;=========================== ; Touch the red book ;=========================== touch_red_book: ; first see if picking up the page lda CURSOR_X cmp #24 bcc yes_touching_red_book ; blt lda RED_PAGES_TAKEN and #OCTAGON_PAGE bne no_touch_red_page lda #OCTAGON_PAGE jsr take_red_page no_touch_red_page: rts yes_touching_red_book: ; if have a red page, take it and increment count lda HOLDING_PAGE and #$c0 cmp #HOLDING_RED_PAGE bne not_red_page lda #0 ; put down page sta HOLDING_PAGE inc RED_PAGE_COUNT ; increment page count ; in actual game plays sound effect here rts not_red_page: lda #OCTAGON_RED_BOOK_CLOSED sta LOCATION jsr change_location rts open_red_book: lda #OCTAGON_RED_BOOK_OPEN sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_W|DIRECTION_SPLIT open_book: sta DIRECTION jsr change_location lda #1 sta ANIMATE_FRAME rts ;=========================== ; Touch the blue book ;=========================== touch_blue_book: ; first see if picking up the page lda CURSOR_X cmp #24 bcc yes_touching_blue_book ; blt lda BLUE_PAGES_TAKEN and #OCTAGON_PAGE bne no_touch_blue_page lda #OCTAGON_PAGE jsr take_blue_page no_touch_blue_page: rts yes_touching_blue_book: ; if have a blue page, take it and increment count lda HOLDING_PAGE and #$c0 cmp #HOLDING_BLUE_PAGE bne not_blue_page lda #0 ; put down page sta HOLDING_PAGE inc BLUE_PAGE_COUNT ; increment page count ; in actual game plays sound effect here rts not_blue_page: lda #OCTAGON_BLUE_BOOK_CLOSED sta LOCATION jsr change_location rts open_blue_book: lda #OCTAGON_BLUE_BOOK_OPEN sta LOCATION lda #DIRECTION_E|DIRECTION_SPLIT jmp open_book ;=========================== ; Red book animation ;=========================== red_book_animation: lda ANIMATE_FRAME asl tay lda red_book_sprite_sequence0,Y sta INL lda red_book_sprite_sequence0+1,Y sta INH lda #23 advance_red_book: sta XPOS lda #14 sta YPOS jsr put_sprite_crop ; Play the "bring red pages" audio ; lda #audio_red_page ; sta BTC_H ; ldx #21 ; 21 pages long??? ; jsr play_audio red_book_done: rts ;========================== ; books sprites ;========================== red_book_sprite_sequence0: .word red_book_static1_sprite .word red_book_static2_sprite .word red_book_static1_sprite .word red_book_static2_sprite red_book_sprite_sequence1: .word red_book_static1_sprite .word red_book_static2_sprite .word red_book_face_sprite .word red_book_static2_sprite red_book_face_sprite: .byte 9,7 .byte $31,$88,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$bb,$88,$13 .byte $31,$bb,$bb,$b0,$bb,$b0,$bb,$11,$13 .byte $31,$bb,$bb,$bb,$33,$bb,$bb,$11,$13 .byte $31,$11,$bb,$8b,$b8,$8b,$bb,$11,$13 .byte $31,$11,$bb,$bb,$b3,$bb,$bb,$11,$13 .byte $11,$01,$01,$8b,$88,$8b,$01,$01,$13 .byte $A0,$A0,$A0,$Af,$Af,$Af,$A0,$A0,$A0 red_book_static1_sprite: .byte 9,7 .byte $11,$1b,$11,$1f,$1b,$11,$11,$13,$11 .byte $b1,$13,$11,$1b,$11,$13,$11,$1b,$f1 .byte $31,$11,$b1,$13,$11,$1f,$13,$b1,$31 .byte $11,$1f,$11,$11,$13,$11,$1b,$f1,$11 .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00 .byte $31,$1b,$f1,$11,$f3,$11,$31,$1b,$11 .byte $A1,$A1,$A3,$A1,$A1,$Ab,$A1,$A1,$A3 red_book_static2_sprite: .byte 9,7 .byte $01,$01,$01,$0b,$01,$01,$01,$0f,$01 .byte $10,$b0,$10,$10,$30,$10,$10,$b0,$10 .byte $13,$11,$3f,$11,$1f,$b1,$13,$11,$31 .byte $1f,$11,$11,$11,$13,$11,$1b,$11,$f1 .byte $11,$1b,$f1,$1f,$1b,$31,$f1,$1b,$11 .byte $13,$11,$1b,$11,$11,$11,$b1,$13,$b1 .byte $A1,$Af,$A1,$A3,$A1,$A1,$A1,$A1,$A1 ;========================== ; books dialog ;========================== ;========================== ; red/sirrus sirrus_dialog: .word red_dialog0,red_dialog1,red_dialog2,red_dialog3 .word red_dialog4,red_dialog5,red_dialog6 ; red 0 ; only static red_dialog0: .byte 15,22 .byte "**STATIC**",0 ; red 1 ; who are you, bring me a red page, I can't see you ; I am Sirrus ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 red_dialog1: .byte 0,21 .byte "WHO ARE YOU? I CAN'T SEE YOU",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "BRING ME A RED PAGE. I AM SIRRUS.",0 ; red 2 ; You've returned. Thank you for the red page. ; I beg you to find the remaining red pages. ; Don't waste time on my brother, he is guilty. ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 red_dialog2: .byte 0,21 .byte "YOU'VE RETURNED. THANK YOU FOR THE PAGE",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "I BEG YOU TO FIND REMAINING RED PAGES",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "DON'T WASTE TIME ON MY GUILTY BROTHER",0 ; red 3 ; Free me from my prison. I am called Sirrus. ; I need two more pages. Don't touch the blue ; Don not help my wicked brother Achenar. ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 red_dialog3: .byte 0,21 .byte "FREE ME FROM MY PRISON. I AM SIRRUS.",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "I NEED MORE PAGES, DON'T TOUCH BLUE ONES",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "DO NOT HELP MY WICKED BROTHER ACHENAR",0 ; red 4 ; With each page I can see you more clearly. ; Achenar is guilty of conquest. He took ; advantage of father. Free me and I will reward you ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 red_dialog4: .byte 0,21 .byte "WITH EACH PAGE I CAN SEE MORE CLEARLY",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "ACHENAR IS GUILTY OF CONQUEST",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "FREE ME AND I WILL REWARD YOU",0 ; red 5 ; You've finally returned. You must think Achenar is guilty. ; Find page 158 in the pattern book and retrieve the last page. ; Do not touch the green book you find there. ; ; Achenar became disturbed, conquest. ; Father must be lost ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 red_dialog5: .byte 0,21 .byte "YOU FINALLY RETURNED.",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "YOU MUST THINK ACHENAR IS GUILTY",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "USE PAGE 158 IN PATTERN BOOK",0 .byte 0,24 .byte "DO NOT TOUCH THE GREEN BOOK",0 ; ending ; I am free! Thank you! You've done the right thing. ; Stupid fool. Let me rip some pages out. ; I hope you're into books. Goodbye! ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 red_dialog6: .byte 0,21 .byte "I AM FREE! THANK YOU, YOU STUPID FOOL!",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "LET ME RIP SOME PAGES OUT!",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "I HOPE YOU'RE INTO BOOKS! GOODBYE!",0 ;========================== ; blue/Achenar achenar_dialog: .word red_dialog0,blue_dialog1,blue_dialog2,blue_dialog3 .word blue_dialog4,blue_dialog5,blue_dialog6 ; blue 0 ; only static ; blue 1 ; sirrus is that you? who are you? help me. bring blue pages ; I must have the blue page ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 blue_dialog1: .byte 0,21 .byte "SIRRUS IS THAT YOU? WHO ARE YOU?",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "BRING BLUE PAGES. MUST HAVE BLUE PAGES",0 ; blue 2 ; you've returned, I'm Achenar. don't listen to my brother. ; egotistical fool and liar, bring the blue pages, not the red ones ; I've been wrongly imprisoned. I will have my retribution. ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 blue_dialog2: .byte 0,21 .byte "YOU'VE RETURNED. I'M ACHENAR.",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "DON'T LISTEN TO MY LIAR BROTHER",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "BRING BLUE PAGES, NOT RED",0 .byte 0,24 .byte "I WILL HAVE MY RETRIBUTION",0 ; blue 3 ; you've returned, good. bring blue pages. ; sirrus trapped me here. He is greedy. ; don't touch the red pages. ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 blue_dialog3: .byte 0,21 .byte "YOU'VE RETURNED, GOOD.",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "GREEDY SIRRUS TRAPPED ME HERE",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "BRING BLUE PAGES, DON'T TOUCH THE RED",0 ; blue 4 ; my friend, I see you think Sirrus is guilty. ; Have you observed his lust for riches. ; Please bring more blue pages. ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 blue_dialog4: .byte 0,21 .byte "FRIEND, I SEE YOU THINK SIRRUS IS WRONG",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "HAVE YOU OBSERVED HIS LUST FOR RICHES",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "PLEASE BRING MORE BLUE PAGES",0 ; blue 5 ; Sirrus is guilty, lied to father and killed him ; Find pattern 158 and use it in the fireplace. ; Don't touch the green book! ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 blue_dialog5: .byte 0,21 .byte "SIRRUS IS GUILTY, HE LIED TO FATHER",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "FIND PATTERN 158 AND USE THE FIREPLACE",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "DON'T TOUCH THE GREEN BOOK!",0 ; after ; Haha I am free! I feel so alive! ; These pages you worked so hard to find ; what happens if I pull them out? ; Maybe someone will rescue you. ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 blue_dialog6: .byte 0,21 .byte "HAHA I AM FREE! I FEEL SO ALIVE!",0 .byte 0,22 .byte "WHAT HAPPENS IF I RIP THESE PAGES OUT?",0 .byte 0,23 .byte "MAYBE SOMEONE WILL RESCUE YOU",0