' Applesoft BASIC Webserver ' by Vince Weaver <vince@deater.net> ' 1 REM *** Setup UTHERNET II - W5100 ' SLOT0=$C080 49280 SLOT4=$C0C0 49344 ' SLOT1=$C090 49296 SLOT5=$C0D0 49360 ' SLOT2=$C0A0 49312 SLOT6=$C0E0 49376 ' SLOT3=$C0B0 49328 SLOT7=$C0F0 49392 ' ' Set up the memory addresses to use ' 2 REM *** OURS IS IN SLOT3 ($C0B0) 3 SLOT=49328: REM *** $C0B0 4 MR=SLOT+4: REM *** MODE REGISTER C0B4 5 HA=SLOT+5:LA=SLOT+6: REM *** HIGH/LOW ADDR $C0B5,$C0B6 7 DP=SLOT+7: REM *** DATA PORT $C0B7 ' ' Init the W5100 ' 10 REM *** Init W5100 12 POKE MR,128 : REM RESET W5100 14 POKE MR,3 : REM AUTOINCREMENT 20 REM *** Setup MAC Address 41:50:50:4c:45:32 22 POKE HA,0:POKE LA,9 23 POKE DP,65:POKE DP,80:POKE DP,80:POKE DP,76:POKE DP,69:POKE DP,50 30 REM *** Setup IP Address 32 POKE LA,15 33 POKE DP,192:POKE DP,168:POKE DP,8:POKE DP,15 40 PRINT "UTHERNET II READY:" ' ' Setup Machine Language Memcpy routine ' NOTE! This code assumes the Uthernet is in slot 3 ' FIXME: patch on the fly once it works ' See Appendix 1 at the end of this for more details ' 50 FOR I=0 TO 72: READ X: POKE 768+I,X:NEXT I 51 DATA 169,0,133,6,169,64,133,7,162,11,240,36,160,0,177,6 52 DATA 141,183,192,213,9,208,15,217,8,0,208,10,169,64,141,181 53 DATA 192,169,0,141,182,192,200,208,229,230,7,202,208,224,162,10 54 DATA 177,6,141,183,192,217,8,0,208,10,169,64,141,181,192,169 55 DATA 0,141,182,192,200,202,208,232,96 ' ' Setup Socket 0 ' 100 REM *** Setup Socket 0 102 PRINT "** Setting up Socket 0" 105 POKE HA,0:POKE LA,26: REM RX MEMSIZE 110 POKE DP,3: REM 8kB RX buffer 115 POKE DP,3: REM 8kB TX buffer 200 REM *** Setup TCP MODE on SOCKET 0 205 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,0: REM *** 0x400 mode 210 POKE DP,65 : REM *** 0x41 MAC FILTER (non-promisc) TCP 300 REM ** Setup Source PORT 303 PRINT "** Setting up to use TCP port 80" 305 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,4: REM *** 0x404 port 310 POKE DP,0:POKE DP, 80: REM *** http port 80 ' ' OPEN the socket ' 400 REM *** OPEN socket 404 PRINT "** OPENing socket" 405 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,1: REM *** 0x401 command register 410 POKE DP, 1: REM *** OPEN ' ' Check return value ' 500 REM *** Check if opened 505 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,3: REM *** 0x403 status register 510 RE=PEEK(DP) 515 PRINT "** STATUS IS ";RE; 520 IF RE=19 THEN PRINT " OPENED":GOTO 600 530 IF RE=0 THEN PRINT " CLOSED, ERROR": GOTO 5000 540 PRINT "UNKNOWN ERROR ";RE 550 GOTO 5000 ' ' LISTEN on the socket ' 600 REM *** Connection opened, Listen 605 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,1: REM *** 0x401 command register 610 POKE DP, 2: REM *** LISTEN ' ' Check return value ' 620 REM *** Check if successful 625 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,3: REM *** 0x403 status register 630 RE=PEEK(DP) 635 PRINT "** STATUS IS ";RE; 640 IF