;================================= ; action_stars ;================================= ; and take 4504 cycles to do it ; we take 4501, so waste 3 action_stars: jsr draw_stars ; 6+4492 = 4498 ldy FRAME ;nop ; 3 jmp check_keyboard ; 3 ;================================= ; action_launch_firework ;================================= ; and take 4504 cycles to do it ; we take 423 so waste 4081 action_launch_firework: ; Try X=26 Y=30 cycles=4081 ldy #30 ; 2 Xloop1: ldx #26 ; 2 Xloop2: dex ; 2 bne Xloop2 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne Xloop1 ; 2nt/3 jsr launch_firework ; 6+414 = 420 jmp check_keyboard ; 3 ;================================= ; action_move_rocket ;================================= ; and take 4504 cycles to do it ; we take 1245 so waste 3259 action_move_rocket: ; Try X=35 Y=18 cycles=3259 ldy #18 ; 2 Yloop1: ldx #35 ; 2 Yloop2: dex ; 2 bne Yloop2 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne Yloop1 ; 2nt/3 jsr move_rocket ; 6+1236 = 1242 jmp check_keyboard ; 3 ;================================= ; action_start_explosion ;================================= ; and take 4504 cycles to do it ; we take 445 so waste 4059 action_start_explosion: ; Try X=30 Y=26 cycles=4057 R2 nop ldy #26 ; 2 Zloop1: ldx #30 ; 2 Zloop2: dex ; 2 bne Zloop2 ; 2nt/3 dey ; 2 bne Zloop1 ; 2nt/3 jsr start_explosion ; 6+436 = 442 jmp check_keyboard ; 3 ;================================= ; action_continue_explosion ;================================= ; and take 4504 cycles to do it ; we take 4495 so waste 9 action_continue_explosion: lda STATE ; nop 3 lda STATE ; nop 3 lda STATE ; nop 3 jsr continue_explosion ; 6+4486 = 4492 jmp check_keyboard ; 3