 of these pointers starting at $aa:$a9 ; Our ornament starts at address (A*2)+that pointer ; We point ORNAMENT_H:ORNAMENT_L to this ; then we load the length/data values ; and then leave ORNAMENT_H:ORNAMENT_L pointing to begnning of ; the ornament data ; Optimization: ; Loop and length only used once, can be located negative ; from the pointer, but 6502 doesn't make addressing like that ; easy. Can't self modify as channels A/B/C have own copies ; of the var. load_ornament: sty PT3_TEMP ; save Y value ; 3 ;pt3->ornament_patterns[i]= ; (pt3->data[0xaa+(i*2)]<<8)|pt3->data[0xa9+(i*2)]; asl ; A*2 ; 2 tay ; 2 ; a->ornament_pointer=pt3->ornament_patterns[a->ornament]; lda PT3_LOC+PT3_ORNAMENT_LOC_L,Y ; 4+ sta ORNAMENT_L ; 3 lda PT3_LOC+PT3_ORNAMENT_LOC_L+1,Y ; 4+ ; we're assuming PT3 is loaded to a page boundary adc #>PT3_LOC ; 2 sta ORNAMENT_H ; 3 lda #0 ; 2 sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POSITION,X ; 5 tay ; 2 ; Set the loop value ; a->ornament_loop=pt3->data[a->ornament_pointer]; lda (ORNAMENT_L),Y ; 5+ sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_LOOP,X ; 5 ; Set the length value ; a->ornament_length=pt3->data[a->ornament_pointer]; iny ; 2 lda (ORNAMENT_L),Y ; 5+ sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_LENGTH,X ; 5 ; Set the pointer to the value past the length lda ORNAMENT_L ; 3 adc #$2 ; 2 sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POINTER_L,X ; 5 lda ORNAMENT_H ; 3 adc #$0 ; 2 sta note_a+NOTE_ORNAMENT_POINTER_H,X ; 5 ldy PT3_TEMP ; restore Y value ; 3 rts ; 6 ;============ ; 83