RE=20 THEN PRINT " LISTENING":GOTO 700 650 IF RE=0 THEN PRINT " CLOSED, ERROR":GOTO 5000 655 PRINT "UNKNOWN ERROR ";RE 675 GOTO 5000 ' ' Wait for incoming connection ' 700 REM *** Wait for incoming connection 705 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,1: REM *** 0x401 command register 710 POKE DP, 2: REM *** LISTEN ' ' Check for result ' 720 REM *** Check if successful 725 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,3: REM *** 0x403 status register 730 RE=PEEK(DP) 740 IF RE=23 THEN GOTO 800: REM ESTABLISHED 745 IF RE<>20 THEN PRINT "WAITING: UNEXPECTED STATUS=";RE 750 GOTO 700: REM *** Repeat until connected ' ' Established, repeat waiting for incoming data ' 800 PRINT "ESTABLISHED" 802 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,38: REM *** 0x426 Received Size 805 SH=PEEK(DP):SL=PEEK(DP) 810 SI=(SH*256)+SL 820 IF SI<>0 THEN GOTO 900 ' ' Should we delay? busy polling seems wasteful ' 830 REM DELAY? 840 GOTO 802 ' ' We have some data, let's read it ' 900 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,40: REM *** 0x428 Received ptr 905 OH=PEEK(DP):OL=PEEK(DP) 910 RF=(OH*256)+OL 920 REM *** MASK WITH 0x1ff 925 R%=RF/8192:RM=RF-(8192*R%) 930 RA=RM+24576:REM $6000 940 PRINT "READ OFFSET=";RM;" READ ADDRESS=";RA;" READ SIZE=";SI ' ' Check for buffer wraparound ' 942 BW=0 945 IF (SI+TA>=32768) THEN BW=1:BO=32768-TA:PRINT "RX BUFFER WRAPAROUND IN ";BO ' ' Print received packet ' 1000 REM *** PRINT PACKET 1001 FL=1:FL$="" 1003 R%=RA/256 1005 POKE HA,R%: POKE LA,RA-(R%*256) 1010 FOR I=1 TO SI 1020 C=PEEK(DP):C$=CHR$(C) 1025 IF FL=1 THEN FL$=FL$+C$ 1027 IF C=10 THEN FL=0 1030 IF C<>10 THEN PRINT C$; 1032 IF BW=0 THEN GOTO 1040 1033 BO=BO-1: IF BO=0 THEN POKE HA,96:POKE LA,0:BW=0 1040 NEXT I ' ' Deal with first line ' 1050 PRINT "FIRST LINE=";FL$ 1060 IF LEFT$(FL$,3)<>"GET" GOTO 7000 1065 N$="" 1070 FOR I=6 TO LEN(FL$) 1075 M$=MID$(FL$,I,1) 1080 IF M$=" " GOTO 1090 1085 N$=N$+M$ 1087 NEXT I 1090 IF N$="" THEN N$="index.html" 1095 PRINT "SENDING FILE: ";N$ ' ' TODO: handle wraparound of 8kb buffer ' ' ' Update read pointer ' 1100 REM *** Update read pointer 1110 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,40: REM *** 0x428 Received ptr 1120 RA=RF+SI 1130 R%=RA/256 1140 POKE DP,R%: POKE DP,RA-(R%*256) 1150 REM *** RECEIVE 1160 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,1: REM *** 0x401 command register 1170 POKE DP, 64: REM *** RECV ' ' Load file from disk ' 1200 REM *** LOAD FILE 1202 X$=RIGHT$(N$,3):M$="text/html" 1203 IF X$="txt" THEN M$="text/plain" 1204 IF X$="png" THEN M$="image/png" 1205 IF X$="jpg" THEN M$="image/jpg" 1206 IF X$="ico" THEN M$="image/x-icon" 1207 IF N$="teapot.html" GOTO 9000 1208 ONERR GOTO 8000 1209 PRINT "LOADING ";N$ 1210 PRINT CHR$(4)+"BLOAD ";N$ 1215 POKE 216,0: REM CANCEL ONERR 1220 FS=PEEK(43616)+256*PEEK(43617): REM FILESIZE 1225 PRINT "DONE