;=========== ; CONSTANTS ;=========== NUMSTARS EQU 16 ; State Number Speed BGColor CLS ; =========== ====== ===== ======= === ; Ship at rest 0 64 black 1 ; Flash 1 8 blue 1 ; Moving stars 2 128 black 1 ; Crazy stars 3 64 black 0 ; Ship moves off 1 4 16 black 1 ; Ship moves off 2 5 16 black 1 ; Ship moves off 3 6 16 black 1 ; Shrinking line 7 20 black 1 ; Back to stars 8 256 black 1 ; Done 9 ;===================== ;===================== ;===================== ; Starfield Demo ;===================== ;===================== ;===================== starfield_demo: ;================================ ; Clear screen and setup graphics ;================================ jsr clear_screens_notext ; clear top/bottom of page 0/1 jsr set_gr_page0 bit FULLGR ;=============== ; Init Variables ;=============== lda #0 ; 2 sta DRAW_PAGE ; 3 sta RANDOM_POINTER ; 3 sta STATE ; always multiply with low byte as zero sta NUM2L ; 3 sta FRAME_COUNT lda #64 sta SPEED ldy #(NUMSTARS-1) ; 2 init_stars: jsr random_star ; 6 dey ; 2 bpl init_stars ; 2nt/3 ;=========================== ;=========================== ; Main Loop ;=========================== ;=========================== starfield_loop: ;=============== ; clear screen ;=============== ; check clear screen state machine lda STATE ; get state cmp #3 ; state 3 -- don't clear beq no_clear cmp #1 ; state 1 -- blue background bne black_back lda #COLOR_BOTH_LIGHTBLUE bne back_color black_back: lda #0 ; otherwise, black background back_color: sta clear_all_color+1 jsr clear_all ; 6+ ; 6047 no_clear: ;=============== ; draw the stars ;=============== jsr draw_stars ;================ ; draw the ship ;================ lda #>ship_forward sta INH lda #credits ; load credits pointer sta OUTH lda # 40 then done ; 2nt/3 lda XPOS ; 3 bmi new_star ; 2nt/3 cmp #40 ; 2 bpl new_star ; if < 0 or > 40 then done ; 2nt/3 ; FIXME: sort out all of these jumps to be more efficient bmi plot_star ; 2 new_star: ldy XX ; 3 jsr random_star ; 6 jmp plot_star_continue ; 3 plot_star: jsr plot ; 6 plot_star_continue: ;============================== ldx XX ; 3 dex ; 2 bmi move_stars ; 2nt/3 bpl draw_stars_loop ; 2nt/3 ;============================= ; Move stars move_stars: lda STATE beq done_move_stars ldy #(NUMSTARS-1) ; 2 move_stars_loop: ; increment z clc ; if z >= 64 new star ; 2 lda star_z,Y ; 4 adc #1 ; 2 sta star_z,Y ; 4 and #64 ; 2 beq move_loop_skip ; 2nt/3 jsr random_star ; new random star ; 6 move_loop_skip: dey ; 2 bpl move_stars_loop ; 2nt/3 done_move_stars: rts ;================================================== ;================================================== ; Random Star ;================================================== ;================================================== ; star number in Y ; FIXME: increment at end? ; X trashed random_star: ; random x location ldx RANDOM_POINTER ; 3 lda random_table,X ; 4 sta star_x,Y ; 5 inx ; 2 ; random y location lda random_table,X ; 4 sta star_y,Y ; 5 inx ; 2 ; random z location lda random_table,X ; 4 and #$3f ; 2 sta star_z,Y ; 5 inx ; 2 stx RANDOM_POINTER ; 3 rts ; 6 ;====================== ; some "random" numbers ;====================== random_table: .byte 103,198,105,115, 81,255, 74,236, 41,205,186,171,242,251,227, 70 .byte 124,194, 84,248, 27,232,231,141,118, 90, 46 ,99, 51,159,201,154 .byte 102, 50, 13,183, 49, 88,163, 90, 37, 93, 5, 23, 88,233, 94,212 .byte 171,178,205,198,155,180, 84, 17, 14,130,116, 65, 33, 61,220,135 .byte 112,233, 62,161, 65,225,252,103, 62, 1,126,151,234,220,107,150 .byte 143, 56, 92, 42,236,176, 59,251, 50,175, 60, 84,236, 24,219, 92 .byte 2, 26,254, 67,251,250,170, 58,251, 41,209,230, 5, 60,124,148 .byte 117,216,190, 97,137,249, 92,187,168,153, 15,149,177,235,241,179 .byte 5,239,247, 0,233,161, 58,229,202, 11,203,208, 72, 71,100,189 .byte 31, 35, 30,168, 28,123,100,197, 20,115, 90,197, 94, 75,121, 99 .byte 59,112,100, 36, 17,158, 9,220,170,212,172,242, 27, 16,175, 59 .byte 51,205,227, 80, 72, 71, 21, 92,187,111, 34, 25,186,155,125,245 .byte 11,225, 26, 28,127, 35,248, 41,248,164, 27, 19,181,202, 78,232 .byte 152, 50, 56,224,121, 77, 61, 52,188, 95, 78,119,250,203,108, 5 .byte 172,134, 33, 43,170, 26, 85,162,190,112,181,115, 59, 4, 92,211 .byte 54,148,179,175,226,240,228,158, 79, 50, 21, 73,253,130, 78,169 z_table: ; 1/16.0 - 1/12.25 .byte $10,$10,$10,$10,$11,$11,$11,$11,$12,$12,$12,$13,$13,$14,$14,$14 ; 1/12.0 - 1/8.25 .byte $15,$15,$16,$16,$17,$17,$18,$18,$19,$1A,$1A,$1B,$1C,$1D,$1E,$1F ; 1/8.0 - 1/4.25 .byte $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$27,$28,$2A,$2C,$2E,$30,$33,$35,$38,$3C ; 1/4.0 - 1/0.25 .byte $40,$44,$49,$4E,$55,$5D,$66,$71,$80,$92,$AA,$CC,$00,$55,$00,$00