; Sluggy Freelance ; slug behavior: ; cavern1: three slugs: 2 on ceiling ; cavern2: four slugs: 1 on ceiling, but 3 more will respawn on ceiling ; Crawl forward. When close, attack. ; Ceiling: crawl until within X of physicist ; then swing a few times and fall ; face toward physicist when start crawling ; Attacks: only attack if on ground and physicist is on ground ; will attempt to attack if you jump over ; Off edge of screen: will disappear but will respawn if leave/re-enter ;================================== ; draw slugs ;================================== SLUG_STRUCT_SIZE = 8 ; TODO: use less space? merge some of these? slugg0_out: .byte 1 ; 0 slugg0_attack: .byte 0 ; 1 slugg0_dying: .byte 0 ; 2 slugg0_x: .byte 30 ; 3 slugg0_y: .byte 30 ; 4 slugg0_dir: .byte $ff ; 5 slugg0_gait: .byte 0 ; 6 slugg0_falling: .byte 0 ; 7 slugg1_out: .byte 1 ; 8 slugg1_attack: .byte 0 slugg1_dying: .byte 0 slugg1_x: .byte 30 slugg1_y: .byte 30 slugg1_dir: .byte $ff slugg1_gait: .byte 0 slugg1_falling: .byte 0 slugg2_out: .byte 1 slugg2_attack: .byte 0 slugg2_dying: .byte 0 slugg2_x: .byte 30 slugg2_y: .byte 2 slugg2_dir: .byte $ff slugg2_gait: .byte 0 slugg2_falling: .byte 0 slugg3_out: .byte 1 ; 0 slugg3_attack: .byte 0 ; 1 slugg3_dying: .byte 0 ; 2 slugg3_x: .byte 30 ; 3 slugg3_y: .byte 30 ; 4 slugg3_dir: .byte $ff ; 5 slugg3_gait: .byte 0 ; 6 slugg3_falling: .byte 0 ; 7 slugg4_out: .byte 1 ; 6 slugg4_attack: .byte 0 slugg4_dying: .byte 0 slugg4_x: .byte 30 slugg4_y: .byte 30 slugg4_dir: .byte $ff slugg4_gait: .byte 0 slugg4_falling: .byte 0 slugg5_out: .byte 1 slugg5_attack: .byte 0 slugg5_dying: .byte 0 slugg5_x: .byte 30 slugg5_y: .byte 30 slugg5_dir: .byte $ff slugg5_gait: .byte 0 slugg5_falling: .byte 0 slugg6_out: .byte 1 slugg6_attack: .byte 0 slugg6_dying: .byte 0 slugg6_x: .byte 30 slugg6_y: .byte 2 slugg6_dir: .byte $ff slugg6_gait: .byte 0 slugg6_falling: .byte 0 slugg7_out: .byte 1 slugg7_attack: .byte 0 slugg7_dying: .byte 0 slugg7_x: .byte 30 slugg7_y: .byte 2 slugg7_dir: .byte $ff slugg7_gait: .byte 0 slugg7_falling: .byte 0 ;======================== ; Init the slug creatures ;======================== init_slugs: ldx #0 init_slug_loop: ; Mark slug as out and alive lda #1 sta slugg0_out,X ; Mark slug as not attacking or dying lda #0 sta slugg0_attack,X sta slugg0_dying,X ; Point the slug in the correct direction (left in this case) lda #$ff sta slugg0_dir,X ; Randomly pick an X value to appear at jsr random16 lda SEEDL and #$1f clc adc #8 ; appear from x = 8..32 cmp #32 bcc slugx_not_too_high ; blt lsr ; div by two if too large slugx_not_too_high: sta slugg0_x,X ; Make the slug movement random so they don't all move in sync jsr random16 lda SEEDL sta slugg0_gait,X ; incrememnt struct pointer until all are initialized clc txa adc #SLUG_STRUCT_SIZE tax cpx #(SLUG_STRUCT_SIZE*8) bne init_slug_loop ; FIXME: originally forced some spacing between them rts ;======================== ; Draw the slug creatures ;======================== draw_slugs: ds_smc1: ldx #0 ; loop through all. self-modify stx WHICH_SLUG draw_slugs_loop: ldx WHICH_SLUG lda slugg0_out,X bne check_kicked ; don't draw