LOADING" ' assume loaded at 0x4000, text page 2 ' and that max size is 8kb 1240 A$="HTTP/1.1 200 OK"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) 1250 A$=A$+"Server: VMW-web"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) 1260 A$=A$+"Content-Length: "+STR$(FS)+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) 1280 A$=A$+"Content-Type: "+M$+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10)+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) ' 1380 PRINT "SENDING:":PRINT A$ 1385 C=0 ' ' read TX free size reg (0x420) ' 1700 SI=LEN(A$)+FS 1710 IF (SI>8192) THEN PRINT "FILE TOO BIG!": REM GOTO 403? 1800 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,32: REM *** 0x420 FREESIZE 1810 OH=PEEK(DP):OL=PEEK(DP) 1815 FR=(OH*256)+OL 1820 PRINT "FREE: ";FR 1830 IF SI>FR GOTO 1800: REM REPEAT UNTIL FREE ' ' Read tx offset ' 1900 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,36: REM *** 0x424 TX write ptr 1905 OH=PEEK(DP):OL=PEEK(DP) 1910 TF=(OH*256)+OL 1920 REM *** MASK WITH 0x1ff 1925 T%=TF/8192:TM=TF-(8192*T%) 1930 TA=TM+16384:REM $4000 1940 PRINT "OH/OL=";OH;"/";OL;" TX OFFSET=";TM;" TX ADDRESS=";TA;" TX SIZE=";SI ' ' Check for buffer wraparound ' 1942 BW=0:BO=0 1945 IF (SI+TA>=24576) THEN BW=1:BO=24576-TA:PRINT "TX BUFFER WRAPAROUND IN ";BO ' ' Write data to TX buffer ' First write header ' 2000 T%=TA/256 2005 POKE HA,T%: POKE LA,TA-(T%*256) 2010 FOR I=1 TO LEN(A$) 2015 POKE DP,ASC(MID$(A$,I,1)) 2017 IF BW=0 THEN GOTO 2020 2018 BO=BO-1: IF BO=0 THEN POKE HA,64:POKE LA,0:BW=0 2020 NEXT I ' ' Write disk part ' 2025 FOR I=1 TO FS 2026 C=C+1: IF C=50 THEN PRINT ".";:C=0 2030 POKE DP,PEEK(16383+I) 2032 IF BW=0 THEN GOTO 2035 2033 BO=BO-1: IF BO=0 THEN POKE HA,64:POKE LA,0:BW=0 2035 NEXT I 2040 PRINT ' ' The above is slow ' Intead use our machine language routine ' '2025 B%=BO/256:POKE 9,B%:POKE 8,BO-(B%*256) '2027 B%=FS/256:POKE 11,B%:POKE 10,FS-(B%*256) '2030 CALL 768 ' ' Update TX write ptr ' 2050 REM ** UPDATE TX WRITE PTR 2060 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,36: REM *** 0x424 TX write ptr 2075 TA=TF+SI 2080 T%=TA/256 2085 POKE DP,T%: POKE DP,TA-(T%*256) 2090 PRINT "UPDATE TX TO ";T%;"/";TA-(T%*256) ' ' SEND packet ' 2100 REM *** SEND 2102 PRINT "SENDING" 2105 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,1: REM *** 0x401 command register 2110 POKE DP, 32: REM *** SEND ' ' Return to reading ' 4000 REM *** Check if successful 4010 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,3: REM *** 0x403 status register 4020 RE=PEEK(DP) 4030 PRINT "STATUS AFTER SEND ";RE 4035 IF RE=28 THEN GOTO 6000: REM CLOSE_WAIT 4040 IF RE=0 THEN GOTO 400: REM CLOSED 4060 REM *** RECEIVE 4075 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,1: REM *** 0x401 command register 4080 POKE DP, 64: REM *** RECV 4090 GOTO 800 ' ' Close the socket ' 5000 REM *** CLOSE AND EXIT 5010 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,1: REM *** 0x401 command register 5020 POKE DP, 16: REM *** CLOSE 5030 END 6000 REM *** CLOSE AND RELISTEN 6010 POKE HA,4: POKE LA,1: REM *** 0x401 command register 6020 POKE DP, 16: REM *** CLOSE ' Check status? 