; Missing scene ; Uses the 40x48d page1/page2 every-1-scanline pageflip mode ; by deater (Vince Weaver) missing_intro: ; we come into this at the very end of vblank ; we should be playing a frame of music every ; 17030 - 1243 = 15787 cycles or so ;=================== ; init vars ; lda #0 ; sta DRAW_PAGE ;============================= ; setup graphics code jsr create_update_type1 ; now calls play_frame_compressed jsr make_bars ;============================= ; Load graphic page0 lda #k_low sta GBASH lda #$c ; load to $c00 jsr load_rle_gr lda #4 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr gr_copy_to_current ; copy to page1 ; GR part bit PAGE1 bit LORES ; 4 bit SET_GR ; 4 bit FULLGR ; 4 ; jsr wait_until_keypressed ;============================= ; Load graphic page1 lda #k_high sta GBASH lda #$c jsr load_rle_gr lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE jsr gr_copy_to_current ; GR part bit PAGE0 ; jsr wait_until_keypressed ;============================== ; setup graphics for vapor lock ;============================== jsr vapor_lock ; vapor lock returns with us at beginning of hsync in line ; 114 (7410 cycles), so with 5070 lines to go ; GR part bit LORES ; 4 bit SET_GR ; 4 bit FULLGR ; 4 jsr gr_copy_to_current ; 6+ 9292 ; 5070 + 4550 = 9620 ; 9292 ; 12 ; 6 ; ==== ; 310 ; - 3 for jmp ; 307 ; Try X=9 Y=6 cycles=307 ldy #6 ; 2 mloopA: ldx #9 ; 2 mloopB: dex ; 2 bne mloopB ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne mloopA ; 2nt/3 jmp missing_display_loop ; 3 .align $100 ;================================================ ; Display Loop ;================================================ ; each scan line 65 cycles ; 1 cycle each byte (40cycles) + 25 for horizontal ; Total of 12480 cycles to draw screen ; Vertical blank = 4550 cycles (70 scan lines) ; Total of 17030 cycles to get back to where was ; We want to alternate between page1 and page2 every 65 cycles ; vblank = 4550 cycles to do scrolling ; want colors 01234567 ; line 0: $X0 to $800 ; line 1: $X1 to $400 ; line 2: $X2 ; line 3: $X3 ; line 4: $4X ; line 5: $5X ; line 6: $6X ; line 7: $7X missing_display_loop: jsr $9800 ; update_type1 ;====================================================== ; We have 4550 cycles in the vblank, use them wisely ;====================================================== ; do_nothing should be ; 4550 ; -12 jsr/ret to update_type1 ; - 8 check keypress ; -1243 ;============= ; 3287 ; blah, current code the tight loops are right at a page boundary jsr play_frame_compressed ; 6+1237 do_nothing_missing: ; want 3287 ; Try X=163 Y=4 cycles=3285R2 nop ldy #4 ; 2 gloop1: ldx #163 ; 2 gloop2: dex ; 2 bne gloop2 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne gloop1 ; 2nt/3 ; lda FRAME_PLAY_PAGE ; 3 ; cmp #4 ; 2 ; bne missing_display_loop ; 3 ; lda KEYPRESS ; 4 ; bpl missing_display_loop ; 3 lda TEMP ; 3 nop ; 2 jmp missing_display_loop ; 3 rts BAR_START = 2*8 ; $9800 + (49*18) + 4 = $9800+886 = $9800+$376=$9b76 make_bars: lda #<(UPDATE_START+49*(BAR_START+2)+4) sta OUTL lda #>(UPDATE_START+49*(BAR_START+2)+4) sta OUTH lda #bar_colors_top sta INL ldx #4 ldy #0 make_bars_loop: lda (INL),Y sta (OUTL),Y dex bpl make_bars_loop rts bar_colors_top: .byte $03,$0b,$0f,$0b,$30 .byte $02,$06,$0f,$06,$20 .byte $04,$0c,$0f,$0c,$40 .byte $05,$07,$0f,$07,$50 bar_colors_bottom: .byte $01,$03,$0f,$03,$10 .byte $08,$0d,$0f,$0d,$80 .byte $0c,$0e,$0f,$0e,$c0 .byte $09,$0d,$0f,$0d,$90