if not there jmp slug_done check_kicked: lda slugg0_out,X ; only kick if normal cmp #1 bne check_attack lda slugg0_y,X ; only kick if on ground cmp #30 bne check_attack ;================== ; see if kicked lda PHYSICIST_STATE cmp #P_KICKING beq check_attack lda PHYSICIST_X sec sbc slugg0_x,X ; -4 to +4 clc adc #4 and #$f8 bne not_kicked kicked: lda #2 sta slugg0_out,X lda #10 sta slugg0_dying,X lda DIRECTION sta slugg0_dir,X not_kicked: check_attack: ;================== ; see if attack lda slugg0_out,X ; only attack if out cmp #1 bne no_attack lda slugg0_y,X ; only attack if on ground cmp #30 bne no_attack lda PHYSICIST_Y ; only attack if physicist on ground cmp #22 bne no_attack lda PHYSICIST_X sec sbc slugg0_x,X ; -2 to +2 clc adc #2 and #$fc bne no_attack attack: ;================= ; start an attack lda #1 sta slugg0_attack,X lda SLUGDEATH ; don't re-attack if already dead bne no_attack lda #$1 sta SLUGDEATH lda #0 sta SLUGDEATH_PROGRESS stx WHICH_SLUG jsr slug_cutscene ldx WHICH_SLUG no_attack: inc slugg0_gait,X ; increment slug gait counter lda slugg0_gait,X ; only move every 64 frames and #$3f cmp #$00 bne slug_no_move slug_move: lda slugg0_x,X clc adc slugg0_dir,X sta slugg0_x,X slug_check_right: cmp #37 bne slug_check_left jmp remove_slug slug_check_left: cmp #0 bne slug_no_move jmp remove_slug slug_no_move: ;=============================== ;=============================== ; DRAW SLUG ;=============================== ;=============================== ;============== ; if exploding ;============== lda slugg0_dying,X beq check_draw_attacking slug_exploding: stx WHICH_SLUG tax ; urgh can't forget tax lda slug_die_progression,X sta INL lda slug_die_progression+1,X sta INH ldx WHICH_SLUG bit SPEAKER lda FRAMEL and #$f bne no_progress bit SPEAKER dec slugg0_dying,X dec slugg0_dying,X bne no_progress jmp remove_slug no_progress: jmp slug_selected ;============== ; if attacking ;============== check_draw_attacking: lda slugg0_attack,X beq check_slug_ceiling slug_attacking: lda slugg0_gait,X stx WHICH_SLUG and #$70 lsr lsr lsr tax lda slug_attack_progression,X sta INL lda slug_attack_progression+1,X sta INH ldx WHICH_SLUG jmp slug_selected ;============== ; if on ceiling ;============== check_slug_ceiling: lda slugg0_y,X cmp #30 beq slug_normal slug_ceiling: lda slugg0_gait,X and #$20 beq slug_ceiling_squinched slug_ceiling_flat: lda #slug_ceiling1 sta INH bne slug_selected slug_ceiling_squinched: lda #slug_ceiling2 sta INH jmp slug_selected ;============== ; if normal ;============== slug_normal: lda slugg0_gait,X and #$20 beq slug_squinched slug_flat: lda #slug1 sta INH bne slug_selected slug_squinched: lda #slug2 sta INH ;================ ; end slug normal ;================ slug_selected: lda slugg0_x,X sta XPOS lda slugg0_y,X sec sbc EARTH_OFFSET sta YPOS lda slugg0_dir,X stx WHICH_SLUG bmi slug_right slug_left: jsr put_sprite jmp slug_done slug_right: jsr put_sprite_flipped slug_done: lda WHICH_SLUG clc adc #SLUG_STRUCT_SIZE tax stx WHICH_SLUG ds_smc2: cpx #(3*SLUG_STRUCT_SIZE) beq slug_exit jmp draw_slugs_loop slug_exit: rts remove_slug: lda #0 sta slugg0_out,X jmp slug_done