; Display the TFV title screen ; ; this is the opener, title screen, new game creation, and load game code .include "zp.inc" .include "hardware.inc" .include "common_defines.inc" ;================================ ; Clear screen and setup graphics ;================================ jsr HOME bit PAGE0 ; set page 0 bit LORES ; Lo-res graphics bit TEXTGR ; mixed gr/text mode bit SET_GR ; set graphics lda #0 sta DISP_PAGE lda #4 sta DRAW_PAGE ;=================================== ; Clear top/bottom of page 0 and 1 ;=================================== jsr clear_screens ;========================== ; Do Opening ;========================== jsr opening ;====================== ; show the title screen ;====================== ; Title Screen title_screen: ;=========================== ; Clear both bottoms jsr clear_bottoms ;============================= ; Load title lda #<(title_lzsa) sta getsrc_smc+1 lda #>(title_lzsa) sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$0c jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ;================================= ; copy to both pages jsr gr_copy_to_current jsr page_flip jsr gr_copy_to_current lda #20 sta YPOS lda #20 sta XPOS ;================================= ; title menu loop ;================================= lda #0 sta menu_offset lda #2 sta menu_max title_menu_loop: lda #title_menu sta OUTH jsr draw_menu jsr page_flip jsr increment_frame lda MENU_RESULT bmi title_menu_loop ; space was pressed! beq title_new_game cmp #1 beq title_load_game bne title_load_credits ;================================= ; new game started! ;================================= title_new_game: ;================================= ; enter name jsr enter_name ; Initial starting values lda #$1 sta HERO_LEVEL lda #$01 sta HERO_HP_HI lda #$00 sta HERO_HP_LO lda #$20 sta HERO_MP sta HERO_MP_MAX lda #LOAD_FLYING sta WHICH_LOAD rts ;================================= ; load game! for now, debugging ;================================= title_load_game: jsr load_game rts ;================================= ; load credits! ;================================= title_load_credits: lda #LOAD_CREDITS sta WHICH_LOAD rts ;=============================== ; increment frame ;=============================== increment_frame: inc FRAMEL bne done_increment_frame inc FRAMEH done_increment_frame: rts ;=============================================== ; External modules ;=============================================== .include "tfv_opener.s" .include "gr_pageflip.s" .include "text_print.s" .include "gr_fast_clear.s" .include "gr_vlin.s" .include "gr_copy.s" .include "decompress_fast_v2.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" .include "wait_keypressed.s" .include "tfv_textentry.s" .include "keyboard.s" .include "joystick.s" .include "draw_menu.s" .include "load_game.s" ;=============================================== ; Data ;=============================================== title_menu: .byte 16,21,"NEW GAME",0 .byte 16,22,"LOAD GAME",0 .byte 16,23,"CREDITS",0 .byte 255 .include "graphics_title/tfv_title.inc"