; Peasant's Quest ; Cliff ; Cliff base, cliff heights, trogdor outer ; by Vince `deater` Weaver vince@deater.net .include "hardware.inc" .include "zp.inc" .include "qload.inc" .include "inventory.inc" .include "parse_input.inc" LOCATION_BASE = LOCATION_CLIFF_BASE ; (20) cliff_base: lda #0 sta LEVEL_OVER sta FRAME jsr hgr_make_tables jsr hgr2 ; decompress dialog to $D000 lda #cliff_text_lzsa sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$D0 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ; update score jsr update_score ;============================= ;============================= ; new screen location ;============================= ;============================= new_location: lda #0 sta LEVEL_OVER ;========================== ; load updated verb table ; setup default verb table jsr setup_default_verb_table ; local verb table lda MAP_LOCATION sec sbc #LOCATION_BASE tax lda verb_tables_low,X sta INL lda verb_tables_hi,X sta INH jsr load_custom_verb_table ;===================== ; load bg lda MAP_LOCATION sec sbc #LOCATION_BASE tax lda map_backgrounds_low,X sta getsrc_smc+1 lda map_backgrounds_hi,X sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$40 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ; load priority to $400 ; indirectly as we can't trash screen holes lda MAP_LOCATION sec sbc #LOCATION_BASE tax lda map_priority_low,X sta getsrc_smc+1 lda map_priority_hi,X sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$20 ; temporarily load to $2000 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ; copy to $400 jsr gr_copy_to_page1 ; put peasant text lda #peasant_text sta OUTH jsr hgr_put_string ; put score jsr print_score ;===================== ; move peasant ; FIXME: don't do this if loading game lda #20 sta PEASANT_X lda #150 sta PEASANT_Y ;==================== ; save background lda PEASANT_X sta CURSOR_X lda PEASANT_Y sta CURSOR_Y ;======================= ; draw initial peasant jsr save_bg_1x28 jsr draw_peasant game_loop: jsr move_peasant inc FRAME jsr check_keyboard lda LEVEL_OVER bmi oops_new_location bne game_over ; delay lda #200 jsr wait jmp game_loop oops_new_location: jmp new_location ;************************ ; exit level ;************************ game_over: rts .include "draw_peasant.s" .include "gr_copy.s" .include "new_map_location.s" .include "peasant_move.s" ;.include "parse_input.s" ;.include "inventory.s" .include "score.s" .include "keyboard.s" .include "wait.s" .include "wait_a_bit.s" .include "version.inc" ; Moved to qload ;.include "decompress_fast_v2.s" ;.include "hgr_font.s" ;.include "draw_box.s" ;.include "hgr_rectangle.s" ;.include "hgr_1x28_sprite_mask.s" ;.include "hgr_1x5_sprite.s" ;.include "hgr_partial_save.s" ;.include "hgr_input.s" ;.include "hgr_tables.s" ;.include "hgr_text_box.s" ;.include "clear_bottom.s" ;.include "hgr_hgr2.s" ;.include "loadsave_menu.s" ;.include "wait_keypress.s" .include "graphics_cliff/cliff_graphics.inc" .include "graphics_cliff/priority_cliff.inc" map_backgrounds_low: .byte cliff_base_lzsa .byte >cliff_heights_lzsa .byte >outer_lzsa map_priority_low: .byte cliff_base_priority_lzsa .byte >cliff_heights_priority_lzsa .byte >outer_priority_lzsa verb_tables_low: .byte cliff_base_verb_table .byte >cliff_heights_verb_table .byte >cave_outer_verb_table cliff_text_lzsa: .incbin "DIALOG_CLIFF.LZSA" .include "cliff_actions.s"