these are notes from the sizecoding Discord by serato_fig Render loop: render lda t sta it lda #0 sta is lda #24;200 sta j lda #24;40 sta ic j_loop lda is i_loop clc adc v tax lda it clc adc u tay lda sin_t,x clc adc sin_t,y sta u lda cos_t,x clc adc cos_t,y sta v tay cpy frame ;2 lax u ;3 ror ;2 cpy #88 ;2 arr #$fc ;2 sta col_ref1 ;4 sta col_ref2 ;4 lda mask,x ;4 col_ref1 = *+1 ora ($0),y ;5+ col_ref2 = *+1 sta ($0),y ;6 dec j bne j_loop lda #24;200 sta j lda is clc adc #41 sta is dec ic bne i_loop inc t jmp new_frame ; in other words, scaled to 46+/-256/2pi. and shifted by 2*46 ; the shift is there to remove the offset from u and v ; being sums of 2 sins and 2 coses. ; Building in the offset means my coordinates are all positive cos_t .char round(cos((range(256)-92)*2.0*pi/256)*256.0/2.0/pi+46) sin_t .char round(sin((range(256)-92)*2.0*pi/256)*256.0/2.0/pi+46) ;=================================== later code render lda t sta it1 sta it2 lda #0 sta is1 sta is2 lda #24;40 sta ic ldx u i_loop lda #24;200 sta j j_loop ldy v ;3 clc ;2 is1 = *+1 lda sin_t,y ;4+ it1 = *+1 adc sin_t,x ;4+ sta u ;3 is2 = *+1 lda cos_t,y ;4+ it2 = *+1 adc cos_t,x ;4+ sta v ;3 tay ;2 = 29-33 cycles lax u ;3 ror ;2 cpy #88 ;2 arr #$fc ;2 sta col_ref1 ;4 sta col_ref2 ;4 lda mask,x ;4 col_ref1 = *+1 ora ($0),y ;5+ col_ref2 = *+1 sta ($0),y ;6 = 32-33 cycles dec j bne j_loop lda is1 clc adc #41 sta is1 sta is2 ; inc it1 ; inc it2 dec ic bne i_loop inc t jmp new_frame ;==================================== ; again ; u and v are now held in X and Y rather than being reloaded each time render lda t sta it1 sta it2 lda #0 sta is1 sta is2 lda #24;40 sta ic ldx u ldy v i_loop lda #24;200 sta j j_loop clc ;2 is1 = *+1 lda sin_t,y ;4+ it1 = *+1 adc sin_t,x ;4+ sta u ;3 is2 = *+1 lda cos_t,y ;4+ it2 = *+1 adc cos_t,x ;4+ tay ;2 = 23-27 cycles lax u ;3 ror ;2 cpy #88 ;2 arr #$fc ;2 sta col_ref1 ;4 sta col_ref2 ;4 lda mask,x ;4 col_ref1 = *+1 ora ($0),y ;5+ col_ref2 = *+1 sta ($0),y ;6 = 32-33 cycles dec j bne j_loop lda is1 clc adc #41 sta is1 sta is2 ; inc it1 ; inc it2 dec ic bne i_loop sty v inc t jmp new_frame ;========================= ; singen lda #57 sta v lda #39 ldx #63 - sta u lsr lsr lsr pha adc #17 sta sin_t,x eor #$ff adc #43 sta sin_t+64,x pla lsr lsr lsr adc v sta v lsr lsr lsr sbc u adc #240 eor #$ff dex bpl - rts ;================================== ; TIC-80 version by serato_fig u,v,t=0,0,0 s=41 function SIN(x) return math.floor(s*math.sin((x-96)*math.pi*2/256)+48.5)end function COS(x) return math.floor(s*math.cos((x-96)*math.pi*2/256)+48.5)end function TIC() cls(0) for i=0,20 do for j=0,20 do local a,b=i*s+v,i+t+u u=SIN(a)+SIN(b) v=COS(a)+COS(b) pix(u,v,100) end end t=t+1 end ; 42Bastian linked atari lynx verison