; Videlectrix Intro ; o/~ Make Good Graphics o/~ ; HGR is a pain ; by Vince `deater` Weaver vince@deater.net ; with apologies to everyone .include "hardware.inc" .include "zp.inc" .include "qload.inc" intro_text: ;=========================== ; print text part of intro ;=========================== jsr TEXT jsr HOME lda #0 sta DRAW_PAGE ; print non-inverse lda #$80 sta ps_smc1+1 lda #09 ; ora sta ps_smc1 lda #boot_message sta OUTH ldx #8 text_loop: jsr move_and_print dex bne text_loop ;=================== ; detect model ;=================== jsr detect_appleii_model ;=================== ; machine workarounds ;=================== ; mostly IIgs ;=================== ; thanks to 4am who provided this code from Total Replay lda ROM_MACHINEID cmp #$06 bne not_a_iigs sec jsr $FE1F ; check for IIgs bcs not_a_iigs ; gr/text page2 handling broken on early IIgs models ; in theory this game we don't need that? ;jsr ROM_TEXT2COPY ; set alternate display mode on IIgs cli ; enable VBL interrupts ; also set background color to black instead of blue lda NEWVIDEO and #%00011111 ; bit 7 = 0 -> IIgs Apple II-compat video modes ; bit 6 = 0 -> IIgs 128K memory map same as IIe ; bit 5 = 0 -> IIgs DHGR is color, not mono ; bits 0-4 unchanged sta NEWVIDEO lda #$F0 sta TBCOLOR ; white text on black background lda #$00 sta CLOCKCTL ; black border sta CLOCKCTL ; set twice for VidHD not_a_iigs: ;=================== ; print config ;=================== lda #config_string sta OUTH jsr move_and_print ; print detected model lda APPLEII_MODEL ora #$80 sta $7d0+8 ; 23,8 ; if GS print the extra S cmp #'G'|$80 bne not_gs lda #'S'|$80 sta $7d0+9 not_gs: ;========================================= ; detect if we have a language card (64k) ; and load sound into it if possible ;=================================== lda #0 sta SOUND_STATUS ; clear out, sound enabled ;=========================================== ; skip checks if open-apple being held down lda $C061 and #$80 ; only bit 7 is affected bne skip_all_checks ; rest is floating bus jsr detect_language_card bcs no_language_card yes_language_card: ; update status lda #'6'|$80 sta $7d0+11 ; 23,11 lda #'4'|$80 sta $7d0+12 ; 23,12 ; update sound status lda SOUND_STATUS ora #SOUND_IN_LC sta SOUND_STATUS jmp done_language_card no_language_card: ;=============================== ; print error if not enough RAM ;=============================== lda #ram_error sta OUTH jsr move_and_print done_language_card: ;=================================== ; Detect Mockingboard ;=================================== PT3_ENABLE_APPLE_IIC = 1 ; detect mockingboard jsr mockingboard_detect bcc mockingboard_notfound mockingboard_found: ; print detected location lda #'S'+$80 ; change NO to slot sta $7d0+30 lda MB_ADDR_H ; $C4 = 4, want $B4 1100 -> 1011 and #$87 ora #$30 sta $7d0+31 ; 23,31 ; NOTE: in this game we need both language card && mockingboard ; to enable mockingboard music lda SOUND_STATUS and #SOUND_IN_LC beq dont_enable_mc lda SOUND_STATUS ora #SOUND_MOCKINGBOARD sta SOUND_STATUS dont_enable_mc: ;=========================== ; detect SSI-263 too ;=========================== detect_ssi: lda MB_ADDR_H and #$07 ; slot jsr detect_ssi263 lda irq_count beq ssi_not_found lda #'Y'+$80 sta $7d0+39 ; 23,39 lda #SOUND_SSI263 ora SOUND_STATUS sta SOUND_STATUS ssi_not_found: mockingboard_notfound: ;================================== ; check if disk in drive #2 ;================================== lda #0 ; mark drive2 as empty sta DRIVE2_DISK jsr check_floppy_in_drive2 bcc no_floppy_drive2 yes_floppy_drive2: lda #2 ; assume for now disk2 is in it sta DRIVE2_DISK ; print message lda #drive2_message sta OUTH jsr move_and_print jmp done_drive2_check no_floppy_drive2: done_drive2_check: skip_all_checks: ;============================= ; linger at sysinfo a bit ;============================= lda #30 jsr wait_a_bit ;=================================== ;=================================== ; do the animated videlectrix intro ;=================================== ;=================================== videlectrix_intro: jsr hgr2 ; HGR_PAGE=$40 lda #$20 sta DISP_PAGE lda #$40 sta DRAW_PAGE ;************************ ; Intro ;************************ ; Load logo offscreen at $9000 lda #<(videlectrix_lzsa) sta getsrc_smc+1 lda #>(videlectrix_lzsa) sta getsrc_smc+2 lda #$90 jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast ; jsr wait_until_keypress ldy #0 animation_loop: ; flip between the two pages lda DRAW_PAGE cmp #$40 beq show_page2 show_page1: bit PAGE1 lda #$40 bne done_page ; bra show_page2: bit PAGE2 lda #$20 done_page: sta DRAW_PAGE eor #$60 sta DISP_PAGE ; load delays ; $FF means we are done lda delays,Y bmi done_loop lda animation_low,Y sta getsrc_smc+1 lda animation_high,Y sta getsrc_smc+2 tya pha lda DRAW_PAGE jsr decompress_lzsa2_fast jsr hgr_overlay pla tay pha ; play sound if needed? lda notes,Y beq no_note sta speaker_frequency lda #50 sta speaker_duration jsr speaker_beep no_note: pla ; restore Y tay iny ; exit if keypressed lda KEYPRESS bpl animation_loop done_loop: bit KEYRESET rts ;forever: ; jmp forever animation_low: .byte videlectrix_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim01_lzsa .byte >title_anim02_lzsa .byte >title_anim03_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim04_lzsa .byte >title_anim05_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim06_lzsa .byte >title_anim07_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim08_lzsa .byte >title_anim09_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim10_lzsa .byte >title_anim11_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim12_lzsa .byte >title_anim13_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim14_lzsa .byte >title_anim15_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim16_lzsa .byte >title_anim17_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim18_lzsa .byte >title_anim19_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim20_lzsa .byte >title_anim21_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim22_lzsa .byte >title_anim23_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim24_lzsa .byte >title_anim25_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim26_lzsa .byte >title_anim27_lzsa ; .byte >title_anim28_lzsa .byte >title_anim29_lzsa .byte >title_anim30_lzsa .byte >title_anim31_lzsa .byte >title_anim32_lzsa .byte >title_anim33_lzsa .byte >title_anim33_lzsa .byte >title_anim33_lzsa .byte >title_anim34_lzsa .byte >title_anim34_lzsa notes: .byte 0 ; title ; .byte 0 ; 1 .byte 0 ; 2 .byte 0 ; 3 ; .byte 0 ; 4 .byte 0 ; 5 ; .byte 0 ; 6 .byte 0 ; 7 ; .byte 0 ; 8 .byte 0 ; 9 ; .byte 0 ; 10 .byte 0 ; 11 ; .byte 0 ; 12 .byte 0 ; 13 ; .byte 0 ; 14 .byte NOTE_E4 ; 15 ; .byte 0 ; 16 .byte NOTE_D4 ; 17 ; .byte 0 ; 18 .byte NOTE_F4 ; 19 ; .byte 0 ; 20 .byte 0 ; 21 ; .byte 0 ; 22 .byte 0 ; 23 ; .byte 0 ; 24 .byte 0 ; 25 ; .byte 0 ; 26 .byte NOTE_C4 ; 27 ; .byte 0 ; 28 .byte 0 ; 29 .byte 0 ; 30 .byte 0 ; 31 .byte NOTE_C5 ; 32 .byte NOTE_C5 ; 33 .byte 0 ; 33 .byte 0 ; 33 .byte NOTE_C4 ; 34 .byte 0 ; 34 delays: .byte 1 ; title ; .byte 1 ; 1 .byte 1 ; 2 .byte 1 ; 3 ; .byte 1 ; 4 .byte 1 ; 5 ; .byte 1 ; 6 .byte 1 ; 7 ; .byte 1 ; 8 .byte 1 ; 9 ; .byte 1 ; 10 .byte 1 ; 11 ; .byte 1 ; 12 .byte 1 ; 13 ; .byte 1 ; 14 .byte 1 ; 15 ; .byte 1 ; 16 .byte 1 ; 17 ; .byte 1 ; 18 .byte 1 ; 19 ; .byte 1 ; 20 .byte 1 ; 21 ; .byte 1 ; 22 .byte 1 ; 23 ; .byte 1 ; 24 .byte 1 ; 25 ; .byte 1 ; 26 .byte 1 ; 27 ; .byte 1 ; 28 .byte 1 ; 29 .byte 1 ; 30 .byte 1 ; 31 .byte 1 ; 32 .byte 1 ; 33 .byte 1 ; 33 .byte 1 ; 33 .byte 1 ; 34 .byte 1 ; 34 .byte $FF ;.include "decompress_fast_v2.s" .include "hgr_overlay.s" .include "speaker_beeps.inc" .include "text_print.s" .include "gr_offsets.s" .include "wait_a_bit.s" .include "lc_detect.s" .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard.inc" .include "pt3_lib_detect_model.s" .include "pt3_lib_mockingboard_detect.s" .include "ssi263.inc" .include "ssi263_detect.s" .include "wait.s" ;.include "hgr_hgr2.s" .include "graphics_vid/vid_graphics.inc" ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 boot_message: .byte 0,0, "LOADING PEASANT'S QUEST V0.84a",0 .byte 0,3,"ORIGINAL BY VIDELECTRIX",0 .byte 0,5,"APPLE II PORT: VINCE WEAVER",0 .byte 0,6,"DISK CODE : QKUMBA",0 .byte 0,7,"LZSA CODE : EMMANUEL MARTY",0 .byte 0,8,"ELECTRIC DUET: PAUL LUTUS",0 .byte 7,18,"______",0 .byte 5,19,"A \/\/\/ SOFTWARE PRODUCTION",0 config_string: ; 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789 .byte 0,23,"APPLE II?, 48K, MOCKINGBOARD: NO, SSI: N",0 ; MOCKINGBOARD: NONE ram_error: .byte 1,21,"SORRY, 48K REQUIRED TO PLAY THIS GAME",0 drive2_message: .byte 10,22,"FOUND DISK IN DRIVE2",0