6030 GOTO 400 ' ' ' ERROR MESSAGES ' ' 7000 REM 400 BAD REQUEST 7005 S$="400 Bad Request" 7010 M$="<html><head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head><body><h1>Bad Request</h1><p>Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.<br /></p></body></html>"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) 7020 GOTO 9100 8000 REM 404 NOT FOUND 8003 POKE 216,0: REM CANCEL ONERR 8004 PRINT "DISK ERROR: ";PEEK(222) 8005 S$="404 Not Found" 8010 M$="<html><head><title>404 Not Found</title></head><body><h1>Not Found</h1><p>File not found.<br /></p></body></html>"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) 8020 GOTO 9100 9000 REM 418 TEAPOT 9005 S$="418 I'm a Teapot" 9010 M$="<html><head><title>418 I'm a Teapot</title></head><body><h1>I'm a Teapot</h1><p>Short *and* stout.<br /></p></body></html>"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) ' ' Make header ' 9100 A$="HTTP/1.1 "+S$+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10)+"Server: VMW-web"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) 9105 A$=A$+"Content-Length: "+STR$(LEN(M$))+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) 9110 A$=A$+"Connection: close"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10)+"Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10)+CHR$(13)+CHR$(10) ' Poke as if we had loaded from disk 9200 FS=LEN(M$) 9210 FOR I=1 TO FS 9220 POKE 16383+I,ASC(MID$(M$,I,1)) 9300 NEXT I 9310 GOTO 1380 ' ' STATUSES ' p28 of W5100 manual ' 0x0 0 SOCK_CLOSED ' 0x13 SOCK_INIT ' 0x14 SOCK_LISTEN ' 0x17 23 SOCK_ESTABLISHED ' 0x1C 28 SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT ' 0x22 SOCK_UDP ' 0x32 SOCK_IPRAW ' 0x42 SOCK_MACRAW ' 0x5f SOCK_PPOE ' ' Appendix 1: The memcpy machine code ' ' 'PTR EQU $06 'PTRH EQU $07 ' 'WRAPL EQU $08 'WRAPH EQU $09 ' 'SIZEL EQU $0A 'SIZEH EQU $0B ' 'tx_copy: ' ' lda #0 ; always copying from 0x4000 ' sta PTR ' lda #$40 ' sta PTR+1 ' ' ldx #SIZEH ; number of 256-byte blocks ' beq copy_remainder ; if none, skip ahead ' ' ldy #0 'copy256: ' lda (PTR),y ' sta $C0B7 ; change based on uthernet slot ' ' cmp WRAPH,x ' bne nowrap256 ' ' cmp WRAPL,y ' bne nowrap256 ' ' lda #$40 ' sta $C0B5 ' lda #$00 ' sta $C0B6 ; wrap tx buffer address to 0x4000 ' 'nowrap256: ' iny ' bne copy256 ' ' inc PTR+1 ; update 16-bit pointer ' dex ; finish a 256 byte block ' bne copy256 ' ' ldx #SIZEL 'copy_remainder: ' lda (PTR),y ' sta $C0B7 ; change based on uthernet slot ' ' cmp WRAPL,y ' bne nowrap_r ' ' lda #$40 ' sta $C0B5 ' lda #$00 ' sta $C0B6 ; wrap tx buffer address to 0x4000 ' 'nowrap_r: ' iny ' dex ' bne copy_remainder ' ' rts