; Apple ][ Lo-res fire animation, size-optimized to 64 bytes

; by deater (Vince Weaver) <vince@deater.net>

; originally based on code described here
;    http://fabiensanglard.net/doom_fire_psx/
; but this is a slightly different algorithm (but still cool looking)

; Optimization history:
;  80 bytes -- the size of tire_tiny.s
;  64 bytes -- use the firmware SCROLL routine to handle the scrolling
;              this adds some flicker but saves many bytes
;  63 bytes -- qkumba noted that SCROLL leaves BAS2L:BAS2H pointing at $7d0
;  66 bytes -- tried on real hardware.  Found that the original firmware
;              never sets MIXCLR on boot, and my II+ machine was leaving
;              it off so for correctness need to add it on.
;  66 bytes -- wasted a lot of time trying to either find clever ways to
;              get $C050/C052 accessed, or to shorten the lookup table
;              in half by lsr.  Nothing panned out.
;  64 bytes -- realized I could save/restore the random SEEDL on the stack!
;              doesn't seem to affect the output pattern either.

; Zero Page

WNDTOP		= $22
WNDBTM		= $23
CV		= $25
BASL		= $28
BASH		= $29
BAS2L		= $2A
BAS2H		= $2B
SEEDL		= $4E

; Soft Switches
SET_GR	= $C050 ; Enable graphics
MIXCLR	= $C052	; Full screen, no text at bottom
LORES	= $C056	; Enable LORES graphics

; Monitor ROM routines.  Try to use well-known entry points as
;			these did sometimes change with newer models
VTAB	= $FC22	; takes row in CV, Result is in BASL:BASH ($28/$29)
VTABZ	= $FC24	; VTABZ variant takes row in Accumulator


	; Set lores graphics

	bit	SET_GR		; force graphics mode			; 3
				; LORES and LOWSCR (lo-res page1)
				; are set by the boot rom

	bit	MIXCLR		; want full-screen graphics w/o mixed	; 3
				; text the boot process doesn't set this
				; (it doesn't matter in text mode)
				; and while IIe and emulators come up clear
				; my Apple II+ doesn't

	; Set window.  This seems to be set properly at boot though
	;	lda	#0
	;	sta	WNDTOP
	;	lda	#24
	;	sta	WNDBTM


	jsr	SCROLL		; scrolls screen up one row		; 3

	; re-draw bottom line (row 23) as white

	; Y is left at 40 after SCROLL
	; also BAS2L:BAS2H is left at $7d0
	; this code over-writes $7F8 (the MSLOT screen hole value)
	;   but this should not matter for this demo

	lda	#$ff			; top/bottom white		; 2
	sta	(BAS2L),Y		; hline 23 (46+47)		; 2
	dey								; 1
	bpl	w_loop							; 2
								;         8


	lda	#22	; start at line 22				; 2
	sta	CV	; store in Row location				; 2

	; puts address of row CV into BASL:BASH
	jsr	VTAB							; 3

	; loop for X values 39 ... 0
	ldy	#39							; 2

	; random8
	; 8-bit 6502 Random Number Generator
	; Linear feedback shift register PRNG by White Flame
	; http://codebase64.org/doku.php?id=base:small_fast_8-bit_prng

;	lda	SEEDL							; 2
	beq	doEor							; 2
	asl								; 1
	beq	noEor	; if the input was $80, skip the EOR		; 2
	bcc	noEor							; 2
doEor:	eor	#$1d							; 2
noEor:	;sta	SEEDL							; 2

	; end inlined RNG

	; Randomly either use current value, or decay by one
	bmi	no_change	; assume bit 7 is as random as bit 0	; 2

	; Lookup the new color in table
	lda	(BASL),Y	; load value				; 2
	and	#$7		; mask off				; 2
	tax								; 1
	lda	<(color_progression),X					; 2
	sta	(BASL),Y						; 2

	dey								; 1
	bpl	xloop							; 2

	dec	CV							; 2

	bpl	yloop							; 2

	bmi	scroll_loop						; 2

	.byte	$00	; 8->0		; 1000 -> 0000	; needed
	.byte	$bb	; 9->11		; 1001 -> 1011
	.byte	$00	; 10->0		; 1010 -> 0000  ; needed
	.byte	$aa	; 11->10	; 1011 -> 1010
	.byte	$00	; 12->0		; 1100 -> 0000	; don't care
	.byte	$99	; 13->9		; 1101 -> 1001
	.byte	$00	; 14->0		; 1110 -> 0000	; don't care
	.byte	$dd	; 15->13	; 1111 -> 1101