; popwr -- code provided by qkumba ; !cpu 6502 ; !to "popwr",plain ; *=$d500 ;bit2tbl=$dc00 ; in loader.s encbuf=$e00 frombuff=$d00 popwr: lda #$60 and #$70 ; the slot number is in the top here sta slotpatchw1+1 ; self modify the code sta slotpatchw2+1 sta slotpatchw3+1 sta slotpatchw4+1 ; convert the input to nibbles? ldy #2 ; why start at 2? aa: ldx #$aa b1: dey frombuff_smc: lda frombuff, y lsr rol bit2tbl-$aa, x lsr rol bit2tbl-$aa, x sta encbuf, y lda bit2tbl-$aa, x and #$3f sta bit2tbl-$aa, x inx bne b1 tya bne aa ; look for the proper sector to write cmpsecwr: b2: jsr readd5aa ; look for dd55aa marker cmp #$96 bne b2 ldy #3 ; try getting the sector number b3: jsr readnib rol sta tmpsec jsr readnib and tmpsec ; and with prev nibble? dey bne b3 ;reqsec: tay bne cmpsecwr ; retry if not what we want? ;skip tail #$DE #$AA #$EB some #$FFs ... ldy #$24 b4: dey bpl b4 ; c0e0 slot 6 ph0 off ; c0e1 slot 6 ph0 on ; c0e2 slot 6 ph1 off ; c0e3 slot 6 ph1 on ; c0e4 slot 6 ph2 off ; c0e5 slot 6 ph2 on ; c0e6 slot 6 ph3 off ; c0e7 slot 6 ph3 on ; c0e8 slot 6 motor off ; c0e9 slot 6 motor on ; c0ea slot 6 drive 1 ; c0eb slot 6 drive 2 ; c0ec slot 6 q6 off read ; c0ed slot 6 q6 on wp sense ; c0ee slot 6 q7 off read/wp sense ; c0ef slot 6 q7 on write ; write sector data slotpatchw1: ldx #$d1 lda $c08d, x ; prime drive ; c0ed if X=$60 lda $c08e, x ; required by Unidisk ; c0ee tya sta $c08f, x ; c0ef write ora $c08c, x ; c0ec read? ;40 cycles ldy #4 ; 2 cycles cmp $ea ; 3 cycles cmp ($ea,x) ; 6 cycles b5: jsr writenib1 ; (29 cycles) ; +6 cycles dey ; 2 cycles bne b5 ; 3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ; 36 cycles ; +10 cycles ldy #(prolog_e-prolog) ; 2 cycles cmp $ea ; 3 cycles b6: lda prolog-1, y ; 4 cycles jsr writenib3 ; (17 cycles) ; 32 cycles if branch taken ; +6 cycles dey ; 2 cycles bne b6 ; 3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;36 cycles on first pass ;+10 cycles tya ;2 cycles ldy #$56 ;2 cycles b7: eor bit2tbl-1, y ;5 cycles tax ;2 cycles lda xlattbl, x ;4 cycles slotpatchw2: ldx #$d1 ;2 cycles sta $c08d, x ;5 cycles lda $c08c, x ;4 cycles ;32 cycles if branch taken lda bit2tbl-1, y ;5 cycles dey ;2 cycles bne b7 ;3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;32 cycles ;+9 cycles clc ;2 cycles b88: eor encbuf, y ;4 cycles b8: tax ;2 cycles lda xlattbl, x ;4 cycles slotpatchw3: ldx #$d1 ;2 cycles sta $c08d, x ;5 cycles lda $c08c, x ;4 cycles bcs f1 ;3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;32 cycles if branch taken lda encbuf, y ;4 cycles iny ;2 cycles bne b88 ;3 cycles if taken, 2 if not ;32 cycles ;+10 cycles sec ;2 cycles bcs b8 ;3 cycles ;32 cycles ;+3 cycles f1: ldy #(epilog_e-epilog) ;2 cycles cmp ($ea,x) ;6 cycles b9: lda epilog-1, y ;4 cycles jsr writenib3 ;(17 cycles) ;32 cycles if branch taken ;+6 cycles dey ;2 cycles bne b9 ;3 cycles if branch taken, 2 if not lda $c08e, x lda $c08c, x lda $c088, x rts writenib1: cmp ($ea,x) ;6 cycles cmp ($ea,x) ;6 cycles writenib3: slotpatchw4: ldx #$d1 ;2 cycles writenib4: sta $c08d, x ;5 cycles ora $c08c, x ;4 cycles rts ;6 cycles prolog: .byte $ad, $aa, $d5 prolog_e: epilog: .byte $ff, $eb, $aa, $de epilog_e: xlattbl: .byte $96,$97,$9A,$9B,$9D,$9E,$9F,$A6 .byte $A7,$AB,$AC,$AD,$AE,$AF,$B2,$B3 .byte $B4,$B5,$B6,$B7,$B9,$BA,$BB,$BC .byte $BD,$BE,$BF,$CB,$CD,$CE,$CF,$D3 .byte $D6,$D7,$D9,$DA,$DB,$DC,$DD,$DE .byte $DF,$E5,$E6,$E7,$E9,$EA,$EB,$EC .byte $ED,$EE,$EF,$F2,$F3,$F4,$F5,$F6 .byte $F7,$F9,$FA,$FB,$FC,$FD,$FE,$FF