;============================ ; Draw Lineart around edges ;============================ setup_edges: lda FORTYCOL bne fortycol_lineart eightycol_lineart: ; Draw top line lda #' '+$80 sta dal_first+1 lda #'-'+$80 sta dal_second+1 jsr draw_ascii_line ; Draw columns ldy #20 lda #'|'+$80 sta dal_first+1 lda #' '+$80 sta dal_second+1 line_loop: jsr draw_ascii_line dey bne line_loop ; Draw bottom line lda #' '+$80 sta dal_first+1 lda #'-'+$80 sta dal_second+1 jsr draw_ascii_line jsr word_bounds rts fortycol_lineart: jsr word_bounds rts ;===================== ; Draw ascii line art ; ; trashes A,X draw_ascii_line: dal_first: lda #'|'+$80 jsr COUT1 ldx #38 dal_second: lda #' '+$80 dal_loop: jsr COUT1 dex bne dal_loop lda dal_first+1 jsr COUT1 rts ;============================= ; Draw ASCII art ;============================= ; Eventually will be LZ4 encoded to save room ; It's 7063 bytes of data unencoded ; A is which one to draw draw_ascii_art: sty TEMPY asl ; point to ascii art we want tay dey dey lda ascii_art,Y sta OUTL lda ascii_art+1,Y sta OUTH ldy #8 ; put it at line 4 (2-byte addresses) art_line_loop: lda gr_offsets,Y ; load offset of line sta GBASL lda gr_offsets+1,Y sta GBASH iny iny sty YY ldy #0 ascii_loop: lda (OUTL),Y ; see if done beq done_ascii_total cmp #13+$80 ; see if line feed beq done_ascii_line sta (GBASL),Y ; if not, just draw iny ; point to next char jmp ascii_loop done_ascii_line: iny tya ; bump art pointer by Y clc adc OUTL sta OUTL lda #0 adc OUTH sta OUTH lda #' '+$80 ascii_pad: ; pad out with spaces for 40 columns cpy #40 bcs done_pad sta (GBASL),Y iny jmp ascii_pad done_pad: ldy YY ; load Y value jmp art_line_loop done_ascii_total: ldy TEMPY rts .if 0 ;======================= ; art update y ; set output to point at right row on screen art_update_y: pha sty TEMPY ; save Y (FIXME: always 0? so no need to save) ; (just set to 0 when done?) ldy YY lda gr_offsets,Y ; load offset of line sta GBASL lda gr_offsets+1,Y sta GBASH iny iny sty YY ldy TEMPY pla rts ; LZ4 decode Art ; Based on Code by Peter Ferrie (qkumba) (peter.ferrie@gmail.com) ;====================== ; LZ4 decode art ;====================== ; input buffer in LZ4_SRC ; output buffer is both $800 (graphics page2, for delta lookups) ; as well as screen lz4_decode_art: draw_ascii_art: asl ; point to ascii art we want tay dey dey lda ascii_art,Y sta LZ4_SRC lda ascii_art+1,Y sta LZ4_SRC+1 lda #0 ; store output to $800 sta LZ4_DST lda #8 sta LZ4_DST+1 ; Also write to graphics mem ldy #8 ; Start at line 4 (2-byte addresses) sty YY jsr art_update_y ; begin LZ4 code art_unpmain: ldy #0 ; used to index, always zero sty LZ4_DONE art_parsetoken: jsr getsrc ; get next token pha ; save for later (need bottom 4 bits) lsr ; number of literals in top 4 bits lsr ; so shift into place lsr lsr beq art_copymatches ; if zero, then no literals ; jump ahead and copy jsr buildcount ; add up all the literal sizes ; result is in ram[count+1]-1:A tax ; now in ram[count+1]-1:X jsr docopy_art ; copy the literals ; we end on 0, not on size lda LZ4_DONE bne done_lz4_art ; lda LZ4_SRC ; 16-bit compare ; cmp LZ4_END ; to see if we have reached the end ; lda LZ4_SRC+1 ; sbc LZ4_END+1 ; bcs done_lz4_art art_copymatches: jsr getsrc ; get 16-bit delta value sta DELTA jsr getsrc sta DELTA+1 pla ; restore token and #$0f ; get bottom 4 bits ; match count. 0 means 4 ; 15 means 19+, must be calculated jsr buildcount ; add up count bits, in ram[count+1]-:A clc adc #4 ; adjust count by 4 (minmatch) tax ; now in ramp[count+1]-1:X beq art_copy_no_adjust ; BUGFIX, don't increment if ; exactly a multiple of 0x100 bcc art_copy_no_adjust inc COUNT+1 ; increment if we overflowed art_copy_no_adjust: lda LZ4_SRC+1 ; save src on stack pha lda LZ4_SRC pha sec ; subtract delta lda LZ4_DST ; from destination, make new src sbc DELTA sta LZ4_SRC lda LZ4_DST+1 sbc DELTA+1 sta LZ4_SRC+1 jsr docopy_art ; do the copy pla ; restore the src sta LZ4_SRC pla sta LZ4_SRC+1 jmp art_parsetoken ; back to parsing tokens done_lz4_art: pla rts ;============ ; getput_art ;============ ; gets a byte, then puts the byte getput_art: jsr getsrc ; fallthrough to putdst ;============= ; putdst_art ;============= ; store A into destination putdst_art: cmp #0 bne putdst_check_cr lda #1 sta LZ4_DONE rts putdst_check_cr: cmp #13+$80 bne putdst_normal_art jsr art_update_y ; FIXME: inline? jmp putdst_notext_art putdst_normal_art: sta (GBASL), Y ; store to text page inc GBASL ; increment 16-bit pointer bne putdst_end_art2 ; if overflow, increment top byte inc GBASL+1 putdst_end_art2: putdst_notext_art: sta (LZ4_DST), Y ; store A into destination inc LZ4_DST ; increment 16-bit pointer bne putdst_end_art ; if overflow, increment top byte inc LZ4_DST+1 putdst_end_art: rts ;============================= ; docopy_art ;============================= ; copies ram[count+1]-1:X bytes ; from src to dst docopy_art: docopy_loop_art: jsr getput_art ; get/put byte dex ; decrement count bne docopy_loop_art ; if not zero, loop dec COUNT+1 ; if zero, decrement high byte bne docopy_loop_art ; if not zero, loop rts .endif